View Full Version : Hair Styles and Accessories

04-25-2006, 03:21 PM
I was in a meeting with some people that I have known for about a year this morning. A GG that I have talked to casually in the past approached me before the meeting started and teasingly said, “Your hair is getting pretty long, you’ll need to wear a French braid soon!”.

I’ve been gaining self confidence, going out en femme and interacting with others (but not with them), so I wasn’t too flustered. So while gathering up the back in one hand, I seriously replied, “It is getting quite long, but still not quite long enough for a pony tail”. She blinked a couple of times and then realizing I was serious, she said, “I hate it when it’s in the in-between stage. At least girls can wear clips and barrettes to keep it out of the way, but about all a guy can do is keep it back is to use sunglasses like you’re doing.”. We then chatted a bit more...

I’ve been a “just above the ears and tapered in the back” military haircut guy since I was 18. Over the years, I remember men pretty much sticking with fashion trends. Thankfully, nowadays it seems that men can wear it pretty much how they want without anybody getting too upset.

Fortunately, baldness does not seem to be common in my genes, so I’ve been growing my hair out since last summer. It's just at the bottom of my neck and over my eyes now.

I do need to wear it appropriately when portraying both genders, so the last time I went to the stylist I told her my intentions. She layered it some and showed me how I can use a flat iron to straighten the collar curls for one style and curl the ends under for a bob look.

That got me to thinking about what we talk about here, and most hair related talk is referring to wigs. Even then, it doesn’t involve hair accessories or styles very often.

So the question is this:

For those with long hair, how do you wear your hair when in drab and how do you learn how to style it by yourself in both modes?

Ps In my avatar, I’m wearing a wig and I don’t have any pictures with my own hair to post right now…

04-25-2006, 03:57 PM
in guy mode I wear my ponytail about half way down the back of my head with a big pink scunci. alot higher then normal guys would wear but hey Im not normal :cheeky:

Karren H
04-25-2006, 05:10 PM
Well I used to have long hair but perfer a wig now and love to style it and use clips and put it up! Taught myself reading magazines, watching TV and experimenting!! Creates a more complete package in my opinion!!! BTW I used to run around campus with pony tails and pig tails some times sticking straight up in the air from the top of my head......hehehe.

Love Karren

04-25-2006, 06:15 PM
I flat-iron my hair for work so that it's mostly straight, I haven't gotten it down to where it will stay straight through out the day, some days even walking out the door. Other then that I just brush it and it curls at the collar. I don't really have a boy or girl style, just a me style that's long and cut to look like a girls picture in a salon book.

Wendy me
04-25-2006, 06:23 PM
in the "him" mode i put my hair in a poney tail sometimes with up to 3 or 4 scuncis ... and sometimes in jist one and i fluff up my tail so its curly and full

in wendy mode wash pat dry abought 2 to 3 hours lol no wonder i am all way late ...bend down brush out ...shake my head light hair spray done...

04-28-2006, 02:22 PM
After another meeting this morning, the same GG came up to me and gave me a hug! I had not seen her since starting this thread until today.

While hugs and handshakes are not uncommon at these meetings, I was not expecting one from her.

I just have to wonder if maybe she is a member or knows another member here and saw this thread and my photo and put one and one together.

It is really hard for me to come out and ask her in person because once it's out, it's out!

If in fact she is reading messages here, please leave me a PM here or ask "him" if he knows "me" by name.