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Sabine Janus
12-06-2022, 09:45 PM
Finally worked up the nerve(?) to bring some items on a trip. I always figured if I carried anything with me, THAT would be the day my little hybrid would get hit and stuff spread all over the highway.

Did not happen that way and it was glorious dressing in the hotel room. . .expect

What has two thumbs and left ALL he makup in the room when she left?

This Gal


The walmart self checkout is a real boon to those of us who want to keep things under wraps.

Upside- some of my makeup was like a decade old so fresh start

AND A breast plate. Not the up to the neck kind, more like a bra, but the feeling is incredible.

12-06-2022, 09:57 PM
Just a note Sabine. After your car crash paranoia? I wondered what you think would happen if some random person who you'll never see again and doesn't know who u r, sells u women's things in drab?:heehee:
What fanciful visions play in your mind?:battingeyelashes:

I'm asking because I was in a 3 car accident dressed like a sexy hooker on my way to a T event in Vegas. No one mentioned a thing. And, I myself forgot all about it until I was driving away and saw my refection with a wig and makeup in the rear view mirror!:eek:

Fact is, if they don't know u 99.9% of people just don't care!:thumbsup:

Karren H
12-06-2022, 10:04 PM
Please do not use decade old makeup! Be worse than a car crash if you ended up in the ER with an eye infection?.

12-07-2022, 08:35 AM
Sabine, No first responder cares what you are wearing if you are in a car crash. I'll second Karen, don't use old makeup.

12-07-2022, 08:46 AM
The Walmart self checkout is being watched. There is always a human nearby, but it is also being watched on video.

12-07-2022, 10:13 AM
Krisi is right. You can add cameras in the parking lot, on streets, etc. They?re everywhere. Yes, pitch old makeup, especially mascara.

12-07-2022, 12:18 PM
At Least you had a good Time,

Kitty Sue
12-07-2022, 12:32 PM
Sounds like a good outing. I remember once returning home from Walmart and I was all dressed when all of a sudden blue and red lights started flashing behind me. I said rather sheepishly when the officer asked for driver's license that I was returning home from a costume party. Anyway he said I had a front headlight out and off I went. This was back in the late 90s. I was not out at all back then. So very embarrassed.

Maria 60
12-07-2022, 08:20 PM
That's funny you mention it but it wasn't funny at the time. My sister got into a bad car accident, she ran a red and was t-boned and her car spun around. When she called and I went there I couldn't help but notice a wig, pantyhose and slip and other clothing spread out on the road. I asked my sister what she had in her trunk, she told me she dressed as Cleopatra at work once and she got changed during the day a forgot to remove the bag from the car. She wasn't hurt and we had a few laughs when I told her thank goodness I wasn't driving her car and this happened. Even then the police and tow truck driver payed no attention to the stuff and they helped me gather it and put it on the car. In those situations there are different thoughts in people's minds. About the old make-up it was about a month ago when my wife came home with all new make-up for me. She told me because I don't wear it much it's good to refresh every once in a while.

Sabine Janus
12-07-2022, 11:18 PM
Just a note Sabine. After your car crash paranoia? I wondered what you think would happen if some random person who you'll never see again and doesn't know who u r, sells u women's things in drab?:heehee:
What fanciful visions play in your mind?

Well, the world would end. Everything would come crashing down and all the people I know wouold reject me.

I took a first step, A BIG step for me. Not sorry if that doesn't impress you. It impressed me. In part, I took it because of what i read here.

I went to breakfast underdressed for the first time in my 60 some odd years and felt comfortable.

12-08-2022, 09:29 AM
Worrying about the police seeing you dressed? This really happened to me.

I was home and I heard some commotion outside. I stepped out into my private back yard 3/4 dressed as Natalie. There were 2 policemen standing there. I asked what are you doing in my backyard? "Did you see someone cut through here?'

I was stunned at first and finally said no. They left. I was not arrested or laughed at. But once inside boy did I laugh.

12-08-2022, 11:45 AM
Well, the world would end. Everything would come crashing down and all the people I know wouold reject me.

I took a first step, A BIG step for me. Not sorry if that doesn't impress you. It impressed me. In part, I took it because of what i read here.


I'm sorry if u thot I was dissing u, Sabine. I didn't intend to. I was trying to point out what Natalie explained so well. That u r most likely worrying for nothing!:eek:

Why do u think all your friends would know u were in an accident? Is every police report printed in your town paper? Is every accident on your evening news?

I know u think what your doing is outragious, but in today's world it's not. U aren't harming anyone by the clothes u r wear. Of course, it mite be news to people that know u. :heehee:

But, to most everyone else? They just don't care!

12-09-2022, 06:41 AM
a few years ago I worked away from home during the week, so I usually had a bag packed with a few needed items in it including a couple of pair of panties and a bra. I had a serious fall and after a hospital stay I was moved to a rehab facility. I asked my son to bring in the bag so I would have my robe, slippers, and some underwear. When he brought it in the nurse unpacked it and put things in a dresser. "I don't think these are yours....these either." was her only comment as she put the bra and panties in the drawer. Probably not the first time she saw that.

Claire M
12-09-2022, 02:41 PM
Sabine, good for you taking the step to bring along your clothes on your trip and having some Sabine time for yourself. Did you go out of your room? Opening that door can be scary but stepping through it can be life changing.

The self checkout at Walmart and other stores IS amazing. Yes, they are monitored but only for loss prevention, not the men-buying-panties police! Starting out, I was sure that the cashier knew I was buying these panties, makeup, lingerie, for me because I was one of THOSE type of men, even if I were buying a bit for my wife or daughter. My daughter now works in retail and assures me her coworkers have seen things you can hardly imagine but as long as you're not trying to steal it they just don't care.

Jane G
12-16-2022, 07:57 PM
You reminded me of a stop and search back in the 80s. I was walking out of Plymouth naval base with a carrier bag full of my girl clothes. The bobby on the gate searched right through the bag. I told him they were my girl friends. He didn't care even back then. Just as long as there were no exploding garter belts in there.

Crissy 107
12-16-2022, 10:13 PM
Everyone has to start somewhere, you did terrific and even enjoyed yourself. Sounds like a win win.

12-17-2022, 01:32 AM
Fact is, if they don't know u 99.9% of people just don't care!:thumbsup:

I would have to agree with this 100%. In my continuing experience, I'm finding that people are so self-absorbed in their own little world that they simply either don't notice or don't care. Sure, there will always be someone out there who is observant. And, of that small percentage, a small percentage of those people will choose to be nasty. But overall, I suspect less than 1% of people would actually say anything derogatory if they did notice you as a CDer.

Congratulations on your first journey out of your own home and enjoying some Sabine time. Isn't it great. BTW, there's no turning back now.

12-17-2022, 10:58 AM
"no exploding garter belts" :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: oh Jane that's hysterical! If ever I get searched at an airport again with feminine things in my bag, I'm going to hopefully remember that and use it! :laughing::laughing::laughing: