View Full Version : Benefit of CD

09-13-2023, 06:13 AM
I ever been fat, I'm 173cm tall and 80kg for 4 years ago, and now I am 63kg, just for wearing a skirt, my belly is still fat for now, but not as ugly as I ever was

I once ever though that "there is no problem when a man got a big fat belly". But because of the needs for CDing, I search gooogle and found out that fat is harmful for our health, so I decided to lose weight rapidly (maybe harmful too)....that's a tough road, sometime I use "no food diet" to lose weight, I lose 20kilogram for over 5 month....very hard ya know, I'm now get better shape now but the health is somehow worse ( I don't know, but my uric is 500....but I ddid not get gout...)

I decide to lose for 5 more kilo to be more feminine

Emily in the south
09-13-2023, 06:36 AM
For those of us not living in the metric world.. she is currently 5'8" and about 140 lbs.

09-13-2023, 06:45 AM
Yes loosing weight can be a challenge. But it depends on where you start. Your measurements are OK (about 5'9" and around 170 lbs in the English system). Loosing weight down to about 130 to 140 lbs must have been difficult. That was similar to me when I was about 20 years old. That is thin. Now at 78, well, let's not talk about that.

I suspect not eating at times is part of the reason you don't feel quite as well as before. But it is more important what you eat than how much you eat. And now it is important to eat really well and you should feel better. Lots of vegetables and not many things that have a lot of carbohydrates.

If most women your age in the area where you live are slender then you have done well. Congratulations. Now have some fun.

09-13-2023, 07:02 AM
I totally understand the desire to improve your figure by losing weight. But please be careful. Your body and brain require adequate and appropriate nutrition in order to function well. Research has shown that, crash diets typically result in transitory weight loss (at best) and can also be both physically and psychologically harmful. So, as Gretchen suggests, eat a balanced diet with emphasis on fruits and vegetables.

Regular exercise is also very helpful in attaining and maintaining desired body weight, muscle tone, cardiovascular and congnitive fitness. Even a brisk 30 minute walk each day can improve your overall health.

09-13-2023, 11:03 AM
Marihanne, diets r unhealthy and don't work in the long run.:thumbsdn:

When u get serious about losing your belly fat as I did 25 years ago? Gradually change your bad diets habits over maybe a year? That's what I did. Not only did I lose those extra 25 pounds around my waist? I feel better and am healthier now.:thumbsup:

And, the best part? That extra weight hasn't come back!:)

Genifer Teal
09-13-2023, 11:23 AM
For those losing weight through diet, learn how this can permanently slow your metabolism. Do research. Be careful.

09-13-2023, 11:39 AM
I am not a fan of dieting other than choosing wisely and portion control. Once upon a time (fairy tale) I was 6'2" and 138 pounds. My wife saw a picture of me when I was in high school and she thought I had been terribly ill. Yikes! I ate like a pig and could not gain weight. Now? I'm still six feet tale but 200 pounds. Yep, there is some belly fat I wish I did not have, but I am resigned to it. If I use BMI it says I am overweight. I beg to differ. If I use a more detailed "modified" BMI indicator and throw in what should be a target weight of 175 pounds, it indicates there would be no substantial difference in health benefits than being at 200 pounds.

My recommendation is to consider your genetics and body type. Sometimes you just have to live with what the genes gave you and dress accordingly. Barbie doll figures are not realistic. For all you youngsters, read the darn labels on those soda and beer cans. How long will you have to exercise to burn off wasted calories. For guys, visceral fat is a killer and you may even have it if you're thin.

Heck, my wise grandmother told me people should have a little extra weight in case one gets ill. If the body needs nourishment the first thing consumed is fat. After that the body starts consuming muscle. So, I'll keep myself north of 190 lbs in the event I do get ill for a week or two.

When it comes to hiding my "imperfections" I only wear dresses that do not have a defined waistline; empire waists, sheaths and wraps.

09-13-2023, 01:16 PM
For those losing weight through diet, learn how this can permanently slow your metabolism. Do research. Be careful.

sometime I saw some paper about it, but it didn't read clearly about that problem......could you give me some link to that "permanently slow metabolism"
I think I get "permanent slow metabolism" disease already.....

09-13-2023, 07:36 PM
Marihanne, congrats on your weight loss.

09-13-2023, 07:52 PM
Marihanne, I learned to control my heart beat years ago thru special techniques. But, that has no bearing on my diet or weight loss or gain!

I'm not sure what Gen was referring to? But, if u wish to learn more about your metabolism, please consult a qualified doctor or specialist. Experimenting with things like that may be dangerous or pointless, without a professional's help and advice!:thumbsup:

09-18-2023, 07:42 AM
Weight loss is a life style change in diet and exercise. Not a crash course. Course lots of water drinking. Better to be slow and steady than thin and ill. Be careful, seek profession dietician to help with developing healthy choices that can help loose and maintain weight while staying physically healthy. And a brisk walk around that park in your yoga pants can be your best friend. Looking sexy too.

Sophie Yang
09-18-2023, 10:27 PM

I agree with Doc and CDMargret. Google "macro nutrition calculator" to see how many calories you need to lose, maintain, gain weith.

Crash diets fail in the long run because they lower your base metabolic rate, BMR, over time. Having a lower BMR makes it harder to lose additional weight, but easier to regain the weight, plus some, over time. Here is a link describing what happens when the body is starved:
https://visbody.com/blog/what-are-the-effects-of-starvation-on-your-body-composition/#:~:text=Loss%20of%20muscle%20mass%20and,energy%20 sources%20in%20the%20body.

Starvation results in your body losing muscle mass, think of emaciated and weak POW'S, and trains your body to convert any calories it can into fat.

Increasing your muscle mass via resistance training will result in a higer BMR which reults in burning more calories at rest. Here is a link about muscle mass, increase BMR, and resistance training versus cardio:
https://www.google.com/search?q=dr+gains+Reasons+Why+WEIGHT+Training+is+B ETTER+Than+CARDIO&sca_esv=566330112&sxsrf=AM9HkKmD1vsy7pvzO4HIfY1YeVAw_PdtnQ%3A1695091 423231&ei=3woJZc_aDbGA0PEP-_SggAg&ved=0ahUKEwiPxpLR07WBAxUxADQIHXs6CIAQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=dr+gains+Reasons+Why+WEIGHT+Training+is+BETTER+ Than+CARDIO&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiOmRyIGdhaW5zIFJlYXNvbnMg V2h5IFdFSUdIVCBUcmFpbmluZyBpcyBCRVRURVIgVGhhbiBDQV JESU8yBRAAGKIEMgUQABiiBDIFEAAYogRIgDRQsgxYvDJwAXgB kAEAmAFqoAHUBKoBAzYuMbgBA8gBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsA PiAwQYACBBiAYBkAYI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#kpvalbx=_9QoJZaHOEJ-B0PEPobmVwAg_33

When Sophie works out, there are two women who I see off and on. The first one is a tiny older gal, skinny as a rail. She works out at high intensity level and light weights. The other is a mother of two. She is very fit, does a lot of resistance training. She has a lot of well defined, not bulging, muscles. Her work out routine is simply awe-inspiring. When younger, she qualified for the Olympic try outs. It is easy to see that this is a life style choice for them.

Good Health!


Becky Bloodstone
09-18-2023, 10:44 PM
I've been slowly gaining weight over the past couple of years. I don't look like I am though. Reading some articles I found that you can gain weight from muscle and not look any different. I do exercise all the time but that's not explaining why I'm all of a sudden gaining muscle now when I've been working out forever. I'm currently on a diet. I wear size 7 dress and want to get to size 6.

09-19-2023, 04:05 AM
For some of us it is a Life long battle to control our weight

09-19-2023, 04:28 AM
Covid turned out to have hidden benefits for me in that the pubs shut so I wasn't drinking 10-12 pints a week and not walking home with half a gallon of larger stretching the belly.

Over the months my stomach shrank so when eating I felt full quicker so the amount of food I was eating reduced. As a result my weight slowly reduced.

Now looking in the mirror I see a much more femme shape looking back at me. My slow but steady weight loss continues as my potion sizes stay smaller but balanced.

09-19-2023, 04:51 AM
I've been a UK size 14-16 for the last 5-6 years, and at my lightest I was a size 10. I felt amazing when presenting female in my sister's size 10 clothes, but I was skinny as a rake in male mode, and I don't ever want to look like that again.

Right now I'm aiming to be a 12-14, and will likely get to that some point in the first half of next year. I can currently fit in most of my size 14 clothes without breast forms.

Crossdressing isn't a motivator for me any more, but it certainly used to be. My motivation now is about my sporting performance rather than how I look.

09-19-2023, 06:12 AM
I was able to take over three inches off my waist from over 28 to under 25 inches with exercise. These days I do a lot of golfing. Mostly practice and 9 hole rounds to learn the game.
But my weight is on the low side, so I don't have much body fat to begin with.
I did a lot of lower body exercise, so I carry more weight than normal in my thighs. 32A bra size and 34 inch hips.

Karren H
09-19-2023, 06:13 AM
I still need to loose 10 pounds to get back under 170. Started back ice skating every week. I just ran my numbers through a female body type calculator and it came back Top Hourglass which surprised me a lot. 43 inch bust, 33 inch waist, 42 inch hips. I can cinch my waist to 31” with my new corset. And trying hard to reduce my under bust measurement from 37 inches to 36 so I can wear all 36D and DD bras (using no forms or filling). I used to fit in a size 10 US dress but now it’s more like a 12. But because my bust is large and my shoulders are wider (17 inches vs the average female of 14) then I need to wear a 14 top or jacket. Recommended for my body type are A line dresses and tailored jackets.

Still a work in progress.

09-20-2023, 10:13 PM
Sadly, at my age weight loss is hard and slow. I have managed to drop below my playing weight (from HS football, anyway), slowly over a year or so. Problem being that the weight is from other places, not my belly which I would like to lose. I suppose I could have a try at push-ups and sit-ups, but tough developing the routine. True, though -- wanting a better fit in feminine clothes is quite an incentive.

09-20-2023, 10:36 PM
As others have said, be careful with starvation and fad diets. Check with your doctor to make sure you're not hurting yourself.

I'm by no means an expert, but I can tell you I went from about 255(116kg) down to 195(90kg) by quitting sugar, eating smaller portions, and implementing a weight loss plan that included protein shake supplements to my diet.
Unfortunately, with Covid, working remote, and the lockdowns, I am back up to 220(100kg). Being sedentary doesn't help but I'm working on that; walking and a yoga workout that's designed to give girls a shapelier figure. I figure, why not. Couldn't hurt, right? :)

For reference, I'm 6'3"(190cm)

My target is to get my weight under 180(82kg). Just so many cute outfits I want to try...

Sometimes Steffi
09-22-2023, 03:04 PM
My wife has been having problems with fine motor controls. She's asked me a number of times recently to help her put in her pierced (stud) earrings. I don't have pierced ears and I'm never likely to, but it's nice imagining ...