View Full Version : Opening up to strangers about CDing

Sandi Beech
11-18-2023, 07:34 PM
I had the opportunity to go clubbing on Thursday while hundreds of miles from home. It was fun but nothing out of the ordinary.


When I was getting on the elevator Friday morning to check out, a beautiful woman got on the elevator with me, and I immediately commented how I liked her boots. She thought it was funny because she gets more compliments about her boots than anything else. I said SHE looked fantastic as well. I then said I am a crossdresser, and believe it or not, I get a lot of compliments. I used to notice things I liked on women but was always afraid to say anything. Crossdressing to has brought me out of that shell so to speak. She thought that was great and while we were in the lobby I showed her some pictures and videos of my clubbing adventures, which she loved. Then I find out she is also traveling on business and lives about 10 miles from me. To top that, she likes going to my favorite local club where I CD occasionally. She gave me her business card and her online photo is equally stunning to say the least.

Nothing will come of it nor should it really, but I just think it was so cool to chat with her. Who knows, I might be able to connect as a friend.

You never know what opportunities will open up as a CD which would never happen otherwise. I love testing the waters to see peoples reactions, and I am often stunned by their acceptance.


11-18-2023, 10:05 PM
That is wonderful, Sandi. Your candor was rewarded. I do hope that a genuine, enduring friendship might evolve from this chance encounter.

Kris Burton
11-18-2023, 10:12 PM
This is wonderful. I think all of us hope that one day something like this to occur . You're livin' the dream Sandi!

Connie D50
11-19-2023, 07:11 AM
Wonderful post Sansi your ability to talk to her is why you have a great time when you do out clubbing :).

11-19-2023, 12:16 PM
The old adage about a turtle getting nowhere until it sticks it's neck out comes to mind...

Last night we had our monthly TG group dinner at a restaurant. We've been going there about a year, after previously meeting in hotel rooms. We were in the bar before the 7:30 dinner time, and about 11 of us.

While we were walking to our table a woman from a table of about eight individuals asked why we were there. I stopped and pulled up a chair and talked to her (Ashley, it was her 37th birthday) and another woman and answered their questions. They asked whom I'm attracted to (women) and told them I've been married for 31 years and most CDs are (or have been) married. I showed her my page at Kandi's, and she had her dad take a picture of the both of us. I am always happy to talk to people to explain things (they also asked whether I would do a Kaitlyn Jenner, and I said no).

I met my friend Michelle by accident. I needed my nails done for a train trip to Chicago. I got her phone number and we swapped some texts and about three months later went out to dinner. We've done a lot more outings since then (and tomorrow I am meeting with her accountant a third time, and yes I'm going dressed). But you have to take chances to make things happen and you have to be open to possibilities.

You might get something out of it, or maybe not. I assume you have sent her a text and told her it was a pleasure to meet her. If not, do it. If it's social media, send her a friend request. Every journey starts with the first step.

11-19-2023, 12:44 PM
I wonder, if those of you who chose to interact with strangers, did you find their reaction different than exposing yourself to friends who only experienced your male side? All the interactions I have read seem to have occurred with those who were not predisposed to avoid a cross dresser. It seems the phrase, "There is safety in numbers" is applicable to the group of cross dressers as well as the interacting group.

11-19-2023, 04:54 PM
I find women to be generally accepting of a male CD. I have no problem chatting with women when out.

Crissy 107
11-19-2023, 06:17 PM
Sandi, Great post! You along with Dee certainly show us how to go out and enjoy yourself. I am not at all surprised you struck up a conversation with this lady.

Sandi Beech
11-19-2023, 07:31 PM
Thanks to all who replied. I realize Dee, I and others here very much promote getting out there to meet people. It is not for everyone, but for those who are interested or just curious, know that it can be very rewarding.

FYI for Stephanie. I only go out by myself so the group thing would not apply. Also I was in drab mode this time and have gotten similar responses when simply showing pictures to others. I do not burden my friends by forcing them to accept me both ways. If I were full time or tran, it would be different. I believe that to be the biggest factor when deciding to tell friends or not. I am only an occasional CD, so it is not required that I tell everyone. You have to go with whatever your comfort zone is, but I do push myself out of the zone at times.


11-20-2023, 02:32 AM
I dress 24/7 anymore and have since January 1,2023 so coming upon my first anniversary. I meet quite a few women too as I have nurses come to my home once a week for follow ups due to medication i take on a daily basis. I?ve met two that have become friends off the clock for them and met another that works as a cashier at a local cigarette outlet. We hit it off right away and started with conversations about fashion and makeup. Well we?ve been friends since and have been close for the last 6 months. I?ve been fortunate no males have approached me one being I have no desire for male companions but the female friends fit the bill. Seems like two girls just talking as girlfriends which is the way most genuine friends are from relationships my exes or past girlfriends have been with each other over the years. This is the best thing to me that I?m accepted into their lives like a genuine Gg would be. A note to that in the past 10 months I?ve had absolutely no negative reactions from anyone period, I just go about my business as myself and normal self.

Emily in the south
11-20-2023, 07:57 AM
That is so great to hear about Sandi. It's great that you are so outgoing and not afraid to strike up a conversation like that.
A very timely post for me.. I went out Saturday night to a nightclub to do something special for myself well after my birthday. I was there for five minutes, when two very nice GG women asked me to join them. They were so nice, we had a great time, including dancing all night.
I'll post about it with a picture or two when I have more time.


Sandi Beech
11-20-2023, 09:11 AM
Susan, that is totally cool. Of course I am not full time, but I can see how things might work out when I read posts like yours.

And Emily, you must now fully understand what keeps me going out. Every time I have some doubt about going out and meeting people, something happens like what you posted about and all I can think is , wow how cool is that ; )


11-20-2023, 10:00 AM
Sandi, I am impressed. The thought of being seen in public scares (en femme) me to death. Thank you for your posts.

11-20-2023, 12:07 PM
Thanks for your encouraging post, Sandi. I got over my shyness around pretty women once I became successful in business. Dated a Playboy Centerfold and married a Cearsar's Palace Goddess!:thumbsup:

But, I'm quite sensitive and shy around folks when dressed.:thumbsdn:

Sat. nite I got my gumption up and approached a very pretty young woman at a trans party. We chatted for awhile and it turned out she's trans even tho her voice matched her look, totally fem!:battingeyelashes:

I really enjoyed meeting her and should take your advice to heart!:)

11-20-2023, 12:25 PM
Sandi, it's great you had a good experience with a gg

11-20-2023, 07:10 PM
I have spoken to women when dressed. I am rather shy in male mode, but not so much when dressed. But, I have never when in male mode mentioned that I'm a CDer.

Sandi Beech
11-20-2023, 07:49 PM
Ha Jaimie, I have shared it with waitresses more often than anyone else when in drab mode. All they have to do is ask me if I want dessert. Oh oh. I can?t resist saying this. I am trying to watch my figure. Really, see my picture. Haha. I posted about one such interaction a long time ago. She laughed and said, Oh, you are a hottie. I am sure she got a good tip. ; )


11-21-2023, 12:44 PM
I am terrified of being discovered by anyone. Only my fianc? knows. I have wished at times though to just blurt it out to a complete (female) stranger.

11-22-2023, 04:43 PM
Other than my wife, who I told, the closest I came was when I?d buy hose at Macy?s. It didn?t take long for the SA to suspect that I wasn?t buying them for my wife. During one visit, she invited me to join her for her coffee break. We chatted about the weather, etc. She suddenly commented that I seemed to enjoy shopping for hose, comparing different brands, etc. kinda catching me off guard. My silence gave me away. She just smiled, but nothing more was said. Her personal choice was Hanes Silk Reflections, which she wore. Yes, they?ve been my hose of choice for years.

11-23-2023, 06:47 PM
Hi Sandi :hugs:, It's a Small World isn't it. >Orchid**O:daydreaming:O**