View Full Version : Just one of those days

11-15-2022, 11:22 AM
You know what I mean. You just can't get things sorted. Yesterday I was up, breakfast eaten, shaved, makeup and jewellery on, bits and bobs all sorted in little over an hour.

Today, couldn't organise a party in a brewery. Thoughts all over the place, just couldn't get organised so late morning before I headed out. At least by then the rain had blown through and the sun was breaking through.

Drove to a local town to take my skirts and blouse to the menders. Just over the road was the theatre were the film I want to see is playing so went in and bought my ticket. Things getting back on track.

Parked at the station and caught the train to a town not that far away. Shopped a little, tried on a blouse and skirt. Not that fond on the blouse and the skirt had me struggling to get in on. The hanger said size 16, label said 10!

Did pick up a blouse in TK MAX. The young male who served me triggered my gaydar and when he said the price it was less than the ticket so it may be I got a bit of extra "community" discount.

So, back on the train to pick up the car and head back to base. Now got to think about what to wear to the film. Low key or heels and a dress? Decision decisions, yep, heels.

Now, have I got time to eat out first???

11-15-2022, 04:54 PM
Glad you had a lovely day.

11-16-2022, 06:34 AM
Dress and low heels, managed to grab a bite o eat, got to the theatre and.......... left my ticket behind!

See! One of those days. Fortunately I'd paid by card so they were able to look me up on the booking system and issued me a replacement. Phew.

11-16-2022, 07:19 AM
Helen, sorry you had a slow start. At least you scored a bargain on the blouse.