View Full Version : Does your wife take you shopping?

04-30-2024, 02:27 PM
Mine does. It's very amazing, because I'm wearing my regular clothes when we go out, but she helps me pick out things that she knows will look good on me and then does all the purchasing.

When we get home, she loves it when I try everything on. I think I really like this arrangement. I rarely wear a wig or makeup and don't shave, she just accepts my dressing, but likes me being a guy. Heck, I've helped her open jars and move heavy objects around that she can't while completely dressed. She likes my body hair, even when it's sticking out between the cups of my bra and is constantly looking through my things to help me pick out outfits that compliment how I look.

When I look in the mirror I see myself in the clothing I love, but don't think of myself or look like a female. When we're dancing together in the living room it's quite a different story.

04-30-2024, 02:58 PM
Sounds about the same as me & my wife...... most of my cloths shopping is done online but we look through the web pages together but sometimes she'll come home from shopping with extra items she's chosen for me. Like yourself I don't wear wigs....I do wear make-up sometimes. I don't shave my body hair either. Our situation works she's happy enough with me dressing,I'm thankful for that....I'm not out to anyone else and we're both happy with that.

Cheryl T
04-30-2024, 03:21 PM
We go shopping all the time. Most of the time I'm dressed for the event, but even if I'm not I shop as if I were.
I don't really care what people think, they don't know me and will probably never see me again.

She loves that she has a girl friend to shop with and so do I. It's such fun to rummage through the aisles, handling all the clothes, especially when we shop for lingerie.
Technically she doesn't take me shopping as I do all the driving.

04-30-2024, 04:04 PM
We have shopped together since we started dating, the majority of the time I'm dressed. Now I'm dressed whenever we shop.

04-30-2024, 04:17 PM
Well I'd have to shave and put on a wig and makeup. That might be quite something! I don't know if she'd go for that though.

But I like the idea of us going out as a couple. She knows my sizes and has a good eye on what looks good on me and also what I like. It's always fun to see the checkout people sizing us both up when we're ready to buy. She's much taller with broader hips then me, so some of the clothing is obviously not for her.

Good times!

Suzie Petersen
04-30-2024, 04:48 PM
You are all very lucky, but you probably know that.

If my wife saw me dressed these days, she would look at me closely, through the 9x scope and think to her self "Today is the Day!"

So far I have managed to get away, but talk about "dear" in the headlights!

Enjoy what you have, and be really good to her! She deserves it.

Crissy 107
04-30-2024, 09:27 PM
Sadly, only in my dreams.
Suzie, You have me laughing with your post.

bridget thronton
05-01-2024, 01:41 AM
We shop together and she will give opinions on things I contemplate buying

05-01-2024, 05:58 AM
My wife does not drive, so I take her shopping when she wishes to go. Which means I also peruse the women's wear as well. However, we have totally different taste, so I don't get in her business and she doesn't get in mine.

Connie D50
05-01-2024, 06:09 AM
My wife has taken me shopping while I have been dressed, but it was a long time ago.

05-01-2024, 07:13 AM
Shopping with my wife as two women is very high on my fantasy list hopefully someday I have the opportunity to check it off.

05-01-2024, 07:29 AM
We went out yesterday and I bought a wig!

Now I want to do some pics LOL

05-01-2024, 08:13 AM
We go shopping all the time. When I first came out, she would point out which tops and skirts go together or not and what dresses would look good on me. If I liked something, she would hold it up to herself to see if it would fit. We are close in size. Now she just has me hold it up to decide.

Gillian Gigs
05-01-2024, 08:50 AM
My wife and I do almost everything together. Often when we are up in the city, we will go into several clothing stores. At the first store, she usually asks, is there anything that you are interested in looking at? Then we look for her first, then for me. On a good trip, we both come home with something for ourselves.
Her favourite clothing store is one that I pointed out to her, and took her to. That has turned into a big win-win for the both of us. :)

Suzie Petersen
05-01-2024, 09:19 AM
We sometimes go to Kohl's or Burlington together and browse through the sales racks of nice dresses and tops and shoes. She always finds something she likes and sometimes I will find something for her as well.
Then, as we wander away from the woman's section, she will say "Isn't there something you would like for yourself?" and I say "Yes, there was that really nice summer dress with the lacy top, and the little skirt over there!".

But even though those are the words that form inside my head, what actually comes out of my mouth sounds more like "Nope, not really ...".

05-01-2024, 09:55 AM
speak up!

Suzie Petersen
05-01-2024, 10:44 AM
There is a long story about how I ended up in this DADTDETAI situation (dont ask dont tell dont even think about it).
So it is unfortunately not that easy.

05-01-2024, 12:04 PM
My wife doesn't take me shopping for me. In fact, she is not supportive in the least. However, when she is dress shopping she asks my opinion and I pick out thinks for her. Some not so good but others really nice. Even SAs have commented that they wish their husbands had as good taste and were interested. I really don't think it crosses my wife's mind that I have picked out things for myself and have some experience.

05-01-2024, 01:29 PM
When I came out to my wife I had been wearing her things. Two days after telling her she said it's time Togo buy your own things. She took me to a couple of stores and we discussed styles of panties and bras. She went up until I got comfortable with shopping on my own. She has bought me at yard sales hest of drawers and some clothes of my own. We have shared things too.

Kitty S
05-01-2024, 01:41 PM
We shop online together and pick things out for each other. We hardly go shopping, that would require a drive to a city about 45 minutes away.

05-01-2024, 02:04 PM
Our go-to store for both of us is Marshall's. We have shopped together in the past but she seems bothered by it. So, while we shop in the same store at the same time, I would not characterize it as "shopping together". She is in a wheelchair so I typically go through the checkout with anything, including women's clothes, in the basket. I'm sure I've left a lot of cashiers guessing over the years.

I do try on various items for her to critique when we get home, but there's never been any sign that she wouldn't rather that I be buying from the men's department. She tolerates but does nothing to encourage my taste.

05-03-2024, 07:58 AM
Same as what Bea said, We shop in the same store at the same time, but not shopping together.
For my last birthday my wife asked what I wanted for a present. I asked that she take me dress shopping, which she did. That is the only time we have really "shopped together:.

Genifer Teal
05-03-2024, 08:10 AM
I'm still shopping for a wife. Lol. (Not really) happily single.

Teri Ray
05-03-2024, 08:11 AM
My wife and I shop together all the time. From shoes to bras and other items. It is so nice to be able to shop openly and share what we think both likes and dislikes. I know I am lucky.

05-03-2024, 08:43 AM
Years ago, yes. When we didn?t have kids it was quite often. Dresses, shoes, pantyhose, she would help me with everything. Now almost everything is online. Sometimes I will show her what I would like to buy to get her opinion. Lately, though I have shopped and bought things by myself. Most stores don?t seem to care that a man is buying women?s clothes.

Sometimes Steffi
05-03-2024, 09:11 AM
There is a long story about how I ended up in this DADTDETAI situation (don't ask don't tell don't even think about it).
So it is unfortunately not that easy.

Sounds like my wife. But she can't control what I think unless I spill what I'm thinking about..

It's actually too bad in a way. She used to be an SA in a women's retail store before we met, kind of a high-end retail store. When we met, she was actually a buyer and store manager, She even got her AA degree in "Fashion". I always find in interesting shopping with her (for men's clothes). She has an incredible color memory.

Our conversation may go like this.
Me: "What do you think about this shirt?"
Her: "What are you going to wear it with?"
Me: "My blue dress pants."
Her: It won't work. It has too much green in it.

I don't know how she does it. I used to override her decision if I really like the shirt, but she's never been wrong.

On the flip side, he style is business or business casual. Monochrome colors. I can't remember the last time she wore a dress. That's not true. She wore a dress at our wedding reception. If the wears a dress now, it's more like a "barely a dress" shirt dress. What fun is a dress if it doesn't have some interesting colors (think color block), or if there isn't some "flounce" in the dress.

I think it's more fun for me since I developed my own style.

Jenn A116
05-03-2024, 10:05 AM
I won't say that my wife "takes me shopping" so much as we often do go shopping together. We often go to places like JC Penny and Kohls shopping for her (wife) but while doing that we are both on the lookout for things for Jennifer. Our tastes are a bit different (Jennifer is more flamboyant) but she gives good feedback on things.

We had a big shopping event recently where we hit two different Goodwill stores. We did that with two other couples from our CD group. Came home with a ton of stuff for both of us. Probably expanded Jennifer's closet by double. I think I've got enough different outfits now for the next couple of years of group meetings, which is the only time Jennifer goes out.

05-03-2024, 10:46 AM
We go shopping together. Nothing for Natalie though. But I do get asked my opinion on every piece she picks up and tries on. I have even been in the dressing room with her.

When we shop, I casually go through the racks of dresses in my size to see if there is a special piece I want. So far, I have nothing to show for it.

That would be something if I insist on a dress to buy when we are out together. But I did get a formal strapless gown once in a used/vintage clothing store. I had to carry it around Fresno Theater District for a while to get it back to my car. I have sold it since. I could not keep it up, not enough boobs.

05-03-2024, 07:54 PM
My wife takes me shopping online once in a while (I usually don't dress for the occasion) when I need help to find specific items for my female wardrobe. Last time was this evening. I told her I needed a new pair of boots for my female wardrobe because the current one's faux leather is falling apart. The challenge of course is finding such articles in my size that don't look like drag or fetish things. She quickly dug out a few models for me on Amazon. The last time she did that, she found a pair of flats for my MIAD sessions (which I happened to try for the first time this evening as she offered me to do such a session). She does it casually in apparence, but in reality the matter of my dressing isn't easy for her. She does it to make me feel accepted and I am very grateful for that.

Andrea Renea
05-04-2024, 01:05 PM
She doesn't t take me shopping per se but we shop together mostly for her.

But if I see something i like or I want we purchase it.

She seems to want my opinion on her purchases also.

05-05-2024, 09:42 AM
Ween we go shopping my:love:Wife picks some Tops and maybe a skirt or Pants pants ,

and I will pick out 1 or 2 Pretty tops or a Skirt,

05-09-2024, 04:26 PM
Yup, she takes me shopping frequently.

05-11-2024, 10:01 PM
Sure she does, she helps me in any and every way possible to make me feel whole and complete, funny she got a bra from a store and ask me to try it on and see if I like it when we got home and I didn't like that style, when I was in Michigan she took me into a store and we bought a few items just for me, I have an absolutely gorgeous Wife she is from Wisconsin, she always buy me things i like, sometimes she would ask if I need anything in a store, I like buying Bras with her we can use the same change room its fun.

05-14-2024, 08:08 PM
My wife loves to shop and with me ironically I do not. Because it takes so long and its hard to sift thru stuff that will work. Considering doing it dressed to see if I like that better, but as of to date I?ve only been out once?driving from Las Vegas to home?was crazy nervous the entire time. The wifes good w/it… Im the nervous one.

Yes, she likes to shop w/me.

I told my wife about 30 yrs ago?hardest thing I had ever done up until that time. I was 22 yrs old…she was 20. She thought it was cute, but didn?t really understand the extent of it…NEITHER of us did and I had up until that point never done it (other than the occasional - mom goofy stuff or whatever - knew I wanted it but never did it or acted out?almost entirely out of fear). It was all about Hair for me always wanted to grow it but never did. About 10 years after we were married, my wife told me (after some frustrated work stuff) that it was high time I tried it so we did and I maybe tried it a couple times over the next five or so years?so after 15 years of marriage and almost 35 yrs old I had never really done it?the dressing for me was all in an effort to complete the hair experience?which may seem silly, but that?s what it was. Since I was sorta freaked out (irrationally I?m sure) about ever being caught or even having it known that I would fancy something like this?my wife was less concerned and just didnt worry about me pushing any unacceptable boundaries that would up end things for our family

Sometime around my 39th birthday, my wife took things into her own hands. She bought me a bunch of clothes and a wig. We used water balloons for the boobs and she was surprised by our work. This opened things up a bit and for the next 10 yrs I dressed more sometimes a couple times a week sometimes once a month. I purchased some forms and some hips. When Covid happened I finally did what I always wanted to do grow the hair (I?ve been blessed with strong healthy locks) get this…grew it past the awkward phase TWICE before succumbing to pressures (mostly self-created) to cut it.

Cutting it the 2nd time was one of the saddest moments of my life (yes, I realize there are much more serious issues with people (health concerns, etc) so I have nothing truly to complain about. But regardless, I was miserable. I had it long enough to braid, put it into fun updos, had curlers, pigtails and the works just loved it. Ive owned some nice cars and have some hobbies, but my wife knows that nothing is more enjoyable to me than having long hair (crazy isnt it!). To make matters worst the 2nd time as we more officially came out of Covid I started a new job and my boss hearing I had long hair, asked me, Why did you cut it?! And well this was also the very first time I had ever trashed all of my clothes. My wife and I have an amazing relationship, but something felt off I made a rash decision and purged! My wife was PISSED. Pissed that I threw away a lot of valuable stuff (including my BF Store Gold Classics (which were pretty much done anyway) my hips and everything else. At the time I welcomed the move to doing this…but she was ticked.

I believe there is a line to this entire CD business…a line that is marred by a lot of unbalance in some cases.and I was concerned about this. My wife spent the next year or so reminding me of what I did and how lame it was. Everytime she did, it was a sucker punch and just made me angry. Even thru all of this she thinks it?s important for me to dress?I think it?s important to be ok w/myself..but this isn?t easy.

I miss the long hair above all. For reasons I wont share here…it is as short as it can be at the present state…but I may have more resolve now than ever before to grow it long for good. I still have the good hair, but crazy stupid and sad that I just didnt do it 30 yrs ago and leave it. I HOPE I can get there again. When its long, its very easy for me to be contempt and satisfied in a more feminine way….this is harder for me to do when it?s short.

Even though my wife frequently asks me if I want to play (get dressed) I have turned it down. There?s a bit of Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde going on and she knows it and still loves me because of my desire above all to be a good husband and father?and I do feel this way. But for the first time in a couple years it seems I am recognizing that I need to find a place for this?if I can do it and compartmentalize it.

I haven?t been dressed for a long time?that is I bought hips, some new Divine Collection forms, but I haven?t been dressed in (I think. Over a year)?I definitely haven?t had make up on in probably two years.

But I plan on that changing & my wife wants me to do it when the kids are off to school but I prefer to wait until we get out of town. She has actually suggested that one day we move somewhere far from our home where she welcomes and even suggest that I try a little more full-time. This puzzles me, because she loves my masculine self too and everything that goes w/it but she thinks that I will only be whole if Im fully honest w/myself. Not necessarily coming out of the closet as a CD…but just doing it and maybe being more public about it in a place where noone knows me….so she suggest it but I think Id more likely chicken out. I feed off of her mood…so if shes having fun…its possible

So Ill be back for more…I think.

Plan A: Grow the hair back!
While also starting to dress w/wig (which I don?t like)

Plan B: There isnt a Plan B lets do this.

I couldnt believe I actually purged when I did two years ago after doing no such thing for so long and seeing/reading all of the regret here. But well, its complicated.

Anyway?.this is a long reintroduction sort of post?but yes, my wife is all in?.bless her! I still wonder just how much she loves me for it or tolerates it because she loves me. It?s probably somewhere down the middle. I realize above all that I must be ok w/it.

Good luck and even if your SO?s aren?t down w/it respect them?be cool (put yourself in their shoes (figuratively this time :-) ) and see how hard this must be?.and even if they like it?be smart, be respectful and don?t push it.

05-18-2024, 01:45 AM
My wife is the world's worst shopper. She can go out for hours & come home with nothing. Couldn't find anything she liked.I was out with her recently & virtually made her buy a few things she liked. I could have bought loads of things for me but I tend to buy online from stores I know will fit me, I find I can choose things I really want. We have similar taste & pass unwanted items to each other which works out well for us both.