View Full Version : Weird interactions while crossdressed

Sandi Beech
12-06-2023, 07:54 PM
I was recently thinking about the few interactions I had with others way back when I first went out fully crossdressed over 3 decades ago. Probably one of the weirdest involved a simple walk to the car at night in my hotel parking lot.

While I was at my car door, another car pulled up nearby and a young short sexy dressed woman gets out . I forget this detail but she somehow flagged me to come over to talk, but wanted to wait for the car to drive away which dropped her off. After the car pulled away, she tells me she worked for an escort service and handed me a business card. She said they got requests for all kinds of things and implied they might could use me as an escort. The conversation did not last long but I was kind of blown away by what she said. I tossed the card of course, but to this day that one probably one of the strangest outing experiences I had. I do not have any pictures from back then, but I must have looked like a hottie in my youth , haha.

Anyone else have weird interactions or is this something that just follows me around.


12-06-2023, 08:54 PM
I've had some men approach when out that left me unsettled, but I was never threatened.:thumbsup:

But, I've been approached by at least 3 fem doms on FB that live near me and want to "get together" to discuss what I want and to collect a "tribute"!:eek:

Needless to say, the youngish women's photos were all stunning!:daydreaming:

12-06-2023, 09:17 PM
I obviously have lived a sheltered life!

12-06-2023, 09:20 PM
My second outing a very inebriated (and seemingly lonely) guy said he assumed I was a hooker at first. I guess I'll take that as a compliment...

Karren H
12-06-2023, 10:39 PM
Most of mine were in Casinos, dressed enfemme. Number of women following me around and sitting next to my while I played slots, security guards reprimanding me for taking selfies on the gaming floor, one lady came over in the casino lobby and asked my why I was taking photos of myself. But the strangest one was being trapped in the ladies restroom stall on the WV turnpike by a woman and her numerous young daughters who came in after me (and did not want to leave), then the pregnant woman who took the stall next to me and started throwing up, me almost getting my skirt sucked down the toilet when I flushed it and finally the old lady who came in as I was trying to dry my skirt with the hand dryer asking "You OK dear?"! One very weird business trip back home!

12-07-2023, 12:56 AM
Not Weird, but felt unreal, I was in Blackpool (a seaside resort that has loads of lgbt friendly pubs clubs)on a night out, I was sitting alone when a troup of girls came in dressed to the nines, it turned out to be all the drag girls from the local show "Funny Girls" (google it Funny Girls Blackpool). It was a wednesday night and they was out on a promotional tour round the bars, they had a few bodyguards with them. So one of them came and sat next to me and aske me my name, we got chatting for about 10 mins then it was time for them to leave. She grabbed my hand and and said "come on", I was then dragged (pardon the pun) into the group. We then went round several pubs together with bodyguards in tow, we was treated like royalty and I never paid for a dring after that. I felt a million dollars going round the pubs/clubs with them, I do see them from time to time now, and am friends with a few of them. What an amazing experience.

12-07-2023, 07:58 AM
Sandi, I guess I don't get out enough.
Debs, sounds like so much fun.

Sandi Beech
12-07-2023, 08:45 AM
Ha fun stories girls, and yes snide I had a guy think the same of me due to my clubbing attire, but while in clubs people do not think that. People dress up in sexy attire in clubs all the time.


12-07-2023, 11:12 AM
It?s always fun hearing of your experiences. I wish I could relate more to them, but small town, etc. Recently, we went out to look at Christmas lights and remembered we needed to pick up a prescription. I was fully dressed, no wig. The seatbelt went right between my bra only accenting them. While waiting in the Drive through, I remembered my makeup. I quickly wiped my lipstick off. I was a little nervous, but she just smiled at both of us, handed us our Rx and we left. Baby steps.