View Full Version : Apparently I have a Doppelganger

03-01-2024, 01:57 PM
Today after I left my therapist dressed in a jean skirt and maroon "T" cute daytime makeup, I stopped at a convenience store. As I was at the counter a woman came in and said to me "Hi how are you doing, I haven't seen you since blah blah" At first I just kinda ignored her as I really didn't comprehend she was talking to me. But quickly I realized she was talking to me. She continued with remember we met at blah blah, you're such and such neighbor right " I have to say I froze for a moment, then responded with no sorry you mixed me up with someone else. I will say she was cute wish I would've continued a better conversation. Doesn't appear I was tagged by her or the clerk. Any of you ever experienced a similar event?

03-01-2024, 05:01 PM
I was approached by another woman my age at my favorite local wine bar. She seemed at first to think we had met before, but we had not.

03-01-2024, 08:54 PM
Not in the last 60 years. But, in India long ago a family approached me saying, "U r David Niven!":daydreaming:

I assured them I was not. However, as we were all in an airport waiting for our flights they wouldn't leave me alone until I signed my autograph for them!

Somewhere in India there's my framed signature hanging on their wall. Which is completely illegible!:devil:

03-01-2024, 09:53 PM
Some have mention I look like Toronto's mayor. But she is like 5'1" and I'm 5'8".

Well, at least you know you pass well. :)

03-02-2024, 02:55 AM
Not while dress, but several decades ago, I was told by different people that I was a particular wrestler.:heehee:
Just picture me dressed and then they would think he was a crossdresser!:eek:
I bet he wouldn't have cared for that.:tongueout
I have been out while dressed in Savannah too.:)

03-02-2024, 07:23 AM
Not in the last 60 years. But, in India long ago a family approached me saying, "U r David Niven!"
Making your way around the world in 80 days?

Shelly Preston
03-02-2024, 09:47 AM
There does appear to be more Doppelganger's being found.

I recently watched a documentary where they took seven pair of people. Then compared them to identical twins.

It was fascinating to see how close some of them were. They found on some tests they were 90% the same.

03-02-2024, 10:29 AM
I've actually got 2 doppelgangers - although one is no longer with us. Whenever I go to my VA for anything the staff points out that I look like Steve Jobs; my sons think I look like Sir Patrick Stewart...

03-02-2024, 04:24 PM
Fun thanks for sharing

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Not bad things at all

char GG
03-02-2024, 04:59 PM
The David Niven story is very funny! The guy was probably so happy. :lol2:

03-02-2024, 05:48 PM
As long as your doppelg?nger is cute lol

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Is she cute

03-02-2024, 09:04 PM
Too funny, Jamie!:heehee:
I traveled a lot by myself when I was young. Before Covid my Asian T buddy and I were hitting the sights in Asia as Sherry and Cindi!:battingeyelashes:

Char, it kind of is. But, when I think if him or his family explaining to their guests who the heck David Niven was I feel guilty for some reason!:sad:

Cheryl T
03-03-2024, 11:47 AM
Well, they do say that everyone has a double somewhere in the world that they just haven't met.
I suppose that means we all either have 2 of them (1 drab/1 dressed) or we have one that dresses. Try figuring that one out.

03-06-2024, 04:17 AM
Mine lives about 25Km away and works in a similar industry, I get greeted by people using his name about once every 2 years.
I preferred it when I was young (early 20's) and clients used to ask for the company's "John Travolta" to visit.

Genifer Teal
03-06-2024, 08:18 AM
Mine must live in the middle east. I keep getting her face book messages.

Cheryl T
03-06-2024, 10:52 AM
I'd love to meet mine, I just hope she has good taste in clothes...lol.

03-22-2024, 03:54 PM
I never got to meet mine yet, just the friend who mistook me for her. Maybe one day

03-27-2024, 03:56 PM
Happened a few years ago while I was exiting the restrooms at a large gas station. A lady thought I was a friend named Marcie. We talked while I fueled my truck. She is a facebook friend now.