View Full Version : Mens toilets...

04-18-2006, 12:00 PM
No I'm not starting another discussion on going to the men's room or the Ladies room when x-dressed. First of all I couldn't give any first hand information, if I may say so :o ... Iv'e never been in that situation so far...

I would just like to know if other TG are behaving like me with regard to going to the men's room. Here is what I'm experiencing:

I can't support going to the men's room and pee standing up like all men do. I always have to go to the place where I can sit. Of course I'm talking here about moments when I am in my man personality, fully dressed as a man. I haven't beenpeeing like men do since more than 30 years...

When I'm at home, I do the same, I never pee standing up. It just doesn't feel right anymore...

Do any of you feel that way too?

Sorry for having brought up this subject... I hope I have offended no one here...

Friendly thoughts.


Helen MC
04-18-2006, 12:15 PM
I detest Men's Toilets, dirty smelly places stinking of stale urine in many cases, so I only use them if I have too. When I do I go into a cubicle (stall) bolt the door and sit to pee as I have done for the last 41 years now.

In the few occasions when I have been able to use a Women's Toilet I have found these to be far cleaner places, not smelly and horrible.

04-18-2006, 12:40 PM
No I'm not starting another discussion on going to the men's room or the Ladies room when x-dressed. First of all I couldn't give any first hand information, if I may say so :o ... Iv'e never been in that situation so far...

I would just like to know if other TG are behaving like me with regard to going to the men's room. Here is what I'm experiencing:

I can't support going to the men's room and pee standing up like all men do. I always have to go to the place where I can sit. Of course I'm talking here about moments when I am in my man personality, fully dressed as a man. I haven't beenpeeing like men do since more than 30 years...

When I'm at home, I do the same, I never pee standing up. It just doesn't feel right anymore...

Do any of you feel that way too?

Sorry for having brought up this subject... I hope I have offended no one here...

Friendly thoughts.

I am 53 years old and have been sitting to pee for 33 years of it. It just feel natural.


04-18-2006, 01:45 PM
When I'm at home, I do the same, I never pee standing up. It just doesn't feel right anymore...
Do any of you feel that way too?
I don't think anyone will be offended by the question, Eugenie. It's a good one, in fact. I can't speak for myself, of course, but I have a male cousin (non-trans) who has peed sitting down his entire life (he's 46) and thinks all men should. As long as you're comfortable, who cares? Besides, there's less chance of a mess, right? ;)

Helen, you wouldn't believe the number of women's restrooms I've been to that are just as dirty and smelly. :eek: Unfortunately, some women are just not into cleanliness.

Casey Morgan
04-18-2006, 02:10 PM
Short answer: in male mode I pee standing up.

Longer answer: I learned to pee standing up. So in male mode that's what I normally do. I get in, do my thing, and get out. In female mode, even if I'm just wearing a pair of women's underwear (stop snickering in the back, you know what I mean), it doesn't feel right to pee standing up. Social conditioning perhaps?

04-18-2006, 06:54 PM
I don't think about it too much and do it in whatever way suites the mood. Anyway, in public, when you gotta go, you gotta go and the method does not matter.

04-19-2006, 12:34 AM
Sit or Stand?

Of course sitting is better
In public

would strongly recomment not going in the women's toilet
in the slight chance a plane falls on the palce and you survive
you will be blamed
you can't go in there in any cloak of safety

04-19-2006, 04:36 PM
Sit or Stand?

Of course sitting is better
In public

would strongly recomment not going in the women's toilet
in the slight chance a plane falls on the palce and you survive
you will be blamed
you can't go in there in any cloak of safety

I've never been to the women's toilets and would never wan to go unless fully dressed "en femme" and accompanied by another GG :cool:

But that wasn't the subject of my question. Even in Men's rooms I always go sitting, even for a little pee. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one :)



04-19-2006, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by CaptLex
I can't speak for myself, of course, but I have a male cousin (non-trans) who has peed sitting down his entire life (he's 46) and thinks all men should.
I can't speak for myself either but, my fathers running joke is that he has been peeing sitting down ever since he got married. Keeps him out of trouble from making a mess and having to remember to put the toilet seat down.:)

Helen MC
04-20-2006, 12:22 AM
Apart from the sexual aspects, to me peeing sitting down as a biological woman does is more hygienic, more efficient in emptying the bladder, cleaner, more comfortable and it avoids the possibility of a "follow through" accident in your panties if as can happen if you need to defecate at the same time. Many men have had such a nasty experience when standing and peeing at a urinal and soil their underpants whereas if seated on a toilet pan the poo will go safely down into the toilet in the normal manner.

Casey Morgan
04-20-2006, 10:24 AM
Many men have had such a nasty experience when standing and peeing at a urinal and soil their underpants

Can't say I'm one of them, but there is something to be said for avoiding the embarrassing situation of flushing the urinal and walking straight into the stall. :redface:

04-24-2006, 12:26 AM
At home I have peed sittting down for a number of years. Lately, in public I pee sitting down. It just feels more natural. It is also much easier when wearing panties. Which I do most of the time now.

Cherry Lynn
04-24-2006, 12:38 AM
When at home I sit to pee but in public and in drab stand up. The few times dressed in public I have sat to pee.

04-25-2006, 11:41 AM
I'm a sit downer, Allways have been. I find it more comfotable,and less chance of an accident.
Love karinsa xxx

04-25-2006, 05:11 PM
Actually, I'm quite glad I have the option to stand. Most times the seats in men's as well as women's public toilets are wet. I hear complaints all the time.

Plus standing it is faster.

04-25-2006, 11:46 PM
The ability to pee wherever I wish is about the only thing I like about being a boy. I have nothing but sympathy for GG friends when we go mountain biking or camping and one has to go to the bathroom in the woods or something. But, I do pee sitting down when I am dressed en femme in public.

04-27-2006, 10:23 AM
Hmmm I'm one of the strange ones... a bit of a mix!
If I can, I pee standing up simply out of conveinience and hygene. I'll only ever pee sitting down if in a public place and it would 'give me away' if someone were to hear me pee standing up. lmao.

Although once I have the op, I won't have the option any more :-S

As for guys vs girls toilets, I always use the girls now. I never go out as a guy any more. But girls toilets can be just as bad as the guys, the worst I've ever heard of is smiley faces on the mirror with a used tampon.

04-27-2006, 12:16 PM
I have only ever stood when in the field with the military. always sat most of my life. trust me i got picked on for years. and i hated it but seeing as i am pron to accidents i need to make shure i'm empty. as for the potties being clean i use the ladies room all the time and it depends on the place. they can be even worse then the mens room.

Florence Tidji
05-03-2006, 11:57 AM
I always choose the women toilets!

Florence Tidji
05-03-2006, 12:00 PM
But sometimes, you can easily recognize CD in toilets: here is the hint!

05-03-2006, 01:59 PM
here in nj its not good even dressed to use ladies room, can be arrested, but I do now and then cause the mens is always filthy, and I do sit to pee. Been doing it since I can remember. love hugs and kisses GeeGee2

05-03-2006, 04:47 PM
Most public toilets both male and female are pretty disgusting. Female toilets there are often queues and the seat never gets a chance to cool down. In both male and female mode I would only sit down if a number 2 was required.


jenny sissey
05-03-2006, 04:54 PM
i've sat down for about 5years to have a pee. as if i stand up wee goes all over the place.

05-03-2006, 06:45 PM
I sit,unless the place is dirty..it's nice to have the optiion. In the ladies room I hover if need be.

05-08-2006, 11:51 AM
Early in our marriage, my wife was facinated to see that I often sat to pee when I didn't need to go #2. She thought that men always stood when going only #1. I told her that it depends; I still use my boy tool in the upright position when it is a matter of speed and convenience. Generally, two factors determine whether I stand or sit: 1. How convenient is it to drop my drawers? 2. How sleepy am I?

Sometimes, there is also a third factor; when I Am in one of my very girlish moods, sitting just seems to be the natural thing to do.


Kristen Kelly
05-09-2006, 05:30 AM
here in nj its not good even dressed to use ladies room, can be arrested, but I do now and then cause the mens is always filthy, and I do sit to pee. Been doing it since I can remember. love hugs and kisses GeeGee2

I use the Family or assisted toilets seated when ever dressed emfem, I have used the ladies room but try not to after a post I've seen on being arrested after using the ladies room while dressed.


Using the mens room dressed infem would be bad enough, but being thrown in a holding cell dressed, I'd be scared, Bubba loves them blonds.

05-10-2006, 09:41 PM
I hate it when I have to pee standing up. It hurts my legs. Nearly makes my muscles lock up. Sitting to pee feels more natural to me and it is comfy.

Makes more sense to me, too... but I don't like public bathrooms. Often they are dirty or you might risk contracting herpes or something from the toilet seats.

Oh, and you don't ever want to be near a really dirty girls bathroom. Trust me. You think nasty guys bathrooms are bad? Try the heavy smell of unwashed crotch (it's just nasty) along with urine (makes me wonder if it is the whole "if it's yellow, leave it mellow" thing for water conservation, at times) , feces (although not usually. Girls seem to get the "if it's brown, flush it down" rule) , and, on some special occasions, menstrual fluids.

Keep in mind that I have ever been in a girls bathroom once, however, and I didn't go potty there. My friend was changing and we were standing there waiting and watching because we're weird pervs or something. :P These wonderful odors have been encountered outside girls bathroom doors and, sometimes, invading a building from one of those single-person bathrooms. It's really nasty.

Anyway, sitting to pee is good for you. :P Do it!

05-15-2006, 09:39 PM
I'm a setter, not a pointer!:tongueout

05-16-2006, 09:51 AM
sitting down seems more natural, my advice if in femme mode and your in the girls loo and a group of teenage girl s come in, wait till theyve gone to leave your cubicle, young girls just see you as a big target especially if they're in a group, they are best avoided unless you pass really well.