View Full Version : Not quite gone yet.

03-30-2023, 11:19 PM
Have not posted here in a long time. Life has thrown me some curve balls.
To those that have sent me birthday wishes or other messages, I apologise for not responding.
Have had 2 medical issues.
1 Arotal abdominal anyerisim
2 Bladder cancer
Both have been addressed and are being monitored by my doctors. So far so good.
The best thing to come from this is I finaly quit smoking. 1 year so far and feeling great.
Just wanted to let you know.

03-30-2023, 11:23 PM
Good luck, Betty! They found I had bladder cancer 5+ years ago. So far the treatments have been working, and my life's pretty much normal.:)

I hope u have the same experience!:thumbsup:

03-30-2023, 11:39 PM
Thank you docrobbysherry.

bridget thronton
03-31-2023, 01:29 AM
Hope your treatments will be successful and let you enjoy life more in the near future

03-31-2023, 02:37 AM
Staying in touch with those issues is understandable. Get better sister🥃

Jolene Robertson
03-31-2023, 02:52 AM
Praying that you are on the road to a full healthy recovery.

03-31-2023, 03:55 AM
Hi, glad to hear that you are addressing your health issues and congratulations on quitting the cigarette! All the best!

03-31-2023, 04:48 AM
Betty, You have my prayers for a full recovery.

03-31-2023, 12:10 PM
Sorry to hear that Betty. And Doc too, I didn't know. Glad your treatments are working. All my wishes for a full recovery.

Lana Mae
03-31-2023, 02:20 PM
Best wishes, Betty! Congrats on quitting smoking, I know how hard that is! Quit 8 years ago with no looking back! Be well! Hugs Lana Mae

03-31-2023, 02:52 PM
Hi Betty, Thank you for the update. Best hopes and wishes for your continued recovery and well being. Thank you for remembering us. Brenda

03-31-2023, 05:55 PM
Betty, wonderful news all around. Each day is a blessing. It takes a lot of courage to give up smoking! Bravo! If ever you get the urge, do SOMETHING other than smoke. Those times will come.

Crissy 107
03-31-2023, 09:12 PM
Betty, Thanks for checking in and I wish you continued success on all of your medical issues.

04-01-2023, 11:12 AM
So sorry to hear that you were sick Betty, just so very happy to hear you getting better and doing well, Hugs Rach

04-01-2023, 11:24 AM
So proud that you're fighting the good fight and winning! The hardest habit I ever broke was smoking...and the one I'm most proud of...in June I will be 11 years completely tobacco free. Keep up the good work!
Hugs! Shawna

Diane P
04-01-2023, 11:55 AM
Betty glad to hear that you had both medical issues addressed and are on teh road to recovery. Congratulations on quitting smoking. You're on my prayer list for a full recovery.

04-01-2023, 06:48 PM
Praying things go well with your health issues. Do take care of yourself.

04-02-2023, 09:31 AM
Yikes! May you recover quickly and as completely as is possible.

Kitty Sue
04-02-2023, 10:14 AM
All the best to you. We Ohio girls need to stick together in these crazy days.

04-04-2023, 12:31 AM
Thank all of you for your kind words.
Went for a follow up on the anyerisim surgery on Monday. Doctor is pleased and said it looks good.
My last smoke was in the first week of September of 2022. So, that problem seems to be solved.