View Full Version : Attempted Dr. Appt

01-24-2024, 04:07 PM
I attempted to go to the doctor's office today while dressed pretty. I present male and wear skirts and stuff.
I was wearing a black and white skirt, nude pantyhose, black flats, a black top and a red cardigan sweater.

As I approached the entrance, my pulse rate went up. I walked in and checked in.
She informed me that my appointment is not today.

There was only one person in the lobby who may have seen me.
A woman was walking in while I was walking out. I was holding my jacket such that the middle of my skirt was covered up. She looked at my feet. Then as she got closer, she took another look and her faced changed to a furrowed expression. I think she saw my pantyhose.

Maybe I'll try again on the correct date!

01-24-2024, 05:20 PM
You made it in the door and talked to the receptionist. I would say that counts.

01-24-2024, 05:22 PM
Hi Johanne, That was just a Test Run,

01-24-2024, 08:00 PM
Don’t beat yourself up you tried and you are going nothing wrong.

01-24-2024, 09:35 PM
Johanne, when u dress ambivalently u tend to confuse people.:straightface: |

Next time, I suggest the whole 9 yards or not at all!:thumbsup:

01-24-2024, 10:44 PM

The first time I walked into my doctor?s office I was a bit nervous but everyone treated me with respect and when I saw my doctor she said that I was now her fifth transgendered patient now when I go in they all call me by Michaela and on my online chart information it refers to me as Ms or Michaela as well. Doctors offices hospital employees and everyone else has seen it all. I know from experience. Next time wear a wig and makeup dressed. All they?re concerned with is your health and medications. I even had two major surgeries this past year and was in rehabilitation hospital for almost a month and a half. They all treated me great and respected me. Only things they asked is what pronouns I wanted to go by and that?s it. Relax and enjoy your next visit. It gets easier every time.


01-25-2024, 08:17 AM
Thank you for the kind words everyone!

Concerning going the whole nine yards: I don't own a wig, makeup or a bra. I'm just a guy who wears dresses and skirts occasionally. That is "all the way" for me. :) I have never felt like I am a woman, but I sure do love their clothes!!

I worry a little bit that they will write something in my file. I know there are privacy laws to keep my information out of the public eye. But, I know people who work in the hospital system. If I have a surgery, one of them might look at my file. Ultimately, I decided I would take that risk, and went into the office in a skirt.


01-25-2024, 09:56 AM
Regardless of the outcome, that was a big step for you. Congratulations!! Next time will be that much easier.

01-25-2024, 12:03 PM
The only rule yo dressing is there are no rules. How we dress is a form of self expression and it really no different than a tattoo. I would take the win. Congrats!!!

01-25-2024, 02:33 PM
I went back in today for the appointment... on the right day.
I checked in. I sat down in the lobby and waited. There were six people waiting.

Eventually, I was called away by a nurse who has worked with me previously.
She had me weigh in and then she took me to a room. She was just as smiley and humorous as last time. She took my vitals. My blood pressure and pulse were way up.
I told her that I was nervous and that this was my first time at the doctor's office while dressed pretty. She assured me that I was fine. Then she said that I looked nice and complimented my skirt, saying it was cute.
(I was wearing a black and white, knee-length, pencil skirt with a black top and a red cardigan. This is the same outfit I tried to wear yesterday. I only wore it for ~1 hour, so I just retried it.)
She checked my vitals again and my blood pressure was better but still high. My pulse was 103.

She left me and I was alone until the doctor and her assistant came in. We had our normal visit. I had a few queued up questions. I asked, she answered. She asked if I wanted a flu shot.
Then the doctor stood up and shook my hand. Before she left, I asked that my outfit not be recorded in my chart. She told me not to worry because they respect people's privacy.

Then, I was alone with the nurse who gave me a flu shot. She and I talked a little bit about family, etc.
I went to check out with the lady at the counter.
I exited back through the lobby. There were no people waiting.

After that, I went to a corner drug store and bought a big candy heart for my wife for Valentine's day.


01-26-2024, 06:57 AM
Joey, At least on round two there was no furrowed brow. Good for you getting out as yourself.

01-26-2024, 08:43 AM
I just love how you describe your outfit. Sounds lovely. So proud of you going out there and don't be worried about others. Be confident and charming. You already have more confidence than I can muster up visiting the Doctor in your finest. Well done.

01-26-2024, 05:09 PM
I forgot to bring my camera. It was in the car.

01-29-2024, 02:30 PM
I don't understand why the doctor would record anything about your outfit in your medical chart because it has nothing to do with your medical condition.

02-27-2024, 10:39 PM
There is always next time. I wear panties and pantyhose everyday under my jeans, even to the doctors office. My doctors only comment, which was years ago, was, you?re not the only one in his practice that does this.

02-27-2024, 11:03 PM
Joey, it will get easier for you to go out wearing your outfit. I don't give a second thought about going out en femme which is my normal presentation. That includes shopping, church, and doctor appointments.


02-28-2024, 03:32 AM
So glad to hear the second visit went so well Joey!
Absolutely love to hear good outcomes like this, hope it makes you feel as brave for the next time.

02-28-2024, 03:50 PM
I had a very interesting experience today going to a doctor appointment today. I wore a long sleeve maxidress and makeup. The nurse, who remembered me, asked me how my job at Victoria Secrets was going. Of course I didn't know what she was talking about.
It turns out there's another patient, born as male, like me, is on estrogen and, unlike me, is transitioning to be a woman. And she had breast augmentation, which I definitely don't need (my bra cup size is DD). Also she likes to wear dresses as I do. I asked what her voice is like, and the nurse said her voice is not as deep as mine, probably a baritone. (I'm a bass).
And the the piece de resistance: She's a bra fitter at Victoria Secrets.
And of course I joked with the phlebotomist (who is very good) about using a razor blade and aiming for the bucket.


03-02-2024, 10:27 PM
I always enjoy reading about your adventures. I've been attempting small adventures for myself. I'm sure my blood pressure and heart rate would be off the charts if i were dressed in my doctor's office.