View Full Version : Female persona history

04-22-2006, 05:51 PM
Hope this is the correct place for this question.

There was recently a thread asking how one chose their name. Soon enough I may get the chance to actually see Phyliss, (there is a possibilty of a make over in the near future.) I guess my question is something along the lines of, if you've got a name do you have some kind of history or something special that only your fem side exhibits. Not so much the different way of walking or your different mannerisms, but when deciding what I think I want Phyliss to look like I'm trying to come up with a history or storyline that I can associate Phyliss with so that her looks will reflect that part of her. At 61 I don't want to look like some teeny bopper mall rat, but rather like a mature woman who has seen "the other side of the tracks" and "been 'round the block once" but doesn't live there. She's decent respectable person who knows the way of the world and accepts it for what it is.
Has anyone gone to any greater extent in developing their female personality?

04-22-2006, 11:38 PM
It just takes time to develop, baby steps. Do the work and your personality will come with time. Choosing a name was for me my wifes doing. We were in Collage together and she came up with my name. It fits and I enjoy it.