View Full Version : FEM Orlando August 17, 2024 Meeting

Jenn A116
07-21-2024, 09:44 AM
Hi All
Wanted you to know that we have a meeting scheduled for August 17th. This will be a very different kind of meeting. We have tickets to see a play at a playhouse in the Cape Canaveral area. The play is Tootsie and apparently is a musical. So far we have a dozen folks that have bought tickets for the event. That includes SO's and assorted friends.

Some of our members have been to this location before and confirm that it is an open/weloming venue. It promises to be a fun evening. Hope you can join us.

07-21-2024, 10:08 AM
Wow, That would be a super fun day. And it is my brithday.
Sure not in the cards for me to go this year though.

Have a great time :)

Jenn A116
07-23-2024, 07:34 PM
Raychel yes, that might be a bit of a problem coming to the meeting from Bangor! But hope you have a very happy birthday.

For those that can't make this meeting, our September meet will be a Girls Night Out on the 14th. We haven't yet picked the location. I'll post a separate thread for that meeting as we get closer.

Jenn A116
08-10-2024, 09:43 AM
Just wanted to to remind folks that this event is one week from today. If you haven't yet made arrangements now is the time. So far we have 11 people (including SO and friends) going to the show.

Jenn A116
08-19-2024, 07:16 PM
Another fun evening in the books. There were 10 of us in attendance counting SOs and allies. We all went to dinner at a restaurant near the theater which was very good. They had no problem at all with us and we were all referred to as ladies and the correct pronouns were used every time.

After the dinner the group walked a short distance to the theater to see Tootsie, the musical. It was a really fun show with a super talented cast. I was on the lookout for any "unusual" looks and didn't spot any. We all seemed to be accepted at face value.

I'm sure the group will be back to these two locations.

Are you ready to join our group for their next outing? It will be a GNO at a restaurant yet to be decided. Meeting date is September 14th. There will be a separate thread for that event.