View Full Version : Any GG help please.

04-23-2006, 05:51 PM
I’m really serious I want to know what I did right or wrong on my makeup, wig and my dress. Do I need more padding in the rear or what any suggestions will help. This is my first time ever to fully dress up. I have been listening to many of the GG’s and their suggestions but I don’t feel I look fem enough. So any help would be appreciated.

I don't have a GG I can talk to and get pointers from so thanks for viewing and listening.

Honey GG
04-23-2006, 06:25 PM
Hi Sara,
Now you asked for pointers so here goes, this is the same thing I would say to my husband (and did when he asked...)
The style of the wig is fine but too dark, you could stick with brunette but go more to a med brown- the dark hair color is too harsh, kinda looks like the first wig my DH bought. He now wears a auburn shade or a light-med brown.

Makeup looks fine, again maybe a lighter tone on the lipstick.

The outfits- with the black/white sweater,ditch the pearls the top has enough going with out any necklace,if you want jewlery with that top the go for something shorter. It looked fine with the other sweater,
The sweater and skirt- a lighter weight top would work better, pick one of the colors in the flowers and go for a solid top for spring. I think the skirt is more spring with the flowers.
I think a solid color skirt would look better with the fushia top, maybe something fuller.

Ok, I know I am picky.....There is lots of colorful springy clothes out ther right now, lots of really cute skirts, and strappy sandels...


Anita Mae GG
04-23-2006, 06:52 PM
I agree with Honey 100% Great tips!!

kathy gg
04-23-2006, 09:47 PM
Hi Sara,

Hmm, with the pearls and the outfit, looks like someone trying to look much more older than they really are. The first poster gave great advice. I looked at your profile and since you did not write your age...I can only guess that you are in your late thirties by how your dress. **sorry*....if you are younger, my apologies, but your way of dressing is someone who is jsut out of touch. Again, pearly can be kinda fun, but when done with irony.

She was dea-on the hair is way to dark. It is a great gothic wig, but if you are not being a goth girl, hair that dark looks a littel out of place.

You also look very uncomfortable in the pics, sot of like reminds me of when they come 'round to take class photos, everyone is shuffeling and nervous and not wanting their pic taken. Loosen up a bitt..may I suggest a ncie chardoney...

good luck

sorry you dont have real time friend to boucne all this stuf off of, pics only tell half the story..

04-23-2006, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the Help. I know I'm still nervous since it was the first time in full dress. Got you on the pearls. The cloths is because I still have a lot of body hair working on that but used long sleeves and high tops to cover chest and arms.

By the way I'm 44 years old if that gives a little direction on my thinking.

I thought a lighter color would be better. Should have tried to find it but I only found a lot of curly wigs in the lighter shade were I was looking, but will keep looking for the right one. Hard to know on the first wig with out trying on a lot of them.

Do I look fem enough in the face is one question? And do I need any more padding?

Once again thanks and any further tips are appreciated.

Tamara Croft
04-23-2006, 10:31 PM
It's quite hard giving an opinion when the pics aren't really a good close up. But I'll try ;)

The first thing that stands out is the lipstick, it is too harsh. Try a bronze colour. Next, the eyelids. I can't really tell what colour you have used, but I think browns would suit you, mocha for the lower lid and beige on the upper lid and blend them together. Use a bronze blusher on the cheek bones, but when applying it, smile, this puffs out the cheeks where you should apply it. I agree the wig is too dark, you should go with your natural hair colour, it will then match your eyebrows.

I think you look ok in the skirt, the jumper doesn't look right. You should wear a nice plain blouse with it. But I have to be honest, the picture of you in trousers screams 'guy' at me. You need more hip and bum padding and perhaps a corset to pull your waist in a bit ;)

I hope that helps.