View Full Version : Three weeks drab

09-13-2023, 11:51 AM
So three weeks away in our caravan touring around which means no dressing. Do I miss it? Not really which is strange given that I spend a good deal of time PF (partially femme) most days and would love to do more.

I guess the change of routine plays it's part, that and being away from the home environment. That said I know that once we return home I'll be back to wearing knickers again PDQ.

If you're a daily regular dresser and you find yourself in circumstances that stop your dressing, does it bother you, even eat way at you or do you like me just park that part of your life, shut it away until such time as normal service can be resumed?

09-13-2023, 11:58 AM
I will acknowledge some discomfort on those occasions when I have to present in male mode for several days. However, these moments of discomfort are usually diminished by the distractions of work or family activities. And of course, I can look forward to getting home and back into my preferred mode.

Karren H
09-14-2023, 06:13 AM
I have done two or three weeks without dressing and it really did not bother me. But I do have a constant reminder that I do like to dress enfemme, I always wear my belt clockwise, right to left vs a typical male counterclockwise.

09-14-2023, 07:04 AM
Interesting post Helen and a great question. Whether it bothers me or not depends a lot on what I am doing. If it is an activity that is gender neutral then it doesn't bother me much at all. But I usually keep the "demons" away by using color or patterns that are a bit on the feminine side of middle ground but are still judged acceptable for males. However the less there is of that the amount of disturbance (dysphoria) I experience increases a tad. That mixing of clothes colors and patterns with both mild male and mild female dress is the fairly normal state for me. People do notice that mixing but it is usually still too ambiguous to result in getting the evil-eye from the more conservative folks. Fortunately, Denver is quite a liberal city and people don't make a big deal of anything. In the suburbs it is a bit different. Amazing what just a few miles can produce.

09-14-2023, 08:03 AM
Also for me being away from home is surprisingly easy given that I normally dress everyday to some extent.
The problem for me is when hosting guests at home for a few days. My sleeping arrangements are then different and I find it difficult to sleep since I cannot wear my usual bra/forms/nightgown.

Michaela Jane
09-14-2023, 08:57 AM
I live on my own and can dress whenever I like, which means all the time. Having said that, if I am out anywhere, or visiting the kids, then I look like the person society expects even though most of my clothes are femme. The only thing I really miss, in man mode, is a bra. In those scenarios, I am finding ways around that by wearing sports bras where I can. Knickers are 24/7 for me, I threw out my male underwear a few years ago.

09-14-2023, 09:09 AM
Deep breaths Helen just focus on whats waiting for you after this 3 weeks, A FULL WEEK EN FEMME !!!!!!!!!, see you in Manchester girl !!

09-14-2023, 09:59 AM
I find that I never go more than a day or so without wearing panties. I still have male underwear, but I virtually never wear them. I do go through withdrawal when I'm not able to wear other things in my femme wardrobe for any length of time for whatever reason. I'm on a break from having pink toenails right now and it feel out of sorts in a way.

I don't present as female, so subtle feminine touches are a part of my daily routine. I'd love to be less subtle but apparently that would upset the balance of the universe, and definitely the marriage.

09-14-2023, 10:39 AM
It used to, when I lived with my family. But, since the ex and kids moved out? I'm simply a CD. So, dressing to the 9's a few times a month is enuff.:battingeyelashes:

I find the freedom to dress whenever I like removes any built up pressure!:tongueout

Rhonda Jean
09-14-2023, 10:43 AM
It bothers me that it doesn't bother me.

Raven Skyy
09-14-2023, 03:28 PM
When at home I'm usually at minimum underdressed. There have been times when circumstances have dictated that I couldn't fully dress in a 2 or 3 week period. My girl friend says I start to become annoyed and moody. She then lays my clothes out for the evening at home and lays a rose on them saying " Hun you need a attitude adjustment tonight" there can only be one of us going thru menopause at a time and now isn't your time"

The truth is if I'm not busy doing something I feel driven to find a better experience as Raven. Always shopping for clothes. Even in drab I can't go to Walmart without looking at new panties or bras. I've been told I might need therapy! 🤣🤣

Taylor Dame
09-14-2023, 08:44 PM
I'm on a 2 month trip where I can't fully dress. I do think about it often, but the one saving grace is that I can wear panties every day.

Debbie Denier
09-15-2023, 09:01 AM
Like you Helen no problem shutting it away until normal service can be resumed.

09-16-2023, 03:50 AM
I have to put my hand up and admit that yesterday while doing the touristy thing in the City of Bath walking around the town centre I can't help but do a bit of window shopping. Checking out the coming autumn fashions.

And as for the reports of the death of dress and skirt wearing I can report that they are greatly exaggerated with many women taking advantage of the late summer sunshine to put on a bright outfit.

09-16-2023, 10:48 AM
Hi Helen
I can understand that as we have relatives staying for several weeks, so no fem action. Withdrawal symptoms already after less than a week!

10-02-2023, 04:10 PM
Well the 3 weeks are over so over the next few days normal service will be resumed. While away I must admit to giving some thoughts to my coming week away and mapping out what I could do. Kept me in touch with my femme side but apart from that no great drama about not being able to dress.

10-02-2023, 04:18 PM
My normal mode is dressing en femme. That means dresses instead of trousers. That includes shopping, doctor appointments, even church. I haven't worn trousers since mid June. Now that it will be cooler this upcoming Sunday I will surprise everybody by wearing a man's coat and tie outfit to church.