View Full Version : A new year and the journey continues

Angela Marie
01-01-2024, 12:45 PM
Happy New Year to all.Over the past year I have made progress in my public feminine presentation. My therapist has helped tremendously in terms of confidence and acceptance. As my 70th birthday draws closer this year I know that I will never transition and my children will never know about Angela. That, however, does not preclude me from presenting as Angela more so than in the past. I realize that I can no longer allow societal views to affect my day to day life. Will someone find out about Angela? Maybe. But i'm hopeful that they will see me for the person that I am and not judge me based upon my appearance. Perhaps I'm giving people too much credit. Only time will tell. In the meantime I expect to spend more time in my preferred gender and let the chips fall where they may. As an aside I have no family in the area where I live so my children finding out is not an issue.

01-01-2024, 12:57 PM
I have a question about your children. I assume they are adults. How will you feel and what will you do in the event that one or more of your children learns about your feminine presentation?

Angela Marie
01-01-2024, 04:56 PM
I'll have to cross that bridge if, unfortunately, it ever happens. They live far away so at this time i it's not an issue.

01-01-2024, 05:59 PM
Angela, You go girl.
I have been spending more time in my preferred gender lately, and am mentally ready to let the chips fall where they may if I run into anyone. However, my wife (doesn't accept, but lovingly tolerates) is fearful about someone recognizing me. I am more concerned about the blowback on her if anyone finds out. (We live in a fairly conservative community.) As far as the children, my daughters all live within a few miles. I would be OK with telling them, but my wife doesn't want them to know. Their knowing would be another opportunity for my "secret" to get out, and I don't want to unnecessarily "burden " them with the knowledge. I think that my one son figured it out a few years ago, and I think he has discussed it with his siblings, but no one has questioned me about it.

01-02-2024, 04:48 AM

We are the same age and like you I too know I'll never transition. Yes, greater opportunity for outandaboutery would be nice but before that to happen I need to " Have the talk" and even then it's a big step from dressing around the home to "oh by the way, I'm just nipping out fully dressed to go shopping, get something to eat before going out with other CD's for the evening".

That said I now do push the envelope ever more around the house. I posted before about just how many hours a week I manage to wear femme things Andover the past two days I've spent more in in a skirt than drab stuff.

Not wishing to look back at the end of my life and wish I'd done more has been a big driver for me in progressing my public presentation, getting out there. Thankfully over the past decade I've collected a catalogue of experiences and been fortunate enough to mee up with others from our community as well as interacting with the muggles on many occasions.

So my advice is go for it. We pass this way but once so make the most of it while you can.

01-02-2024, 06:25 AM
I really liked your comment about not allowing societal views guide who you are. Those are still expectations that do not allow as much flexibility in being yourself instead of meeting expectations. I could not agree more.