View Full Version : Looking for some feedback introducing Jackie to wife

08-10-2023, 03:20 PM
Hi looking for feedback. My 65th birthday is coming and we booked a cruise for the week. So here is my dilemma, I have been crossdressing on and off all my life. In the past 10 years it is become daily part of my life mostly just under dressing, but I travel a lot for business so able fully dress a lot. My wife has know since we were teenagers (been married for over 40yrs). She was always fine with it and for many years like most I had no interest in dressing. So jump forward to about ten years ago when the urge hit hard and has continued. I have always wanted her to see me fully dressed (make up wig etc). She has seen picture I have taken and has no issue with me in undergarments and even forms but has always said she isn?t ready to see the full presentation. She has always been very supportive and has often purchased clothes, make up jewelry for me so very open to it but has always had this one hang up (not sure if that is the right word). So for my birthday and while we are away she asked me if I was going to bring some outfits, I said no wasn?t planning on it since I wouldn?t have a real chance to fully dress she said to me why don?t we get you a nice outfit and you can introduce me to Jackie in all her glory! I asked are you sure you have always said you are not ready to see her. She said well what?s the worse that could happen I freak out a little and you can change back. ( this would be in the cabin as I would not and she does not want to got out dressed). So my question to everyone is, has anyone experienced this with their wife? Where she never wanted to see you dressed and then one day does did they handle it were things differnt after ? I don?t want her to be uncomfortable I don?t want her to see me differnt going forward. This is a huge step for almost 50 years she has know about Jackie but never felt she could handle meeting her. And now she wants to do this for me as she know how much I would love to share Jackie with her. Any advice or thoughts would be most appreciated. (I use to always use Laura as my femme name about 7 years ago after seeing some picture of me after a make over she asked what I though about Jackie as a name she told you look great and Jackie would be perfect for you)

08-10-2023, 03:58 PM
If you don’t take her up on it you will regret it.
Some advice
Don’t wear anything too over the top. You might not do that but some CDs do. No humorous breast : no skirts your Bumm shows just classy non threatening where she will feel comfortable.
Go into it with her as a adventure between you two.
I think it will be wonderful. Maybe have room service where you can eat, relax and you both can ease into it,
Getting her involved finding a outfit will be fun as well.
Do not forget her ….make it about both of you,

08-10-2023, 04:34 PM
I'd be there with bells on, if my SO ever came out and said she wanted to meet Emily I'd put on my best dress, heels and all. You're in a unique situation and I'd run with it. This could be a once in a life time opportunity.

Kris Burton
08-10-2023, 05:24 PM
Sounds like a wonderful opportunity...definitely go with it! Your wife may have building toward it for a long time. As Di suggests, select an outfit that is conservative and respectful not only of her but of women in general, and bring her into the process in a loving and fun way. It is about both of you.

Diane P
08-10-2023, 06:19 PM
It sounds like a wonderful opportunity, especially with your wife suggesting buying a nice outfit for you to wear to introduce her to Jackie. Take full advantage of this, and IMHO, let your wife decide what outfit she would like to see you in. That will give her a real sense of involvement in her first time meeting Jackie! Cheers!

08-10-2023, 06:37 PM
good advice given....i think the low key look....my wife does not want to see "her" but knows that "she" exists.

so just you as a pretty gal and as stated let her pick the final look.

remember she cant un-see what you present.....good luck....hope all works out for the best....

08-10-2023, 06:41 PM
I recently introduced myself in man-in-a-dress mode to my wife for the first time (I normally dress alone in full nines). To minimize the shock for her and ease my shyness I was careful to select casual clothes and avoid anything sexy. I wore opaque pantyhose with a soft female top. Over them, an ample gray maxi skirt that my wife donated to me, and a turtleneck sweater from my male wardrobe since turtlenecks from my female wardrobe are a bit close to the body and too feminine for a first time. No jewelry, no lingerie except the hose, and since it was MIAD mode, no wigs/forms/makeup. My wife wasn't shocked, as she explained in a post she saw her husband, only in female clothes. Since you will be doing a full femme presentation your mileage will be different, but like Di said the important thing is to avoid anything over the top (noting that CDers and GGs can have diverging definitions of over the top), toning it down will probably make it easier on your wife. Also, maybe worth mentioning that I discussed the outfit beforehand with my wife. Good luck.

08-10-2023, 06:53 PM
Kris, she is suggesting this, you're not asking. I'd go for it. It's not like she doesn't know you dress.

08-10-2023, 10:55 PM
this is a golden opportunity, don't miss it and don't over do it as other gurls said.
with you good luck

08-11-2023, 12:15 AM
In the immortal words of Dan Savage, sex advice columnist, "Take yes for an answer."

I have dressed in front of my wife previously but I don't like to do so anymore. So I don't.

Why did she change her mind? Who knows, but maybe she just wants to make her husband of 40+ years happy? Maybe she's curious?

Maybe you can jointly pick out an outfit to pack on the trip so that you are being receptive to her concerns (as the others suggest)? That way she has skin in the game, and knows that you are taking it (and makeup and a wig and the other accessories).

Now go read again the first line of Di's sound advice and take yes for an answer.

08-11-2023, 07:17 AM
Not only would I do it in a heartbeat I would bring extra outfits your wife sounds like a lovely lady.

08-11-2023, 07:35 AM
I am now 65 and go out on a regular basis and my wife inspects me before I go out, now all this came about with me sitting there 10 years ago and thinking what will my memories be when Im older and sat in my old folks home in a wheelchair ?. I decided its going to be memories of what I have always craved and dreamed about, going out dressed. fortunately my wife doesnt want to come out with me, but is ok if I go out dressed and doesnt mind seeing me dressed. So I will never be sat in that wheelchair with regrets, life is to short to do that. So whats its going to be amazing memories, or sad regrets in your wheelchair. I think grab this opportunity with both hands and make a nice memory. I will certainly sit in my chair with a big beaming smile on my face knowing what its like.

Sometimes Steffi
08-11-2023, 08:53 AM
My 2 cents. In short, go for it. Pretend you won the lottery, because, in a sense you did.

I would love this opportunity, but I never expect it. If I do get the opportunity, I would suggest going to a hotel out of town to my wife. I'm responding with my thought process, as if I won this lottery. BTW, my wife has known that I dress for about 20 years. I have gone out dressed many times, even in the local area. However, she has never seen me dressed, nor has she even seen pics of me dressed.

Like others, I suggest that your wife, or you and your wife, pick out an outfit, so there are no surprises when she sees you. You should think about whether you will include forms and padding when you dress. I would say forms (of a respectful size), yes; hip/butt padding maybe.

You should also discuss whether you present as a man in a dress, without makeup or a wig, or whether you should include them also. You might want to start with the MIAD first Then (if she hasn't passed out from the shock), discuss if she wants to see you with the makeup and wig.

Me, personally, I would like to dress and do makeup alone. I would ask her to relax on "the Lido Deck" and return in an hour.

I wish you luck.

08-11-2023, 09:54 AM
I can?t add to anything that?s already been said. This is a great breakthrough. Agree?go for it and dress conservatively to the nines.

Aunt Kelly
08-11-2023, 10:33 AM
That this is a golden opportunity is an understatement.
My only suggestion is to be very tuned into her reactions and comments. This kind of "reveal" has the potential to evoke strong emotions and you may even want to acknowledge that beforehand, and let her know that you are aware of that and are ready to hear how she feels about things.

Bon chance!

08-11-2023, 03:42 PM
I agree with what others have said - do it, but remember that your wife's feelings are the most important thing here, not yours. Do not dress like a bimbo and do not get dressed to the nines. Dressing way up can cause problems for a CD's wife in that they may feel they cannot measure up to how good hubby looks. And do not take this initial step as permission to suddenly do anything and everything dressing-wise. Just go slow and make sure to keep the lines of communication open.