View Full Version : Another wife slip.

Maria 60
08-19-2023, 06:36 AM
I wrote last month about my wife and sister in law insisted I go dress shopping with them for a rich uncles son wedding. The wedding was last weekend on an amazing estate, my wife and sister in law did not hesitate when women where complimenting them on there dresses that "my husband picked it out" and the sister in law told them "that her brother in law dressed her from head to toe". Some women were coming up to me and telling me that I missed my calling I should have been a fashion consultant.
Her family decided to stay a few more days and we made it a mini vacation. We got back on Wednesday and my wife knew I was dying to try the dress on. On Thursday morning she handed me the dress and told me that a women can't be seen twice with the same dress and she told me the dress is mine. I instantly wiped off my clothes and got all pretty, it felt so amazing but the only thing was my wife is much shorter then me and the dress was short at the bottom. She told me it looked amazing on me and she again thanked me for the help to put her together for the wedding. I told her considering I barely ever walk out of the house dressed that the dress is perfect and I thanked her.
Later that morning my wife's older sister called and she's a little bit more serious, very verbal about being against gays and cross gender and the whole bathroom situation but pretty much she just anti everything. She told my wife how amazing she was put together for that wedding and she has another family event on her husband side and asked if she could maybe borrow the dress. My wife with out thinking told her "I don't think it will fit you because you are taller then me and the dress was even short on your brother in law". I instantly looked up at her and she noticed her mistake and you can hear the silence for a few minutes and her sister then told her she didn't want to know how she knew the dress was short on me. The conversation ended a little wierd but my wife couldn't stop laughing after she got off the phone and telling me how scary it is how it's becoming normal to have these little slips. Well my next meeting with the older grumpy sister in law should be interesting. Sorry that I ramble on, I guess I just find this all interesting and this is the only place I could share it.

08-19-2023, 06:56 AM
It will be good for the grumpy SIL to realize, once again, that the world does not necessarily fit her formula and expectations. Those slip ups are good in one way - they allow us to distinguish the more loving and caring people from the rigid ones that, well, aren't that way. That knowledge allows us to interact with people appropriately with regard to our more accepting of diverse values. If she lays into you then perhaps respond by saying something to the effect of "Everybody is different in interesting ways." Leave it at that. Plant a seed in her head that maybe her attitude is not respectful without actually saying that.

char GG
08-19-2023, 08:20 AM
Maybe just tell the SIL where your wife bought the dress and let her buy her own.

Debra Russell
08-19-2023, 11:32 AM
OK ....cute story, bit now I think we all want to see the dress; preferably with you in it,,,,,:heehee: ....................Debra

08-19-2023, 11:36 AM
What a perfect example of why closet dressers, (like me), should only tell family and/or friends on a "need to know", basis!:straightface:

Because then your secret becomes their burden, too. And, like u, sometimes they have to struggle to keep it!:sad:

08-19-2023, 12:02 PM
Maria, It's another fine pickle your wife got you in to.

bridget thronton
08-20-2023, 12:33 AM
Another great story - thanks for sharing

08-20-2023, 07:52 AM
Doubt if the grumpy SIL even knew what to make of the comment. If she did then she will have one more thing to enjoy being angry about.

08-20-2023, 09:00 AM
I hope the SIL is discreet and that it's a non-event down the road.

08-20-2023, 12:07 PM
Definitely keep us updated. Since you and your wife know your SIL is filled with hate, I'd be prone to throw numerous comments of that nature at her. Play with her mind. Confuse her every chance you get. Heck, I'd get a Pride Flag and hang it at the front door.

08-20-2023, 10:27 PM
Maria, I nearly laughed out loud. If your wife is OK with your dressing, then your sister-in-law's opinion is irrelevant. These grumpy people need to learn that the harmless folk like us, whom they're ranting at, are part of the family.

Jane G
08-21-2023, 10:58 AM
Maybe just tell the SIL where your wife bought the dress and let her buy her own.

I think Debra has a very valid point here..

Looking forward to reading about your next encounter with grumpy SIL.

Maria 60
08-21-2023, 02:11 PM
Stephenie I already have a pride flage hanging in my entrance. She does not dare to comment about it, not to me anyway.