View Full Version : Skiing in Italy

01-22-2024, 01:39 PM
Hi everyone,

I have a two part question as I am flying from Birmingham UK to Verona in Italy for a weeks skiing, finally biting the bullet and am curious about anyone's recent or past experiences flying between UK and Europe whilst en femme?

The second part is how do you get on skiing I have imagined not wearing my wig under the helmet and perhaps managing with a buff formed into a beanie when we break for warming hot chocolates or lunch? Can't really wear wig anywhere near the post skiing hot tub, perhaps a bathing cap might work?

Any wisdom would be much appreciated.


01-22-2024, 03:52 PM
Very good question. Obviously, there is no room under the ski helmet, so as you suggested, a beanie may be a good option. As for the hot tub, I think a wig might be ok. One normally does not duck under the water in a hot tub. Back when I lived in Texas, I had a slightly older wig that I used for swimming, hot tubbing and any other activity that might involve perspiration or water. It seemed to work out.

01-22-2024, 03:56 PM
I suggest a short wig. It can be lightly fixed with Swarzkopf b2 glue, just above the forehead. Easy to remove with water. Then putting on and taking off the helmet does not cause so many problems, although you have to be careful.
For this, delicate makeup, necessarily waterproof mascara and eyeliner.
Zero problems.👍😁

01-22-2024, 03:58 PM

I was skiing in the Alps last week and saw one girl with long hair flowing from under her helmet. I have even thought that it would be nice to be able to wear a wig instead of hat as it was very very cold.
While skiing I have alse had another recurring thought - every time I was going to fast I was reminding myself not to break my legs or hurt my knees... as I wouldn't be able to walk in high heels. :)

Regarding flying pretty - I would like to do it one day, but I do not have any experiences yet. However I see airports in Europe as one of the safest or maybe even the safest places for CD to go out in public. The biggest concern for a CD is passing through passport control and security checks, which are both non-issues.

Best regads,

char GG
01-22-2024, 04:45 PM
Don't bother with the wig! I can't even imagine trying to get a helmet on and off. Wear a stocking hat when the helmet is off.

Or just go as your male alter ego. It's skiing! Should not be complicated.

01-22-2024, 07:35 PM
I second what Char has said .

I ski here in California at both Big Bear and Mammoth where my dressing fiance is buried. He was a semi pro skier as well .. No one is going to or needs to see your hair is of any gender .

I have hair down to my waist and its thick and almost white blonde ( very visible) and no one who sees me out there would ever know what sort of hair I have nor do I care. I wear a Seattle Seahawks ( NFL football) beanie under my helmet because I get a headache if my ears get too cold and my hair is braided and up out of the way . You need to be worried about that that your hair is out of the way .

My late fiance was totally out 24/7 but when skiing all bets were off. He- like me- had waist length carpet hair it was so thick - but he put it up under his helmet and wore lighter colored pants /jacket. This is a pretty rugged sport, you need to make sure your clothes are going to be enough and that they cover you and keep you warm and dry.
Do your dressing after you are through skiing.

Maybe wear white pants /pink coat or something . He would wear white pants and an aqua coat . Both of us wear/wore cashmere underneath. The wig thing could go really bad in this situation .

Sometimes Steffi
01-22-2024, 09:30 PM
What is a helmet? I guess I must be old. I started skiing when I was about 9 and no one wore a ski helmet back then. Maybe if I hadn't stopped skiing at 30 y.o., maybe I would know what a ski helmet was.

Christie ann
01-22-2024, 09:42 PM
I too wouldn’t bother with a wig while skiing, especially if you are wearing a helmet. I have been rafting as Christie with a group and kept my wig in my dry bag for off the water. A little strange, but easier all around. I also would recommend an older wig when in the hot tub. Unless you have kids around there shouldn’t be all that much splashing. And, of course, water proof mascara!

01-23-2024, 05:49 AM
What is a helmet? I guess I must be old. I started skiing when I was about 9 and no one wore a ski helmet back then. Maybe if I hadn't stopped skiing at 30 y.o., maybe I would know what a ski helmet was.

In Italy helmets are obligatory on the ski slopes. And personal liability insurance too.

01-23-2024, 06:19 PM
Thank you for everyone who took time to offer advice.

No wig under helmet. I have women's ski jacket and salopettes but they are rather dark, and I will pick something paler when funds permit. I might pack an older wig for the hot tub.

01-24-2024, 02:42 PM
I haven't skied in about 3 decades. Helmet??? Really?? I remember the gals wearing stocking caps or ear bands, the same as the guys did. Never saw a helmet on the slopes. But then I grew up when bicycling didn't require a helmet either. Wipe out, hit your head, die or get stronger in those days.

Skiing, I remember the really good skiers had those form-fitting sexy suits on instead of the bulky bibs that I had. I wanted one, but it seemed like there was a prerequisite that you couldn't have one unless you were good, and I wasn't.

01-25-2024, 08:30 PM
I too have never worn a helmet when skiing. Though, I probably should have...especially when I was starting out. I've also never tried to wear a wig while skiing. I'd think it would be awkward, but I'm in no position to comment.

I have worn pantyhose while skiing. Adds an extra layer, and provides some comfort (in my opinion).