View Full Version : What happened after I forgot my nightdress

12-13-2022, 06:29 PM
A few years ago I posted the following and asked advice.

Left my nightdress at a friends house and need advice
Hi girls,
I need your advice. I was recently on a trip to the west coast and stayed with a very good friend who has been widowed for many years. When I got home I could not find my nightdress and then remembered that I had taken it off in the guest bathroom and left it lying in a heap on the counter top.
Anyway, this lady and I are close friends and I know she has a soft spot for me as she has hinted at her feelings from time to time but I have never revealed to her that I am a transvestite.
My visit was about a month ago and since then we have exchanged text messages saying what a lovely time we had together etc. and also a long telephone conversation in which she was very friendly. We talked about all sorts of issues but she never mentioned my leaving a nightdress and neither did I.

So, a question from all of you wise heads. Should I mention it to her? Wait until she mentions it? Wait until my next visit and see what happens? Or see if she just discreetly leaves my nightdress on the guest bed and never says a word?

A year or so ago I was visiting the same friend and asked about the nightdress. She said she had found it and just threw it away. I was shocked and asked her why and she was not sure. It was not a favourite nightdress so I was not upset but I was bemused. I wondered if the thought of me being a crossdresser repelled her.

I was visiting again just a week ago and over the breakfast table we touched on the topic of transvestism/transgenderism and she told me a story of a niece who was helping her young grandson come to terms with his sexuality and with his desire to present as a woman. As the discussion proceeded I decided that the points I was trying to make might be misinterpreted so I just took a deep breath and told her that I am a fetishistic transvestite and how dressing, especially in lingerie, is very important to me both sexually and as a great comfort. I opened up about my sexual life, my "journey" as a transvestite and my feelings about dressing and about my love of all things feminine. I felt that I was taking a big risk but I was also tired of dancing around the topic when having these sorts of discussions.

Well, the reaction was very positive and we talked about this young man and what a wonderful grandmother he had to give him the opportunity to be completely open about his sexuality. My friend was very supportive and later when she went into the guest bedroom she saw all of the female clothing I had left out. We were very affectionate toward one another and she later messaged me and told me that she felt even closer to me than she had before and that she loved that she had a "special relationship" with me. We were not sexual, just more affectionate than usual with hugs and kisses.

She was not sure why she threw away the nightdress but she thought it was to save me any embarrassment.

I had written a long essay on Consuelo's transvestite journey from my first arousal as a child to where I am today. I had told her that I wanted to open up completely to her as a very close and supportive friend and I am thinking of asking her if she would like me to send it to her.

At the end of my visit I told her that I felt the pressure coming out of me after I had told her and thanked her for allowing me "the warm embrace of acceptance".

I cannot even begin to describe how good I feel about opening up to her. We were always close friends but now we are in a way intimate friends. I believe I did the right thing in opening up to her and wondered why I had not just done it years ago

12-13-2022, 08:56 PM
You didn't do it years ago because of what most of us face; fear of rejection.

I'm really happy for you this worked out so well!

Crissy 107
12-13-2022, 10:16 PM
It sounds like this friendship has gone to the next level, I say to just enjoy the heck out of it. This lady is very accepting and that is a great thing!

12-14-2022, 07:28 AM
Consuelo, That is a wonderful story.

12-14-2022, 10:20 AM
Julie hit the nail on the head as to why you didn't confide in your friend years ago. However, you have now been pleasantly surprised by her supportive response and can be happy you have a closer friend than you had before. Yours is a wonderful story with the best outcome possible.

12-14-2022, 11:37 AM
Nice story. I hope your relationship progresses. I suppose your friend tossed the garment because she did not know how to approach the subject also. Sort of ignoring the elephant in the room. Would you be embarrassed? Would she be embarrassed? I do not think any woman is expecting to find a night dress after a male guest goes home. There's always the possibility tossing it was an immediate reaction, and, later there was some greater reflection and some delving into the issue in her mind. You also have to consider her story of the young man and his grandmother was actually a ruse on her part to discuss the issue without directly coming out about you.

12-14-2022, 03:27 PM
"What happend when I forgot my nightdress" ? i slept,naked with my Gf thats what happened !!! and i still laugh about now !!!

12-15-2022, 03:54 PM
Wonderful story and she is indeed a friend to cherish.

Diane P
12-17-2022, 01:56 PM
Great story and I'm happy that your friend was accepting of you letting her know about dressing as a woman.