View Full Version : Revelation?

04-12-2006, 11:53 AM
Timing & Time
I know that this a topic has been almost flogged to death, but bear with me for just one more time because I know this is something very dear to the heart of many, if not most, CD’s. I want to talk about the Big ‘R’ word – that is REVELATION.

When and how does a guy go about the ghastly task of revealing his dark and dreadful secret to a partner and come out positively the other end.
They say that in most endeavours timing is everything. Revealing a desire and preference to wear femme gear is something that many guys would rather not share for whatever reason. But there is also an almost equal yearning to be ‘open and honest’. So how do you go about determining the proper timing to make the revelation to a loved one, particularly after a number of years of guarding your secret?

Rule Number One is that, as they say in racing parlance, London to a brick you are going to be off in your timing and you will make a right mess of it. Take your pick of these opportunities. You’ve just finished a hot romp and as you lie back to relax you say ‘Oh! By the way, I’m a ----‘. Or how about over a candlelight dinner? What about during an ad break while you’re both watching TV (no pun)? I know – you’re in the spa together and you’ve both had a couple of glasses of wine! And, of course, there is always the standard line of ‘Honey, I like to talk about something’.

Rule Number Two. Refer to Rule Number One!

The reason your timing is always going to be off is that it takes time for your partner to assimilate what you have just told her. Think about it! You’ve been a CD for heavens know how long and you’ve gotten used to the idea of wearing femme gear and it is all quite natural. You may have been doing it for ten, twenty or thirty years. All of a sudden you break the news to your partner and she has all of about a nano-second to get used to something she has little or no knowledge of and like the idea.

Spare her a thought! She hasn’t had all those years of background you’ve had and to her having her guy wear femme gear is probably not overly natural. The response guys are going to get will vary from case to case, but you can guarantee that the range of emotions will be huge. Over time you may get tolerance and even acceptance, but if it happens it will take time.

Patience is virtue!

04-12-2006, 12:11 PM
Deanna, you won't know the correct time until it actually happens. Sorry, but life is like that. The only antidote is to plan the time, set it up, then be ready to change all your plans at a moment's notice and to think like you've never thought before.

The most stupid, subtle things can change how it's going to go.

Prepare the ground - movies, suggestions, etc. Do all the stuff people recommend, but be prepared to take a deep breath and blurt it all out if asked. The only golden rule is: NEVER LIE. I don't care if you aren't ready, if she asks, tell the truth. Outside of that, all you can do is follow the route that's been talked about in countless threads, take a deep breath and bare your soul to her.

That's what you'll be doing.

You'll be ripping aside all the defenses you've built up over the years and leaving the raw, tender mass that is really you exposed for her to treat as she wishes. Scary? You bet it is. I've done it a few times now and it doesn't get any easier. However, if you are totally honest and treat her gently, regardless of her initial reaction, you have the best chance of a favourable outcome. You can't expect her to accept you if you don't accept her and that means accepting the her non-acceptance as well.

I honestly believe that if you are gentle, considerate and sincere about how you go about telling her, you will eventually reap the benefits, even if the initial reaction is negative. She may not accept you, but by doing the best you can for her, you are maximising the chances of acceptance.

And if you want a suggested setting:
Just the two of you.
Lots of time for the discussion to come.
You to be prepared for anything from total indifference, total horror, total acceptance to 'yeah, I've known for years' ... not to mention anything in between.
Be prepared to be completely honest and she WILL ask questions you didn't expect nor want to answer.

Even a negative reaction can be turned around in time if you are patient and considerate.

And when all else fails, hug her and tell her you love her. Dammit, don't even wait for the revelation to fail, do it.
