View Full Version : A small step

11-29-2023, 11:11 PM
Ever since I started crossdressing, I?ve been so scared of people finding out. I?ve even kept myself from wearing feminine clothes while working from home, not sure why I was afraid since no one can seem me. This week I finally got over that fear and wore a cute outfit while working from home!! It felt so liberating, the day went by so fast. I will for sure be wearing cute outfits anytime I work from home from now on. Even thought this might not seem like much, to me it felt like a win!

Christie ann
11-30-2023, 12:02 AM
Not really all that small of a step. I am glad you got to wear something cute and I bet you had a smile all day long. Your co workers are probably wondering why your correspondence with them was so up beat all day. I hope you get to do this again in the very near future.

11-30-2023, 01:28 AM
Although I was never in a job that I could work from home I did take "mental health days' off. I found it totally relaxing and liberating to get spend the day a la June Cleaver doing domestic chores. Unfortunately, time went bye to fast on those days. If you use a computer with a camera just be sure the camera's eye is covered.

bridget thronton
11-30-2023, 03:08 AM
There are no small steps - well done

Karren H
11-30-2023, 03:56 AM
Small steps are a must! I always found it hard to take large steps wearing a tight skirt and high heels!

11-30-2023, 04:16 AM
That's a big step: every time we challenge our fears is not a small step - it's how we grow.

I agree about physically covering the camera with that lens cover or a bit of tape as you might leave it on by accident!

11-30-2023, 04:30 AM

I spent many years working from home and yes being able to dress is one of the many benefits. I found the more days that I spent dressed the more my dressing style moved towards typical casual, I dressed in what you'd expect a GG wearing for a day at home. More casual than cute.

Onesies weren't a thing then and the fad now for spending the day in pajamas and dressing gown was yet to surface so a comfortable skirt and top would be my uniform for the day.

I'm sure you'll find your happy place as you get ever more comfortable with spending time enfemme.

Top tip: have something you can either quickly change into or throw on over your femme attire as sure as eggs is eggs, that door bell will ring at some point.

11-30-2023, 05:56 AM
It is a win! One of the great things about working from home is the freedom to dress as you wish.

The fear of discovery is legitimate. You may want to keep this part of yourself from some people who are important in your life. But chances are you can organize your life in a way that allows you considerable freedom, while keeping your secret secure.

11-30-2023, 07:10 AM
Being able to work from home is one of the new advantages provided in the aftermath of the pandemic. Sounds like you have taken advantage of that new privilege. A good move for gaining comfort in your identity pattern. Big step, small step: I don't think it matters so much as taking a step that provides comfort in your own skin. I dream of the day when nobody really cares about how you dress. Congratulations.

11-30-2023, 07:47 AM
Valerie, It is a big step. Enjoy your time working from home.

11-30-2023, 08:11 AM
I don't consider them "small steps", but rather "first steps".

Emily in the south
11-30-2023, 08:36 AM
Good for you Valorie!
So glad you made your work from home a happy special day, and hope you have many more.


11-30-2023, 09:11 AM
Ever since I started crossdressing, I?ve been so scared of people finding out. I?ve even kept myself from wearing feminine clothes while working from home, not sure why I was afraid since no one can seem me. This week I finally got over that fear and wore a cute outfit while working from home!! It felt so liberating, the day went by so fast. I will for sure be wearing cute outfits anytime I work from home from now on. Even thought this might not seem like much, to me it felt like a win!

I work from home 5 days a week. I fully dress 3-4 of those days. That is why I just love working from home.

11-30-2023, 09:23 AM
Small step, fabulous step. Wait until the urge to pop out and get something presents as the next small step.
Never could work from home but certainly enjoyed some exotic underdressing in my career.

11-30-2023, 03:53 PM
Good for you Valerie!

11-30-2023, 04:17 PM
Valerie, I totally understand, been there, done that. In our small town, I?m still concerned about people, friends finding out. I never worked from home, but underdressed for many years. I?m now retired and dress most every day. It?s wonderful, especially with a loving, supportive wife. Yes, getting over the fear, enjoying your dressing, is a very big win. By the way, your legs look gorgeous.

11-30-2023, 05:40 PM
I really appreciate the amazing support, and kind words! And thank you for the tips, those were things I had not considered!

12-03-2023, 09:42 AM
Before I retired I would often dress for the day. When Zoom and MS teams came along I would wear a jumper on top whilst making video calls. Never had any issues. Enjoy this big step forward

12-04-2023, 02:31 AM
As others have mentioned, be sure to cover up the camera on whatever device you are using. Don't want to unintentionally out yourself before you are ready! Unfortunately for me, my line of work (transportation) isn't one that will ever be work-from-home. Have to settle for a bit of underdressing when I can. :D