View Full Version : Dr visit

10-29-2022, 05:05 PM
I was referred to a urologist for a testicle issue.

She started the office visit with a hundred questions.... She then told me to wear thight fitting underwear during the near future and asked what i regularly wear. I talked around this question by saying not too tight but not a boxer.

She then said lets have a look .

I dropped my pants and pulled down my underwear, they were blue hip huggers of a nylon material. As they were to my ankles, they popped as my fingers slipped. She rolled her chair to ibeing in front of me. She looked down. She then commented that those are fine for support and she then commented on how nice they must feel. She smiled and started the exam.

The wife smiled when i told her. Then she remarked .... Remember this should i ever get caught by others

Karren H
10-29-2022, 08:26 PM
So I’m guessing the issue wasn’t that you still have them? Lol.

Crissy 107
10-29-2022, 08:34 PM
As as been said so many times before, They have seen everything. Nice reaction by your wife also.

10-29-2022, 09:02 PM
There is nothing new under the sun.

10-30-2022, 05:09 AM
I've been wearing my lace hipsters exclusively for well over 2 years. This year alone, I've had about 20 appointments with health care professionals. Generally, I don't have to strip down so I don't know if any of them have actually seen my panties. The several MRIs and PET scans I've had have required me to pull my pants down below my knees; but, the techs have covered me with a blanket first so I doubt they've seen them. Any of the several doctors or nurses (all female) that have listened to my heart with a stethoscope have to have felt my lace bralettes that I always wear to appointments. How could they not? None of them have ever said anything at all. As others have said, they've seen it all. Your underwear is a non-issue. You health IS the issue.

10-30-2022, 05:30 AM
I've worn panties on a female urologist visit a few times. The urologist and the PA have both seen them with no comments, but the aftervisit report refers to me as "a lovely 69 year old male". I wonder if that's medical record code?

10-30-2022, 06:53 AM
I went to the Dermatologist for a spot on my face recently. I decided to do it in a skirt. I present male and just wear womenswear. I've never felt female. I go out dressed pretty occasionally, when I am far from home. At the dermatologist, no one acted like anything was bad. I got the usual looks from some people when they first encounter me. But they get used to the idea and they treat me rather normally.
On my first visit, the doctor gave me some medicines to apply to the spot. I was instructed to come back for a follow-up.
I went back the second time in a dress. Similarly pleasant experience. The doctor froze the thing on my face and had me come back.
Third visit, I wore a dress. He froze the spot again. I was scheduled to come back for a full-body exam. He said he would do the follow-up on that visit.
Fourth visit, I wore a skirt. The nurse told me to strip to my underwear and lie under a big napkin for the full-body exam. She left me. Long ago, when I had a full-body exam, I had to sit there in my men's underwear, under the paper blanket. I hated it. This time, I stripped naked, and put on a pair of loose athletic shorts. No embarrassment. I was NOT going to sit there in my underwear! The doctor gave me a good report. The spot was better. He was satisfied.

Each time, the doctor was completely professional. He did not react to my outfit. Some of the nurses said nice things when I asked them to take my picture. Only one of the nurses seemed unfriendly. I do not know if her behavior was due to her opinion of me, or her personality. It's hard to know.

Blog Post about my fourth visit: https://joeypress.wordpress.com/2022/10/28/crossdressed-at-the-dermatologist-4-0/

10-30-2022, 10:57 AM
JC, Health professionals don't care. I ended up in the ER once with lacy panties on and no one batted an eye.

10-30-2022, 01:59 PM
Ithe aftervisit report refers to me as "a lovely 69 year old male". I wonder if that's medical record code?

I guarantee you there is no such secret code. I would bet that if you examined a number of her after visit summaries on elderly men, many of them contain the adjective lovely. I would take it more as an ageist comment, doubt any of her 30 something y.o. male patients are described as lovely in her notes. Nancy

10-30-2022, 03:35 PM
Urologists are occasionally called to remove items that curious individuals have lodged in their urethra while playing. They. Have. Seen. It. All.

10-30-2022, 03:54 PM
I've been to a podiatrist 3 times dressed. Nobody said a thing, one of the aides complimented me on my shade of nail polish while another showed me her professionally done multi-colored nails. Just a little girl talk.

Barbara Jo
11-01-2022, 10:16 AM
I am generally in very good health. I just go to my Dr one a year for routine blood work and checkup.
That is the only time I wear male cotton briefs.

My body is completely shaved
If he was to bring up something about that, I would tell him the truth, that I am a bit gender dysphoric and sometimes dress as a woman at home.
If he were to ask for more details, I would offer them.
in other words, I would not reveal any info unless my Dr brought it up first.