View Full Version : My wife bought me some things.

08-13-2023, 11:40 PM
Yesterday my wife and I celebrated our 45th anniversary. I got her flowers and a nice card. She got me a nice card and some thickening shampoo for my long hair, some bath salts that made my shaved chest feel so smooth, a special exfoliating scrub thingy and a facial mask. All items were marked as for men but honestly the scent and the soothing salts and mask could have been for either gender. My wife knows and has known for 40 years but always said she didn't understand and didn't want anything to do with it. Then today she bought me some of those squiggly hair ties and said they wouldn't pull the hair out as bad as regular ones. I'm wondering if she has been doing a bit of research and is more understanding. I plan on talking to her soon when the time is right. I've never had any desire to try and pass. I have a beard and I wouldn't shave it off just to try and pass. I'm perfectly happy dressing at home with no one around. But I would like to wear lingerie to sleep in and underdress as well. That's what I'm going to talk to her about. I think she is giving me an opening for that discussion. What do you think, am I just wishful thinking?

08-14-2023, 12:40 AM
I think u should follow your own advice, Bri, and ask her, not us!:thumbsup:

bridget thronton
08-14-2023, 12:41 AM
Nice gifts from your wife

08-14-2023, 03:52 AM
Talk to her. If she has decided to become part of your journey it will only enhance your marriage

08-14-2023, 07:35 AM
Happy Anniversary

I agree with the others …..ask her.
It seems to be a common theme here…..
It is perplexing all the guessing ( most the time wrong)
Please communicate with your wife .
She loves you and you have been together 40 years.
That’s really awesome !

08-15-2023, 12:42 AM
Thanks everyone, I am going to talk to her. I'm pretty confident that she'll be fine with the small requests I have. We are both very liberal. We have a transgender niece and in the state we live in there is some new law that means our niece has to go to the Dr. and get a notarized statement and my wife is a notary so she is going to the Dr. with her so she can notarize the Dr.'s statement. I know it's stupid, we live in a very repressive state. But what I'm saying is she seems very supportive of about anything. This weekend is our 50th high school reunion so lots of partying with old friends. Not a good time but I think very shortly thereafter our schedule slows down a bit and I will talk to her. Thanks again, I think the support from you ladies was the best thing for me to hear.

08-15-2023, 06:33 AM
Bri, Happy Anniversary. The gifts sound wonderful.

08-15-2023, 09:49 AM
I'm with you on not caring to pass. My wife and I will hit 49 years next month. She's come to realize that whatever femininity I present (mostly in private) isn't going away. We don't talk much about it because the conversations often just confuse things since the motivations cannot be explained adequately. She's slowly learned to just accept what she can't change. I try to be considerate of the anxiety that she feels, but I'm less inclined than in the past to just pretend to be someone else.

08-16-2023, 12:14 AM
Honestly Bea I am going to tell her about this forum because I can't explain the desire to dress, it just happens and I have come to the conclusion that I am going to do this forever which was a load off for me. There are so many levels to dressing and just as many reasons. So I will answer any questions she has about me but about dressing I will refer her to this forum and she is curious enough and intelligent enough, I think she will check it out.

Raven Skyy
08-27-2023, 08:52 PM
I suggest you talk to your wife.

But your post brought back a wonderful memory. My first wife and I were in the Air Force for our 3rd Anniversary we were in Japan we got a hotel room and she had gotten me some beautiful lace lingerie to celebrate. Truly a treasured memory.

08-28-2023, 12:26 AM
Thanks everyone and I believe all of you are right, I need to talk to her. We love each other so much that I don't think anything can break that. It may sound strange in this day and age but we just get stronger and stronger as the years go by. So I just need to find the right time when we aren't so busy with LIFE to talk to her. I think I know what her reaction will be, It's really just me having the balls to start the conversation. I'll know when the time is right.

08-28-2023, 04:59 PM
Choosing the right time for talking is very important indeed.
Happy anniversary.

char GG
08-28-2023, 09:26 PM
All of the items that your wife purchased were gender neutral, some items were specifically marked for men. It's obvious that you have long hair, so the squiggly hair tie is not specifically a fem item. From what you said, I don't see anything that screams "green light" to lingerie.

It would seem to me that you have gone off on your own "thought" tangent.

So as others have said, and you seem to now realize, TALK to her. Strangers on a CD forum do not know anything about your wife like you do.

Good luck with your talk.