View Full Version : A Letter to my wife

04-20-2006, 02:31 PM
Just in case my wife found my clothing stash or worse, if I was out dressed and had and accident or a problem with the police, I want to write a letter to my wife saying the things that I would need to say but not able to.

Please tell me what I have left out or what I should not have said or any other suggestions.

This is what I wrote:

My Darling,

You have just made a discovery. You have discovered a very private part of my life that no one else has ever known about. This letter is written to you in the hopes you will be able to properly understand what you have found. The fact is, I have been a secret crossdresser for all of my adult life.

Before you start jumping to conclusions let me explain a few things. First and most important is that I love you dearly, always have and always will. There are no two people as close as we are. Yet I have kept a secret from you all of these years for the main reason that I love you so much and have feared of losing your respect, or worst of all of losing you all together. I now have to face up to this fear.

Second, please try to understand what a crossdresser is and exactly what my crossdressing is and means to me. Simply put, a crossdresser is a person, male or female, that wears clothing of the opposite sex. Why is OK for a women to wear pants but not OK for a man to wear a skirt? He is ridiculed and shamed leaving him with depression and guilt feelings. Therefore most crossdressers, upwards of 10% of all men, are in the closet.

Being a crossdresser does not mean one is gay or has gay tendencies, just as being gay does not make one a crossdresser. The two are not necessarily connected. In my case I am not gay or bi-sexual. I have never had any sexual feelings toward men. I love girls, I love a woman's body and I love making love to you. That has not changed nor will it. I have never felt like a woman trapped in a man's body. I don't want to become a woman or live my life as a woman. I am like most crossdressers, just plain heterosexual.

If you asked me why I like to wear woman's clothing I would find it difficult to explain as I am not sure why I am the way I am. There have been numerous case studies and a lot more theories, but they always never seem to fit me exactly. I love the female body and all its parts and pieces, especially yours. It is a thing of beauty. I love it when a woman is attractively dressed. I cannot say the same for the male body at all. When I put on female clothing I am trying to emulate something that I love feeling, caressing and looking at. It excites me to look feminine. The closer I get to "passing" the more exciting it is.

On the Internet there is a lot of open discussion on crossdressing and much of it has been enlightening to me. (Look at crossdressers.com, an online support group) It has given me a better understanding of myself, the ability ot rid myself of the heavy guilt feelings and to become more comfortable with the reality of what I am. I have to live with myself. Haven't you always loved me for what I am, for the lover that I am? I quite feel that this side of me, a feminine side if you will, has helped me to understand your feelings more, made me a better lover for you and to be more responsive to your needs. I hope it has made me a better husband.

Can a crossdresser stop? Maybe, but most never do. They cannot for whatever reason. I have tried many times when the guilty feelings and fear have built up but it always comes back. Like an alcoholic, he is never cured, he can only suppress his need, and then usually only temporarily.

Please try to understand what I am, it is not a bad thing. You love me. I love you. I'm not asking for your approval, but now that this is out in the open between us, your patience, love and understanding is needed. It is time for open talk between us, not hate, disgust, pity. I need to know and respect your feelings about it, too. Our marriage has been extremely happy both physically and mentally, and I am the same person now that I was yesterday with the same loves and desires. Now that I have been 'caught out' it is almost a relief as I can now finally be totally honest with you. I'm glad I won't have to hide such an important part of me from you any longer. We need to openly discuss all of this and what it means to the both of us, and most importantly, figure out how we can both live with it and not let it affect our love and need for each other. With open arms and heart, I beg for your understanding.

I am yours, me

04-20-2006, 03:28 PM
QZ2 a very warm and well thought out letter, and I don't know your situation only you can know that,Kids Family,Etc.
Now that you've written it would it be in your best interest to pick a moment and give her the letter yourself?
I myself went through this back in December and backed it up with This Board and a few others and Articles I felt would support my case for be so secretive for so long.
In my case it worked out great, beyond my wildest dreams.
I now can share with the only person in my world that really matters who I really am.
Don't let anyone push you into anything that is not right for the You And Your's, but food for thought.

Wishing you Well Big Hugs Rena
PS Good Letter:thumbsup:

Miss Petra
04-20-2006, 04:16 PM
Well said and from the heart. Good job.

Bev06 GG
04-20-2006, 04:27 PM
Why is OK for a women to wear pants but not OK for a man to wear a skirt?
I think that this is a very lovely letter but would probably leave the above out. Why? because its not a valid argument. F to M are just as ridiculed as M to F crossdressers. Women who just wear pants are not trying to pass as a man, nor are they dressing to feel like one, its just personal style. And if your wife wears pants she might take offence at it. Thats only my opinion of course but the argument about women wearing jeans and sweat shirts isn't a particularly valid one and quite a weak argument.
Love what you said to her tho, made me feel all warm inside.

04-20-2006, 04:32 PM
Thanks Bev, a point well taken. That sentence will be removed. I agree that it is not a valid argument and also unfair.

xox QZ2

Joy Carter
04-20-2006, 04:45 PM
Nothing else to say but gald to be your sister.. Joy Carter

Faye Emmette
04-20-2006, 05:07 PM
Q, that is a wonderful lettre and it seems you truly are in Love.
Perhaps it's a bit lenghty but that's just me .. in general it is very nice.
Good work.

04-20-2006, 05:52 PM
I have been a secret crossdresser for all of my adult life.
So, you didn't CD in your younger years? If you did, you should probaly change it to read --I have been a secret crossdresser for most of my life, since age _____.--

Before you start jumping to conclusions
I'd definitely leave that part out.

Can a crossdresser stop? Maybe, but most never do.
I'd suggest changing it to read --Can a crossdresser stop? Many have tried but have not been able to.--

Where are you planning to leave the letter?

04-20-2006, 06:21 PM
I would edit it a lot, focusing on your heart felt love and what you have written about your life and love together, which was so reassuring.

It seems very technical, almost to the point of a lecture.
It will be hard enough to discover this letter.....let the education can come later.

She will be going through so much....she will need your constant support and reassurance.....so give her some time to come to support you.

I'm not so sure you want her to discover this letter....I think you kinda want to give it to her now....or for her discover it very soon.

04-21-2006, 06:30 AM
I wrote a 5-page letter to my wife telling her everything. She shredded it and we still don't talk. Well, I tried.

Anita Mae GG
04-21-2006, 06:54 AM
I would edit it a lot, focusing on your heart felt love and what you have written about your life and love together, which was so reassuring.

It seems very technical, almost to the point of a lecture.
It will be hard enough to discover this letter.....let the education can come later.

She will be going through so much....she will need your constant support and reassurance.....so give her some time to come to support you.

I'm not so sure you want her to discover this letter....I think you kinda want to give it to her now....or for her discover it very soon.

I disagree, I think it is very informative and from the heart. Not like alecture at all. I would make the editting suggestions others have put out there for you though!

04-21-2006, 07:20 AM
Personally, I wouldn't compare cross dressing to alcoholics. Alcholism is deconsructive and negitive, cross dressing isn't.

04-21-2006, 07:46 AM
um, it is a very nice letter, minus the few corrections that have already been stated, but I fell, that it seems a little premeditated? If my wife found such a letter, the first questions she would ask are probably:

When the hell were you going to throw this surprise at me?

Why couldn't you tell me face to face?

Not to rain on anyones parade, of course, just pointing out a possible snag. Not knowing your situation, I can only guess, but I think the letter, given after a little prep work, would smooth your telling her.

Oh, I also agree NOT to compare CD'ing with anything negative. We already get enough bad press....

good luck, I hope things work out for you.

04-21-2006, 07:53 AM
Thank you eveeryone, some very good suggestions. I have done some editing and feel good about what I have said.

A copy will go with my clothes stash and another will be carried with me whenever I am dressed and out. Just in case...

Love you all, QZ

Kristen Kelly
04-21-2006, 07:57 AM
Personally, I wouldn't compare cross dressing to alcoholics. Alcholism is deconsructive and negitive, cross dressing isn't.

I dissagree with your point 1 drink can make an alcoholic depending on persons actions after, just as many of us have been rapped up in our dressing that our family life and work have suffered. It is possible to have to much of a good thing.

kathy gg
04-21-2006, 09:19 AM

That is a good letter if you do make the changes that have been suggested. I agree, dont' bring up comparing women wearing pants to cds. Don't bring up alcoholism. I think sprinkeling paragraphs with your recomfirmation of love and such is a very good idea.

I have to say , and I know I sound like a broken record...But to me getting caught always signals No intention of coming clean. In other words, it looks like the plan is deception first and foremost. Telling and being honest are always the second choice. And despite all the good and sweet intentions behind NOT telling, it still always seems to me that being honest is not what is important. Being dishonest is. Please dont' think I am picking on you personally. But anyone who is in the closet has to know that is what most women think about. He lied to me and would have kept lying to me. I am not saying rush and tell her, but be ready when this letter gets found for the road of "he would have never told me if I had not caught him".

I dont' know your wife and her value system. Who knows she might find crossdressing more offensive than being lied to. But most women I have known always are more angry at the lie and deception.

Best of luck when that letter does get found .