View Full Version : Wig in Male Mode? Anybody?

Rhonda Jean
10-30-2022, 09:28 AM
My reemergence into the cd world has turned out to be like climbing a mountain. A steep mountain, and I'm out of shape! I'm taking the day off Monday (Halloween) to try to hasten my ascent. I already know (assuming I go through with it) that I'll try to blend. Leggings, tunic top, ballet flats. That's all I have now. One huge stumbling block has been a wig. My own long hair was always (well, with a couple of interspersed decades ago) my pride and joy. I've had a few wigs, but I never liked wearing them. I cut my hair short 10ish years ago and have adjusted to it. Yesterday I finally bought 2 wigs. One is about bra strap length and is similar to my own hair from 20+ years ago. The other is shoulder length and more age appropriate.

I wore the long one around the house when I got home. I went from not liking it (but what choice do I have) to "Hey, this is not bad" to "Why wait till I'm dressed to wear it!" I wore feminine styles for (essentially) my whole life and the last decade or so of long hair I had highlights and lowlights. Seems like it shouldn't feel that foreign. It does, but at the same time it's pretty awesome! Broken record... I really miss having long hair!

So, last afternoon/evening in male mode I put on my wig and ran my errands (grocery shopping, etc.). Just inching back into crossdressing? Ummm, this is different. Weird? Probably, but I ought to be used to that. Just a wistful nod to when I had my own? Definitely, but what's wrong with that?

I think some (maybe most) people I came in close contact with could tell it was a wig, but even when it was my own hair people would occasionally ask me if it was real. Nobody asked. Bottom line, I liked it and I'll do it again. Some time ago I gave in to the fact that I was going to have short hair at least until I retire. As much as I hate to admit it, now that I've accepted it there are plenty of things I like about having short hair. But, long hair was kind of a "home base" for me. Not just a crossdressing thing. It's nice to revisit that, even temporarily and artificially. I figure this makes me a weird outsider even among my close relatives on this forum, but so be it. I'm going to do it again today, actually.

bridget thronton
10-30-2022, 10:53 AM
Long hair can be nice - I am seeing quite a few men with very long hair these days

Rhonda Jean
10-30-2022, 08:27 PM
Hmmm! As I thought! Nobody!

If anybody is still reading this... How about other "fem" things in male mode? Big earrings? Makeup? Nail polish? Bra? Panties kind of goes without saying. I've never worn a skirt or dress in male mode, but I've done everything else I can think of. I know a lot of you are all-or-nothing, but I'm a little surprised I'm the only one who pushes the envelope in male mode.

BTW, I did wear my wig again in male mode today. It's not like having my own long hair. Not even a good substitute, but it was fun and made me want to grow my hair out again. Now to see if I actually go out completely dressed tomorrow.

April Rose
10-30-2022, 09:45 PM
I wear Gold hoops the size of a nickel 24/7. I had hair past my shoulders up until a few years ago. Going bald on top put the stop on that. I have gone out with a wig and no makeup several times , but that was more of an obvious transwoman thing than male mode.

10-30-2022, 10:53 PM
Hello Rhonda
As for me long hair is also extremely important. I cut mine short about two years ago. Different reasons but one, I was never as happy with it as I wanted. It was a great feeling. But sadly now what I expected. Well after I cut the. Finally told my now wife that the reason I wanted long hair was because I wanted it to look feminine. So after that I bout two wigs, very expensive human hair wigs which I wear almost everyday, also In male mode. I started dressing a year after. But there are days when I have the wigs just with my normal male clothing. So I understand you completely.

Jolene Robertson
10-31-2022, 04:00 AM
I had long hair in my younger years too but lost it in my 30's, went to a hair piece a few years later then on to wigs. I wear a long (shoulder length) wig all the time now in male mode. It's never a problem and yes some know it's a wig but I like it and it's never been an issue.

Cheryl T
10-31-2022, 08:28 AM
In my college days I had really long hair but now not so much.
I'd never wear my wigs in male mode. I prefer to keep things separate.

Rhonda Jean
10-31-2022, 08:52 AM
Thanks Misiokaku and Jolene! Much respect for y'all wearing one ever day. I can't imagine wearing one all the time. Having had short hair for a decade or so now, I'm also amazed that I wore my hair the ways I did every day. No hiding from that. Scary sometimes, inconvenient a lot of times. That's also part of what made it my thing. Hard to explain.

Amusing that there aren't more of us who wear our wigs in male mode at least occasionally. I mean, if your wig looks good in female mode, why not male mode? Also interesting that so few of us ever grow our hair long. I'm sure one reason is to keep more distance between our female and male selves. With me, when I had long hair it was clearly to blend my female and male. Depending on how I styled it, it was pretty easy to tip the scale toward feminine even in male mode. For me, that was my happy place.

I'm coming around to wigs faster than I thought I would. I think a lot of women wear them all the time. My step mother wore one every day.

When I was a kid (I'm guessing 15-17 but I don't remember how old) my mother told me, "Your daddy said he'd buy you a wig if you'd get your hair cut." My surprised one word response was "NO!" I've always wished I'd explored that a little further. I 'd love to know what the thought process was that got him/them to that point. I mean, what's the rest of the story? When, exactly am I supposed to wear this wig? School? After school job? Dates? Weekends? Around the house? I have no earthly idea, but I wish I knew. A missed opportunity for some interesting discussion for sure.

10-31-2022, 08:58 AM
Rhonda, I'm more in line with you. Fem things integrated into my life are how Grace expresses herself. Rarely do I go full on. I'm often in bra and panties, maybe a little makeup, subtly, perfume sometimes, smooth body. I'm actively growing my hair out because I love the idea of having long hair of my own.

10-31-2022, 02:17 PM
Never had long hair, but now have a wig with mid back length. Would like to wear in male mode, but the wig has bangs that are a bit long. Not wanting to cut the bangs just yet, I have to wear a barrette to keep out of my eyes. Not so sure that woulds fly in male mode.

Rhonda Jean
10-31-2022, 04:27 PM
There is quite a divide on here between those who desire a little (or a lot of) bleed over and those who won't have it. Not many of us on the bleed over side, though.

Susann. I don't think there's anything wrong with a barette. Once you have long hair or a long wig, the bridge has been crossed. I've worn (and seen other guys wear) barrettes, bobby pins, hair sticks and all manner of things. One "male" style I hate that I missed out on the updo. These are not man buns! I had about 3 updos in my whole life, and it was a BIG deal. A long time in the salon, curlers or curling iron, pins and hairspray. I did not wear my hair like that in male mode!! It was kind of the ultimate treat for me, and I was far from male mode when I wore those. Now I see guys who have mastered the messy updo, braided updos and others that aren't far removed from a full-on bridal updo, and they might be stocking shelves at Walmart. I would have LOVED to wear my hair like that to work!

11-01-2022, 03:29 AM
Rhonda, all things that I am looking forward to.

11-01-2022, 04:13 AM
I could not wear a wig in male mode. The wig I have, and any I might buy in the future, is intended to help show off Heather in the best light possible. In male mode, I have a full head of thick hair that I wear in a medium length. It is not long (man bun length); but, it certainly isn't short. I now get it cut about every 12 - 14 weeks and after it's cut, it's still longer than most men wear their hair. I don't begrudge anyone wanting to wear a wig in male mode - just not for me.

11-02-2022, 12:52 AM
Hello everybody

There are a lot of guys nowadays on the internet who are just "male" but have the most beautiful hair styles in a "classic" feminine way. And it looks great even with male clothing. So I wear the wigs because for me the long hair is what I always wanted and how I see myself. The feminine clothing just accentuates the hair better. I actually don't have a female "persona" when dressed. I like to think of myself as just a guy who prefers to look feminine. I just prefer feminine hairstyles and clothes and the look of a woman. I wouldn't mind to look even more like a woman with the right body type, no body hair and so on but still be considered a guy. This would be i think inclusion for me. Just looking the way I want and prefer without getting a label put on or getting asked awkward questions or getting awkward looks. But the sad thing is I just do it in front of my wife. We have talked once about going on vacation with the wigs but still didn't have the opportunity. But still for me the hair is something i try to have everyday.