View Full Version : Shot another TV documentary yesterday.

11-17-2022, 02:06 PM
9 hour shoot. 5 of it in a full silicone suit. Meaning I couldn't eat or drink anything all day after breakfast! We were supposed to finish by 6 PM. But, didn't until 7 PM!

Double waist cinchers and a girdle don't mix well with food!:doh:
And, I can't use the restroom with a full suit on!:thumbsdn:

The interviewer/photographer hired by Channel 5 in the UK drove up from San Diego. He was under 1/2 my age but experienced, helpful, thotfull, and very thorough!:thumbsup:

I think it went well up to the very end when we had an hour question and answer section. After 8 hours, I was exhausted, dehydrated but still needing to go, and my shaping gear was cutting me in half sitting down! Hopefully, they will mercifully edit it so I don't sound like the stuttering moron I sounded like!:sad:

However, after doing this before, I knew how difficult the day would be.:straightface:

For u in the UK, I'm told it will probably air after new years. If u see it? I would appreciate it if u PM me so I can try and view it. I will have no info from the Channel 5 folks until after they air it.

It took several days to organise everything for the shoot. Including re setting up all the manikins from my Halloween picto story. Because they wanted pix of my filming one of my stories. It will take another day to clean up and put away everything!:sad:

They also wanted shots of me having sex as Sherry!:eek:
Recreated, of course!:o

All I have to show for my efforts r these photos on my camera. And, I didn't even take any photos of me in my best outfit!:thumbsdn:

This was all his gear except for my lite ring in the background, I thot he mite want to use it. He waited until the end to set it up everything and it took him an hour while I hovered nervously. Anxious to visit the bathroom and have my evening glass of Merlot! doh:

In this and all the other pix, I'm wearing a microphone set up under my dress. Which required constant adjusting. I thot of using my "girl voice". But, being out of practice and a bit horse, I decided not to.:daydreaming:



He took a few stills. But, mostly used a very big movie camera that hung from that harness strapped on his body.

Jessica Secret
11-17-2022, 02:54 PM
That's awesome Doc! Except of course for the long hours and exhaustion but love it and your outfit is gorgeous!

11-17-2022, 03:00 PM
Do you know what the program will be called?

I will try and keep an eye out for it, but I don't tend to watch much TV these days.

11-17-2022, 07:42 PM
Sherry, that's cool. I hope we can't least see it here on YouTube.

Sandi Beech
11-17-2022, 07:58 PM
Hey Doc,

I am not quite understanding what the documentary is about. Is it about you and your lifestyle? Please explain what they are trying to cover in the show.


11-17-2022, 08:54 PM
Charlotte, my bit will 1 of 4 stories in a one hour show. The hour will feature "fetishes". But, I'm not sure of the title because they r still shooting other segments!:)

Sandi, the show features various fetishes. The photog shot 8 hours of footage. 7 hours and 45 minutes of that will be cut. So, what they include? Your guess is as good as mine!:eek:

Sandi Beech
11-17-2022, 09:19 PM
Interesting, but talk about condensing the content. You will have to post something about it should it show up online somewhere.


11-18-2022, 01:29 PM
Sandi, it took 3 years before my last documentary shown in the UK came to America. And now, judging by what is allowable on UK open minded, TV screens and our infantile, Puritanically, controlled channels in the USA? No one over here may be able to air it even if they wanted to!:sad:

Debbie Denier
11-18-2022, 03:11 PM
Look forward to seeing the documentary on channel 5 Sherry. If you find out the title, please let us know..

11-18-2022, 09:24 PM
Will do, Debbie! But, don't hold your breath. I'm prepared to hear nothing until 2023!:sad: