View Full Version : Looking at Pictures on the Internet....Do You?

Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 07:50 AM
I have a question for all of you, including GG's.

My dear Danielle likes to look at pics of other CD's on yahoo all the time (not excessively) but often.It bothers me that he is looking at these "woman" some of which are wearing skimpy nighties and some show off their "male" parts. It really bothers me when she does this. Almost as if it were real woman (no offense ladies). If it were GG's I'd be just as upset if not maybe a little more than I am about this. She says she does it to see what they are wearing and how they look. Some have "stuff" showing.......I don't know....bothers me, can't say exactly why either just does.

My question is this if you are a CD'er......do you do this and why?

For you GG's.......does your SO do this and how do you feel about it?

Thanks everyone.......just trying to stay sane here LOL

Mary Jane
04-27-2006, 07:54 AM
Before finding this forum I used to look at a lot of pics of other CDers but somehow I have lost that urge. I thought the pics may have been a way of being in "contact" with others like myself. NOW, I am involved in a way that fullfills my need and I no longer seem interested in the pics as much.

Jasmine Ellis
04-27-2006, 08:03 AM
Tammy dear, I have never done so, and never will.

kittypw GG
04-27-2006, 08:05 AM
My husband does do this and I have no way of knowing just how often. He also watches transexual porn. It does bother me especially the porn. It is obvious to me that the porn is two guys so my argument is that it is gay porn. He sees it a different way and I can't quite wrap my mind around it. I think that it would be ok if there were a cd and a gg in the porn then I might really get into that but watching two guys go at it is not entertaining to me even if one does have boobs. So My fears might be rooted in the fact that he desires to have sex with men or with transexuals and that would not be cool. I guess it makes me mistrust him. I often think he might not be telling me the truth about who and what he is. Yes I think it really is a trust issue. Kitty

Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 08:09 AM

I am sorry to hear that. Sounds like someone needs to come to grips with her "true" self and talk to you about EXACTLY what the deal is.

I am not sure why it bothers me, I guess maybe part is jealousy that he likes to look at it and essentially they are men he is looking at. I don' t think he is being dishonest with me I think it just bugs me that he wants to sit up here and look at men.....(dressed as woman of course) but still.... I don't know. I can't wrap my brain around WHY I really don't like it and WHY he actually does it...................

Miss Petra
04-27-2006, 08:13 AM

Before I came out to my wife I used to look at Transsexual ******* porn and self gratify. This was cheating on my wife plain & simple because I did it behind her back & in secret. Once I came out I no longer have the urge to do these self destructive behaviors. This is due to the fact I fell better about myself.

I hope your CD is very careful because for some pornography is or more addicting than drugs and has ruined many a relationship.



Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 08:16 AM

Before I came out to my wife I used to look at Transsexual ******* porn and self gratify. This was cheating on my wife plain & simple because I did it behind her back & in secret. Once I came out I no longer have the urge to do these self destructive behaviors. This is due to the fact I fell better about myself.

I hope your CD is very careful because for some pornography is or more addicting than drugs and has ruined many a relationship.



It really isn't porn...there have been a few pics from a group she joined (which I do not like, makes me uneasy) outside of that they are just pic of CD'ers ........some are provocative but hardly porn in the true sense of the word

04-27-2006, 08:19 AM
Somewhat like Mary Jane, I used to spend a lot of time looking at pictures of other CDs on the internet. I think that I was overwhelmed by the discovery that so many other men were X-dressing. Looking at their pictures was like feeling finaly that I wasn't so lonely in my way of life.

I do watch these picture a lot less now that I have discovered discussion forums where I can share experiences with other members rather than just looking at some pictures.

I still like to see the pics of other members as it is nice to have a mental image of the person whom your discussing with.

I often take some excellent ideas from looking at other CDs pics.

But I should also admit that I find some CDs very attractive. That's probably the male personality that is still present in me...

On the other side I like to show pictures of me... I assume some like to see them otherwise why bother

However, I'm not interested by porn pictures involving CDs. I also dislike very much pictures of CDs who show their male organs, be it openly or even through panties.

My aim being to look and feel as much as a GG as I can, I find this exhibitionism of male private parts to be quite the opposite of my goals.



Kate Simmons
04-27-2006, 08:20 AM
Tam, Personally, I'm not much into that stuff. Doesn't really do that much for me but that's me. I think Danielle may be comparing herself to other gals, not sure about the male parts thing though. I'm more interested in how I relate to other people as Ericka, especially my friends who appreciate me as such. That's what make me feel good about who I am. Take care, Ericka

Miss Petra
04-27-2006, 08:20 AM

One more thought...

If you have expressed that he looking at pictures bothers you then he should
respect that and stop right away. Would you do something that bothers him after he has told you your feelings?

I do not look at any pictures except on this site because of the dilligence moderators editing of questionable photos. If he wants to look at beautiful CD's all he has to do is look under the photo galleries here.

Miss Petra
04-27-2006, 08:32 AM
Tammy if the pictures are more provocative then what is posted in the lingerie
section here I would consider them porn. Just my opinion.

Unfortunately porn like drugs starts out slow & innocent part time & casual but can become all consuming. It was hard for me to stop & I still struggle with it occasionally but choose not to participate and that alone is enpowering.

The only time pornography should be allowed (If that is your choice) is when both parties are watching & participating, again just my opinion.

Feeling uncomfortable about someone elses actions sucks and it took me 5 years & almost a divorce to figure that one out and finally respect my wifes boundaries.



04-27-2006, 08:40 AM
Used to....don't bother anymore.

Melissa Ryan
04-27-2006, 08:43 AM
I like to see pics of my friends, for example, here on the pic threads. Is nice to put a face to who you are talkin to. I have never been to places that show the sorts of pics you are talkin of. However a friend and I started a chat forum on Yahoo and had someone join with "showin bits" pics. We were a bit stunned to be sure! She didnt know us. We had a giggle and she never came back.

I spose everyone is different. For me I dont dress for a sexual motivation. I just do dress. As for what I have ever looked at as far as pics go. I tell and show Lyn. Some she doesnt like, some we both like. But for me it has never been a guy in a dress.

I guess the thing here is, that honesty should prevail. No one likes to be lied to. I know I dont. I cant answer you any better than this coz I cant pass judgment. If this is what she likes, the least she could do is tell you the truth.

Best of luck! :happy:

04-27-2006, 08:58 AM
I have a question for all of you, including GG's.

My dear Danielle likes to look at pics of other CD's on yahoo all the time (not excessively) but often.It bothers me that he is looking at these "woman" some of which are wearing skimpy nighties and some show off their "male" parts. It really bothers me when she does this. Almost as if it were real woman (no offense ladies). If it were GG's I'd be just as upset if not maybe a little more than I am about this. She says she does it to see what they are wearing and how they look. Some have "stuff" showing.......I don't know....bothers me, can't say exactly why either just does.

My question is this if you are a CD'er......do you do this and why?

For you GG's.......does your SO do this and how do you feel about it?

Thanks everyone.......just trying to stay sane here LOL

Tammy, When I look, it is at VS or New Port News, at what the girls are wareing, there make up, the same with grils I see on the street the clothes the make up. There was a time when I looked at porn and pic of TG on the net, I come to the concultion that I was cheating on my wife, you don't have to touch to be cheating. My wife once told me if you are think about it you are cheating. Talk to him he is not being honist with you.


Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 09:13 AM
Ok I have to clear something up. Danielle is not surfing the net for porn...she has on occassion looked at some pics that happened to be in people's profiles that were showing male parts.

99.99% of what she looks at are just pictures on people's profile dressed just like most of you. What I mean by my thread is that she goes on deliberately to look at pics of other cd'ers.....

I was curious if this was a commonality among you.......

By no means does she surf deliberately for porn, I would not approve of that at all........

Melissa Ryan
04-27-2006, 09:33 AM
Simple answer, no I dont go to look at pics. I do here for reasons that I said. Otherwise, no, I just like to chat with people same as me. :happy:

04-27-2006, 09:53 AM

I don't often go to the tg picture sites to view the "Skimpy" or "*******" type pictures. Yes, I have looked on occasion because I am somewhat interested in other's gender presentations and to see the variety of people who identify as TG, but I really feel that a person's private parts should be just that - private. Yes, I enjoy seeing a GG or TG showing a little cleavage or a well toned thigh, but I don't have to see whole boobs and pelvic areas. If I do see more than I need to, it doesn't disturb me but I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't seek it out.

I guess some TGs seek out this kind of visual candy for erotic pleasure or as wishful thinking, but I wonder how much it hurts the TGLB community.


I have a question for all of you, including GG's.

My dear Danielle likes to look at pics of other CD's on yahoo all the time (not excessively) but often.It bothers me that he is looking at these "woman" some of which are wearing skimpy nighties and some show off their "male" parts. It really bothers me when she does this. Almost as if it were real woman (no offense ladies). If it were GG's I'd be just as upset if not maybe a little more than I am about this. She says she does it to see what they are wearing and how they look. Some have "stuff" showing.......I don't know....bothers me, can't say exactly why either just does.

My question is this if you are a CD'er......do you do this and why?

For you GG's.......does your SO do this and how do you feel about it?

Thanks everyone.......just trying to stay sane here LOL

04-27-2006, 10:05 AM
I have a question for all of you, including GG's.

My dear Danielle likes to look at pics of other CD's on yahoo all the time (not excessively) but often.It bothers me that he is looking at these "woman" some of which are wearing skimpy nighties and some show off their "male" parts. It really bothers me when she does this. Almost as if it were real woman (no offense ladies). If it were GG's I'd be just as upset if not maybe a little more than I am about this. She says she does it to see what they are wearing and how they look. Some have "stuff" showing.......I don't know....bothers me, can't say exactly why either just does.

My question is this if you are a CD'er......do you do this and why?

For you GG's.......does your SO do this and how do you feel about it?

Thanks everyone.......just trying to stay sane here LOL

I like to see what's possible with and without hormones. I like to view the pics and see what girls have done and what the results are. I understand your concern, but remember, if he's recently come-out to you, he's in a stage of discovery much like puberty would have been all those years ago. It's natural to be curious, but it's also dangerous. Adolescents are usually encouraged to find other outlets for their curiosity. Adults have gone through *that* phase, and think they can resist any dangers.

Anyway, you might want to just sit down with him and talk. If there are any provocative pictures address those and ask him about them... Try not to sound like a mother talking to her teenage son; this is an easy tendency for women, just as men talk to their wives like irresponsible daughters. (Not all, it's just an easy trap).


Melinda G
04-27-2006, 10:23 AM
Where is this site? Post a link. Thanks

04-27-2006, 10:46 AM
I usualy look at everyones profile pic in forums like this ,and those I chat with. Once and a while I will look at someones photo gallery. NEVER want to see those private shots thanks.
Being a CD I know how much goes into getting a photo you can share online so I appreciate it almost like art,,, but again NO private stuff for me.
Thats just me :)


04-27-2006, 10:53 AM
Yes I look at other Cd's websites. Not for any sexual content but to identify I suppose with others that share my passion. It is nice to see an attractive CDer looking hot in the same sense as seeing a GG dressed the same, but definately not with body parts hanging out, thats personally not my thing!!

I'm only really interested in websites that have some sense of reality about them 'other CDers sharing their experiences' combined with their photo pages. Other crossdressers experiences help me deal with my own situation. For many of us the internet is the only tool for reaching out to the outside world. You could say, seeing others dressed as we like to dress ourselves brings a sense of normality and ease knowing that we are not alone.

Maybe your SO is just reaching out, but if this upsets you then maybe there is a compromise! :)

Deidra Cowen
04-27-2006, 10:54 AM
I enjoy looking at other CDs and especially study their makeup, cloths and how they carry off attaining a femmy posture. Well as much as you can tell by photos.

When I was new to dressing I esp looked at more famous Tgirls and really tried to learn from them. I will admit esp before I started dressing naughty pics drew my interest...I still look at those from time to time, hey I 'm single after all! But instead of the naughty stuff more times than not their eye makup or lipstick or etc. catches my attention and I'm taking notes for something I might do next time I dress and want to improve my look.

04-27-2006, 11:02 AM
Ok I have to clear something up. Danielle is not surfing the net for porn...she has on occassion looked at some pics that happened to be in people's profiles that were showing male parts.

99.99% of what she looks at are just pictures on people's profile dressed just like most of you. What I mean by my thread is that she goes on deliberately to look at pics of other cd'ers.....

I was curious if this was a commonality among you.......

By no means does she surf deliberately for porn, I would not approve of that at all........

I like to see pics of people I know and do sometimes look usually just to see if they have that friendly sort of face that I may want to chat too.
It is also usefull to get tips and such like as we tend to have the same shape faces I do try to copy looks that work (they dont usually work for me tho :sad: ).
As for bits showing for me thats a no no I dont like that one little bit I do apreciate when CDs make an effort with their appearance. I agree with othere tho if you are not very happy about it you should explain your felings but also listen to him

04-27-2006, 11:05 AM
Porn is porn; to me there is no difference between soft or hard, it is still porn.
I stay away for unhealthy places that infect people. I do enjoy viewing the pics here because they are in good taste and many deserve regonition and
I try to give positive comments intended on reenforcing all of my sisters self-worth.

04-27-2006, 11:20 AM

To answer your question simply, no.

There are two reasons for this. 1. My wife Bunny is very offended by the risque or sexual nature on some of the CD sites I have been to. She feels that some of what they do is inapropriate. This site she is totaly comfortable with me viewing all the pics I want. She is not a prude by any means. We will go to strip clubs and watch porn together. So because of her discomfort, I stay away from it. 2. I find that I dont enjoy the more provocative shots and poses. I dont even view the lingere section here. I guess that my CDing is non sexual, so I don't mix in the more sexual viewing aspects.

I hope my answer helps. If anything, you know there is another wife who feels the same as you.

Teresa Amina
04-27-2006, 11:35 AM
Don't go looking for them, and if I bump into something like that I'm out of there quick! The pictures here are usually great since most of us make a great effort to appear feminine. But I've never seen the attraction of porn- soft or hard core, and some places on the net are just hairy guys in lingerie with their "parts" pushing through! Ewwwwww!:o :thumbsdn:

Wendy me
04-27-2006, 11:44 AM
no i don't go looking at outher places and pics of outher cd with thingys hanging out no not at all yuck that...but to each thrir own just something i am not in to at all....

Katie Ashe
04-27-2006, 11:59 AM
I do like to collect pic of GG's only, and I do look for them in anything sexy. It kinda a fetish thing with pretty girls in pretty clothes. It isn't sexual for me, I simply like to drool over what I can never become. I have seen some of the pic you are talking about, I think they give us nice TG's a bad rap. I'm embarrassed to be know by pics like that, cause people think of those nasty pics when they see you, even if your the nicest TG girl on the block. my0.02

04-27-2006, 12:08 PM
Well, for what it's worth, I often watch porn - dressed or not. Totally enjoy it. It does not run my life and I am not "addicted" to it. I don't like gay porn. Just TS or man/woman. Often find myself identifying with a feminine thought process and easily identify with and interact with primarily feminine groupings. Find them more outgoing and easier to talk with.
My feminine leanings are such that I can easily imagine myself in the femninine role in porn movies - would actually prefer that role than the male role. Would take their place anytime. It may be hard to understand but my fem personna and my male personna seem like two different people with two different mind sets and desires.
When I am Dawn I want to do what a woman can do and does do. Eveything.
When I am my male personna, I want to do and do what any "normal" man wants to do and does do.
I think I identify mostly as female but, frankly, don't think I could exclusively take the female role in life. Don't think I am nearly strong enough to put up with what women have to put up with from a lot of men. I think that most of them are only good for one thing.
Regardless of what may say and think abiout my thought process, I do love my wife, have been a great father figure to my children (still am) and very few are aware of my thoughts and leanings.
My wife knows that I am a TV but she is not aware of my full thoughts and desires to that side of my life. I know that she would not accept it - she barely accepts what she is aware of. I keep it hidden as best I can. You may call it unfair to her but we have a good relationship (married 45 years) and I feel it is best to keep that part of me away from her and let life continue as it has for many years now.
Understand, that if anything ever had or does happen to separate us in the future, I would gladly live out my days completely as Dawn.

04-27-2006, 12:08 PM
Tammy have you actually asked Danielle? What did she say? Did you feel like she was trying to not answer or didn't know what to say?

Like I told you before, I think it could be that Danielle hasn't dressed much/gone out en femme, and is probably wanting to learn how to get all dressed up! Young girls look at teen magazines to learn how to get the look they want, but for a guy trying to dress en femme, I'd imagine it can be daunting figuring out on your own how to do it all. Tgirl74 had a lot of help in the past from drag queens and CDs, so she is more confident in her look. But Tgirl told me how when she first started out her makeup was bad, she didn't really know how to do it. So I dunno, this is just my opinion, of course I'm not in Danielle's head so I can't say for sure, but I would imagine she is admiring the girls for how great they can look and wishing she knew how to do that too?

04-27-2006, 12:15 PM
Tammy Marie - I would be lying if I said that I do not periodically wander around in CD image areas. I don't do it often because I too frequently find what Danielle finds: guys who are just "letting it hang out" in trampy clothes or skimpy undies. I find that quite icky. And it sounds like whatever Danielle is looking for, she is not looking for that...

That said, I love seeing pics of a CD who looks happy with her image, attractice and reasonably presentable. And there is no question but that the pleasure is partly sensual (Erica blushes here), partly self-empowering (with a healthy bit of envy frequently thrown in) and partly self-help - seeing what I can learn from other girls.

Two other thoughts present themselves:

1. As many people have noted here, a married couple needs to set bounds as to what surfing is acceptable and what is not. My wife does not object to my seeking out *tasteful* erotic images, and I do my best not to abuse her trust. If she told me we needed a more stringent boundary to make her comfortable, I would of course respect her wishes. It sounds like y'all may just have a mismatch in your respective comfort levels generaly, which may be manifesting itself more abruptly in the context of CD images.

2. You alluded to a feeling of jealousy. I see that this is a recurring theme of GGs here: am I in competition with my husband's femme image? with other CDs? etc. I plead ignorance on the grounds of genome to these questions. I can only say that from my perspective, whatever impels me to dress it has nothing to do with manifesting desires of looking like the woman I want to be with. (I'm not my own type, sadly...) I want to be with my wife. Lastly, Danielle would need to surf a long, LONG time to find a nicer picture than your avatar!

Interesting thread. Thanks for asking!


04-27-2006, 12:24 PM
Some may say they don't, yet do go to the picture gallery here. Some that visit the picture gallery are interested because of friendship, some for other reasons.

When I look at pictures of CDs or TSs, I do so in the same manner that I look at GGs. Admire the attire, and sometimes wistfully wish I looked that good. I guess that's called living vicariously through others. :D

I don't do it for sexual reasons. If your DH says they don't do it for sexual reasons, then I suggest you try and believe him, at least until you see :eek: evidence to the contrary.

Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 12:28 PM
Tammy have you actually asked Danielle? What did she say? Did you feel like she was trying to not answer or didn't know what to say?

Like I told you before, I think it could be that Danielle hasn't dressed much/gone out en femme, and is probably wanting to learn how to get all dressed up! Young girls look at teen magazines to learn how to get the look they want, but for a guy trying to dress en femme, I'd imagine it can be daunting figuring out on your own how to do it all. Tgirl74 had a lot of help in the past from drag queens and CDs, so she is more confident in her look. But Tgirl told me how when she first started out her makeup was bad, she didn't really know how to do it. So I dunno, this is just my opinion, of course I'm not in Danielle's head so I can't say for sure, but I would imagine she is admiring the girls for how great they can look and wishing she knew how to do that too?

He says it is to see how they look. That he is interested in seeing how some of them
pull it off" as a woman.......I guess just comparing their looks etc.....can't wrap my head around it......

Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 12:31 PM
Where is this site? Post a link. Thanks

This is the group that he joined with the nasty pics.....still not quite sure WHY hejoined this one as we were both appalled by the pics we saw....

Also, for the record I do not like the URNotAlone site either.....very distasteful in my opinion as far as what I have seen......

04-27-2006, 12:33 PM
I have looked because I wanted to see if any of them actually looked totally female to me. Sadly, no.

There is a thread in the "Ask the GG" forum by someone who could not believe how good some the dressers looked, stating that one looked like a playboy pinup. I went to the site and looked at this girl. sadly, I saw "male" all over her face.

Perhaps I am more attentive and sensitive to knowing the tiny differences.

As for me, I don't have any desire to look the kind of pics your talking about.

04-27-2006, 12:40 PM
I imagine he joined because it related to Massachusetts and CDing. But I couldn't suggest a reason why he'd stay a member if it shows unacceptable images.

I reckon I'd be asking the same thing you are Tammy.

04-27-2006, 12:43 PM
I have looked up other's on this forum so that I can see what they look like, but is the extent. I don't go surfing for pictures. It is mainly either the yahoo.360 or the new TG mapping site where not only can you see thier picture, but where they live in realation to you.
My picture is on my profile on yahoo and I sometimes get trolls IM me, saying they saw my picture and wanted to chat. Sometimes they don't read my profile and think that I am a real GG. It thrills me, but at the same time, I think they need to have their eyes checked, since if you look real close, you can tell that I am not a real GG. LOL.

ashlee chiffon
04-27-2006, 12:57 PM
welll, years ago i used to go to all the sites involving cd's and transgenders and transsexuals and it Was erotic to see the stages of transformation, especially the more realistic looking "gurls"...but the older i have become, the less i have interest in lewd pictures *ie..porn*...and now i just enjoy seeing how others like myself look dressed. But i also look at fashion mags and shows and see how women look in my favorite styles of dress and appearance. i am not attracted to transsexuals, just curious. I do find passable cd's attractive, but only when dressed. i am not attracted to men in drab...i am single, so i' not cheating on anyone, so that is not an issue. But other cd's relate and that is important to us so we tend to turn to them on the internet to discuss things.
i just *now being older* don't like to see guys in a dress with there parts hanging out! It is very Unattractive to me. Porn, or not. He could be just looking to compare, looking to improve his look, looking to see how others view him...or looking because it arouses him....
he's the only who knows how it effects him, BUT your know how it effects You that's whats' important here! It may need a third party counsel to bring out whatever True motivation is there, as he may not even have a handle on it! This stuff can be deep, diversified, and all over the board, depending on the individual!
Better stop, as i'm probably confusing you more...

Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 12:59 PM
Lastly, Danielle would need to surf a long, LONG time to find a nicer picture than your avatar

Well thank you :)

Anita Mae GG
04-27-2006, 01:02 PM
Thanks to all of you who have answered so far...it has been great to read your perspectives on things.....

maid phylis
04-27-2006, 01:08 PM
:c9: :doll: :iagree: dear tammy ,nice to meet you on our forum.i for one do not like all cds showing themselves ,thats why i really love this forum and there are a lot of really nice people here ,and i am a person that really doesnt have to look at those pictures as i am an out and about girl ,i belong to cdi and i am at their meetings every wed night and i see all my sisters there.there is no need for pictures if you have real life.....kisses phylisanne

04-27-2006, 01:51 PM
No disrespect intended in any way!

Actually I don't! I come online to do my Bills, and to post on the forum to my Sisters here. I do look at the picture thred sometimes on the forum. But I don't go searching out CDs on the internet. I also use the PC as a resource for parts, hobbies, e-mail, contact with friends, family, and their websites. Mostly Music orientated or in the trade, sound , stage etc. But other than that it would only be used as a tool. Also I don't watch porn, either on the PC or Tellevision. But that is just me.

My Grand Children share my PC, and I watch everything they do on it. Either by being in the room or by using a keystroke monitoring software. This also monitors all the e-mails, and pictures they access. I'm Grand Father first, and friend of theirs second. Proper Parenting in my Home.

My wife monitors my activity by walking in the room like a jillion times while I'm on the PC. I turn around, and pull up a chair after a while. Then She knows I’m watching Her also. LOL:) I tell here She has the Pass Word for the monitoring Software.

I'm 55 Hun. I don't have to be monitored. Also I don't want to waist time while I'm on the PC. It's meant to be a time saver or communications tool for me. I even have it hooked to radio equipment. Also to a Home Audio Studio System. As I said it's a tool. I use it such. Great for research etc.

You use a PC a lot also, as it seems. Not trying to be bad here. :)But, does He monitor you? Does He say anything about your comings, and goings on the net? Just wondering. Nothing implied by this question. Just wondering, to be fair to him.

My Wife uses the Internet on Her own PC. I don't use Hers. I also Bought Her a Memory stick to back up Her files to. Told Her to do this every time She uses the Machine. She might be online from 1 to 20 plus hours. This is for a not for profit business in the area We are involved in. It's scope is far reaching. from one coast to the other in the USA. But mostly in Illinois. I don't walk in and out of the room on Her. I don't have a keystroke monitor on Her PC. Just this PC. It's on here for the Grand Children.

Grand Children, you would not believe what this software has done for us. With one of our Grand Kids. But that’s for another thred.

I really think it's time you both sit down, and talk about this. Is it wrong for you to look at a nice looking man while you drive down the street? Or are you just looking how He is dressed? Same with Him. Is He looking at others Male or female on how the are dressed or what? I don't believe you have any worries. He lives with you! Not them. How many Guys look at a woman on the beach and say" Wow what a nice bootie, woooo". Well most. Then they sit down next to their wives and the Wife hits them in the arm. Who do they go home with? The Wife, yes. That’s who they love. Everything else is eye candy. That’s Guys.

But as for your Husband, Nahhh. I believe He's fine, no problems. Your a beautiful woman, I mean it. What the Heck would He do without you? :) Many Husbands would love to have a beauty as yourself, and one so understanding as you!

Love to you Sis, and yours!
Your Sister.

04-27-2006, 02:16 PM
"If you took all the girls I knew
When I was single
And brought them all together for one night
I know they'd never match
my sweet imagination
everything looks worse in black and white"
----- Paul Simon, Kodachrome

04-27-2006, 02:16 PM
seen them dont like those sites. They give the wrong impression of CDing. answear is no. asto pics here this is differant as we all in a sence know each other. and it nice to see friends.

04-27-2006, 02:21 PM
I don't doubt the sincerity of those who have posted here, I really don't, but still, all the political correctness is kinda funny. Makes you wonder just who is looking at all those naughty, naughty pics, doesn't it?

Joy Carter
04-27-2006, 02:38 PM
Tammy please talk to him/her about this you will get your answer. When I first got a computer I looked at many a web sight and saw nothing but sexual related pictures. I had to doubt myself "Is this who I really Am" but I found more and more positive web sights about crossdressing and I feel there is a good none sexual side to this. I'm so gald you share your observations here Tammy it helps us all.

04-27-2006, 02:52 PM

As others have said Hun, this is the place to ask these questions. I'm so glad to have GGs come here to share their thoughts. It helps me when I think of what My Wife might be thinking of me. Then Maybe I can avoid problems in my homelife.


04-27-2006, 02:53 PM
It really isn't porn...there have been a few pics from a group she joined (which I do not like, makes me uneasy) outside of that they are just pic of CD'ers ........some are provocative but hardly porn in the true sense of the word
IMHO...any pics of CD's showing male parts are classified as porn. This is the kind of trash that creates 99.9% of the problems within this community. :straightface:
"Oh, look how femme I look, and look how much meat I'm packin"
I never quite understood the point...

carol ann
04-27-2006, 03:05 PM
I look at the photos on this forum - pure curiosity to find out how well members can translate themselves into good looking girls and I have looked at other sites with a similer objective but on the other side am I am certainly not interested in Transvestite porn.

Try to be self-analytical, I know that I am hetrosexual and that pictures of glamorous girls beautfully dressed, in lingerie or undressed can be exciting. perhaps that is some of the reason of wanting to imitate them. It is why, although still totally in the closet, i want to take photos of myself either in lingerie or fully dressed and made up. Perhaps there is also a little of an exhibitionist in me that wants me to share those photos with others and be pleased if someone comments favourably

Julie York
04-27-2006, 03:44 PM
He says it is to see how they look. That he is interested in seeing how some of them
pull it off" as a woman..

phnar phnar phnar chortlesnuffllesnarkguffnaarg ......(lager down the nose)...;)

Michelle I
04-27-2006, 03:57 PM
The greatest thing about this site is the way it is controlled and the GG who asnwer all of our qestions.
I have bumped into some sites that show guys in lingerie with their "parts" pushing through, but when I do I get out of there asap!
I am a member of several groups and do compair how I look (makeup, clothes, etc.) to other "girls" but never look for that type pose.
Years ago in our youth, my SO and myself would watch soft porn in an attempt to "spice" up the marrage. It did not work, either fell asleep or turned the show off and cuddled- much more fun!


04-27-2006, 05:16 PM
when I first discovered this wonderful world of "computer know-how" I could not get enough of information about anything and anyone. I would look up all kinds of crossdresser sites found new words to look us up and I could not get my fill. Then one day I realized, that not all crossdressers are alike. it's like you don't dress for the same reasons I do and so on. what I did find was that many who claim to be a crossdresser are really just someone who wants to do harm to others by exposing themselves and using all kinds of valgar obsence language. If I look at pictures now it's only ones from this site or ones that get into my e-mail from trusted friends. This is the only site I feel comfortable with that I can share and view true feelings from my "SISTERS"

Lilith Moon
04-27-2006, 05:31 PM
Heres my deal with online pics. For me it is the clothes, especially particular fashions and fabrics. I like to see them them on attractive GGs and well turned out CD-ers. Seeing great looking people inspires me, especially good looking CD-ers, that I can also look good.

The fewer clothes people are wearing, the less interested I am. I don't especially seek out nude females and I find pics of mens parts hanging out quite repellant.

I know I've not said anything that already hasn't been said here...just thought I would add my 0.02 This might make for an interesting poll...shall I set one up?

Kristen Kelly
04-27-2006, 05:34 PM
I used to look at TG sites, there is nothing wrong with that, the couriousity with what others look like was there, the problem comes when you subistute self satifaction for contact with real people. What ever rocks your boat.

In my younger days I lived with an Exotic dancer and took her to work and sometimes hung out with the girls. Experenced my first contacts with a pre-op and post opTS they were both dancers, it sparked my interest. We hung out with a pretty wild crowd. My GF took me out dressed for the first time to a drag night. I have been on the set of a porn movie while it was being shot it was more mechanical than erotic. Of the contact I've had with these people most had serious drug, alcohol, or problems with low self asteem.

Ive got it out of my system its no life to live. Ive seen porn up close and its not pretty.

The human body is a beautiful thing we are always trying to mold it, why cant we admire it.

suzanne claire
04-27-2006, 05:42 PM
I have no desire to view any porn pictures but do like to look at crossdressers posts to determine how I match up with others. It is also a good gauge on dressing.

04-27-2006, 06:04 PM
Tammy -- I check out other CDs' pics to put a face to a name, to check how they pull it all together with their make-up, outfits, and hair (and often times to become envious). I love to see pics of us out in the real world. And on this forum, all are in good taste (thank you, moderators). But if I accidentally stumble across one of those sites elsewhere that show male bits, etc., I get out pronto.

04-27-2006, 06:39 PM
Like many others, before I found this site I looked for pics of other CD's and t-Girls all over the net mostly for the poses, outfits, and makeup. I won't lie and say that I don't find many of them arousing but I find pics of myself far more interesting.

I don't have any hangups about showing my body so sometimes I'll even post a pic or two (both with and without "bits"). I really enjoy the feedback that I get as it has all been very positive.

Melinda G
04-27-2006, 10:20 PM
Eeeeaaaauuuuuuu. I went to the link. That's more than I wanted to see.:cheeky:

04-28-2006, 12:56 AM
Silly, silly girl Erica...

I really have no ability to resist peer pressure. I saw that a bunch of girls checked out that yahoo site and were grossed out, so what do I do?

You bet. And all I have to say is:


The first page photo was enough. Ugh. And we wonder why so many people are creeped out by CDs.

Oh well, to each her own, I guess.

(a mildly nauseated) Erica

04-28-2006, 01:19 AM
The first page photo was enough. Ugh. And we wonder why so many people are creeped out by CDs.

I did the same experience. I definitely agree with you. It is just the opposite of what I'm striving to achieve: looking and feeling like a GG...

It is certainly not the type of pics I enjoy seeing (this is a mild way to say it)

What I like in some CD pics is the glowing feminity that radiate from them. The feelings that they express: joy or sadness. The quality of the clothes they wear, be it even in underwear, I appreciate style and class.

Just the contrary of the picture in the front page of that website



04-28-2006, 01:23 AM
I occasionally look in the Picture section of members here to see what their wearing. That's all i have done though.

Helen MC
04-28-2006, 03:09 AM
I am heterosexual and am not sexually attractive to men either naked or dressed. However I do find a picture of a man wearing women's panties attractive but would stress that this has to be decorous. If a totally covered bulge is showing fair enough but not an exposed or partly exposed "male bit" as you seem to like to refer to it and most definitely not any other " forensic side effects of arousal". I left a "Men in Panties" website and came to this one as the former had images which were far too explicit in that regard for my liking.

As regards men fully dressed in women's clothing. If this is well done and convincing as are quite a few of the CDs and TVs who post their pictures here, then I find that very attractive but not in a homosexual way.

04-28-2006, 03:30 AM
... I'm a very curious person...
..have I looked at sites I wish I had'nt ?? now I HAVE! ..
oh well..reguardless, of my wanderings (remember worms and viruses +spyware !!) ....I'm still curious ,but personally.. a line from Dennis Milller describes me pretty well... "the only penis I'm fascinated with...is mine ! "
( I must be a "lesbian" :eek: :D ) xx"K"

claire angie
04-28-2006, 03:33 AM
i have looked at photos of other crossdresses and those who show to much then i turn off as i like to see how i look compeared to others, and sadly they do look better then me, but then again i do lack the expertise in the make up department.hope all goes well lol claire xx

Kate Simmons
04-28-2006, 06:41 AM
Claire, I used to compare myself to other CD's but now I really don't give a rat's whisker. As Women (CD's et. al.) we are never really 100% satisfied with our appearance just like GG's. Makeup takes experience for sure but lately I've striven for a more natural look. The heck with 'em if they can't take a joke. If I'm happy, that's what matters. Ericka

04-28-2006, 06:52 AM
Hiya Tammy Marie,

Whilst admitting that I too look at pics of other CDers, I fail to see the attraction of some of them showing their (obvious in some cases) male genitalia. In all my own pics I try to hide this part of me to the utmost. Why go to all the trouble of make-up, false boobs and the clothes to look feminine and then show a totally male aspect. I look at pics to compare and improve my look, not for the sake of looking at pics.

04-28-2006, 08:16 AM
Tammy, I like to see what other cd's are wearing too - I like when members here post pic's, but I don't like looking at other cd'ers male parts.If my situation were reversed and my wife was ftm cd'er,I wouldn't want her looking at those kinds of pictures either.

Anita Mae GG
04-28-2006, 08:19 AM
Thanks everyone for such great input.....

I think maybe Danielle looks at regular pics of CD's just to compare and the other more graphic ones she "happens" upon. I guess I just can't get why she has to look at any pics....and not sure what she is thinking when she is looking at these pics.....

BTW, this is not an everyday thing where she is glued to the computer or anything, may a few times a week tops.....

Thanks for all the insight.....I appreciate it :happy:

Bonnie D
04-28-2006, 08:22 AM

I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm a member of 4 cd sites, all similar to this one where the emphasis is on talking to each other but I do view all the pics on these sites to see how everyone is presenting themselves. I have checked out other sites when I first started and did come across some where exposure was often depicted, curiousity kept me checking them out from time to time but I soon became bored with them. I'm comfortable with the 4 sites I'm on now and don't go looking for others anymore.

I'm sure when your husband comes across a pic that has the person exposing themselves he is ignoring that aspect of the pic. Similar to women viewing semi-naked women, they don't care about the exposure but vocus on how they are presenting themselves.

I know you said your husband doesn't view porn or go looking for it. That's fine, however, many here seem to be overly concerned about it. Porn is just sex so I don't understand why everyone gets so freaked out about it. Men and women, women and women, men and men, so what, it all becomes quite boring after a while. Child porn is something that EVERYONE should get freaked out about though.

So to conclude my observation, I wouldn't worry about your husband's present viewing habits. It seems quite normal to me.


04-28-2006, 08:39 AM
To go back to your original question - there are lots of things we do that we can't explain. I too would spend ages looking at other CDs on the internet. I was so pleased to find so many other people like me without having to risk meeting them in person for fear reasons. It gave me great hope that so many CDers could be so attractive as women. I guess its a bonding thing. If there are Cders in TV programmes or filsm I love watching them. It actually sets me off wanting to dress personally at the time. I used to leave the room if a CDer came on the telly when I lived with my parents for fear of my excitement showing.

So we are all diffferent - and looking at photos is not in itslef harmful 0 its the reason behind it. I have NEVER viewd porn or ever wanted to. I prefer to see a well made up attractive CDer anytime.

Jenny Beth
04-28-2006, 08:50 AM
I've never gone looking for pictures here or elsewhere of other CD's. The few that I've seen here are usually in posts of members in the M2F section who are showing off a new outfit but I rarely even open them unless it's someone I chat with. I've opened the picture gallery a few times but never the lingerie one, it's just not my thing. I prefer to read what someone has to say rather than look at their pictures.

04-28-2006, 09:10 AM
I look for any combination of these reasons:

1. I want to see how good they are.
2. I find them attractive.
3. It gives me ideas for my own dressing.

04-28-2006, 09:33 AM
I don't look at pornographic or deliberately provocative pictures of CD's, but I'm completely heterosexual and a man is a man, regardless of what he's wearing. However, I don't have a big issue with pornography in general and if people want to use it, then that's fine as far as I'm concerned. I, like most men, am visually stimulated and can definitely find some pornography erotic but, given the choice, I'd sooner see something with no men involved whatsoever.

04-28-2006, 03:36 PM
Ok, as you can see by my previous posts, I'm slightly different. That being said...it's just pictures, it's only porn! For entertainment purposes only. Fantasy. yes everything can be addictive, but that's a situation unto itself. When I watched porn...My imagination ran wild with the ideas of me being in the womans role. Then there were times when I'd watch porn as a man and enjoy the fantasy just as much. I'm also very open with my partners about what I like and who I am. And yes alot of my fixation was based on finding other men into this... thing I'm sooo into! Sometimes I'd watch porn for stress relief, but mostly I liked to see others and how they had accepted themselves that much, that they could allow themselves that much freedom. Then I found out I was attractive and then my fantasy was realized... (he/she like me they really like me). So my advice, let her know you care, he is beautiful to you, and maybe suggest some picture taking...they can be just for you, but the experience is for him. You keep your love, your love falls more deeply for you, we all get dressed in our favorite outfit, and live happily ever after.

04-28-2006, 03:45 PM
p.s. I have a supportive gg who in time accepted this cding thing as she has accepted everyother side of me as i have her. Thats the most important part. I know it sounds cliche, but do you love him enough to fight for him, cause you can win... you are flesh and blood, they are pictures. Remember, fantasy...just write yourself a role. If he wants to be the she in the bedroom on occasion, then I suggest you keep your partner. To me, this is an easy one, you know those womanly traits we want, you actually have... you've used them to your advantage before, do it now!
now i'm not even into porn that much anymore, when I look at cdrs its to see if I'm as hot, or hotter!

Anita Mae GG
04-28-2006, 07:24 PM
Ok, as you can see by my previous posts, I'm slightly different. That being said...it's just pictures, it's only porn! For entertainment purposes only. Fantasy. yes everything can be addictive, but that's a situation unto itself. When I watched porn...My imagination ran wild with the ideas of me being in the womans role. Then there were times when I'd watch porn as a man and enjoy the fantasy just as much. I'm also very open with my partners about what I like and who I am. And yes alot of my fixation was based on finding other men into this... thing I'm sooo into! Sometimes I'd watch porn for stress relief, but mostly I liked to see others and how they had accepted themselves that much, that they could allow themselves that much freedom. Then I found out I was attractive and then my fantasy was realized... (he/she like me they really like me). So my advice, let her know you care, he is beautiful to you, and maybe suggest some picture taking...they can be just for you, but the experience is for him. You keep your love, your love falls more deeply for you, we all get dressed in our favorite outfit, and live happily ever after.

Thansk for you insight, and kind words :happy:

Ms. Donna
04-28-2006, 09:30 PM
He also watches transexual porn.
It is obvious to me that the porn is two guys so my argument is that it is gay porn.
I think that it would be ok if there were a cd and a gg in the porn then I might really get into that but watching two guys go at it is not entertaining to me even if one does have boobs.

Porn or not...

:Angry3: M2F transsexuals are not 'guys'. :Angry3:

04-28-2006, 09:31 PM
This is a long thread, and I've not read any post, just your first.

My answer is no, I do not look at pics as you describe. I peruse women sites, and sometimes at "she-males". The she-male thing is more of a gander at how female they can look as far as hair, face, figure.

I find CD pics on this site nice, because they are moderated for taste, and show clothing styles. Lingiere ... ewwwww.

I have a question for all of you, including GG's.

My dear Danielle likes to look at pics of other CD's on yahoo all the time (not excessively) but often.It bothers me that he is looking at these "woman" some of which are wearing skimpy nighties and some show off their "male" parts. It really bothers me when she does this. Almost as if it were real woman (no offense ladies). If it were GG's I'd be just as upset if not maybe a little more than I am about this. She says she does it to see what they are wearing and how they look. Some have "stuff" showing.......I don't know....bothers me, can't say exactly why either just does.

My question is this if you are a CD'er......do you do this and why?

For you GG's.......does your SO do this and how do you feel about it?

Thanks everyone.......just trying to stay sane here LOL

My husband does do this and I have no way of knowing just how often. He also watches transexual porn. It does bother me especially the porn. It is obvious to me that the porn is two guys so my argument is that it is gay porn. He sees it a different way and I can't quite wrap my mind around it. I think that it would be ok if there were a cd and a gg in the porn then I might really get into that but watching two guys go at it is not entertaining to me even if one does have boobs. So My fears might be rooted in the fact that he desires to have sex with men or with transexuals and that would not be cool. I guess it makes me mistrust him. I often think he might not be telling me the truth about who and what he is. Yes I think it really is a trust issue. Kitty

Kitty, I do believe, on this site, there are many who think/fantasize of this than will admit. I know many will vehemently deny it. It can be all part of the package ... femme, submissive, etceteras. You must know, though, that fantasy does not always equate to reality. I'll bet many would not be able to follow through with the fantasy. Just like fantasizing of being a gunslinger, shootin' up the bad guys .... but could you really KILL somebody?

A question for you. You don't like "gay" porn. What about two women together? I only ask that because of the inequality in the "gayness" of this. In the Playboy flyers of videos they have many girl/girl, but no guy/guy. I'm sure it's because Playboy is a publication written, driven and read by men (with the fragile egos, penis weirdness, blah, blah, blah). What's your take?

04-28-2006, 11:42 PM
Yes, I do look, and yes, it is for release sometimes. In my opinion, anyone who says they don't is not being entirely truthful, Male, F or GG.

0.02 :happy:

Marlena Dahlstrom
04-28-2006, 11:50 PM
I guess just comparing their looks etc.....can't wrap my head around it......

As someone else said, try thinking of it as the equvialent of a woman looking at fashion magazines. Of course, we CDs may look at women's fashion magazines too, but to be honest we've got a lot of extra challenges to looking feminine, so it's useful to look at other CDs to figure what works -- or doesn't work.

kittypw GG
04-29-2006, 12:17 AM
Porn or not...

:Angry3: M2F transsexuals are not 'guys'. :Angry3:

I am sorry I offended you Ms Donna but I am not a transexual and I don't even claim to know what that is about. I am married to a supposed straight man and when I see this kind of porn all I see is two people with male genitalia. And to me that seems pretty straight forward. It is very confusing and makes me uncomfortable and quite frankly it makes me mistrust my husband. Kitty

Kitty, I do believe, on this site, there are many who think/fantasize of this than will admit. I know many will vehemently deny it. It can be all part of the package ... femme, submissive, etceteras. You must know, though, that fantasy does not always equate to reality. I'll bet many would not be able to follow through with the fantasy. Just like fantasizing of being a gunslinger, shootin' up the bad guys .... but could you really KILL somebody?

A question for you. You don't like "gay" porn. What about two women together? I only ask that because of the inequality in the "gayness" of this. In the Playboy flyers of videos they have many girl/girl, but no guy/guy. I'm sure it's because Playboy is a publication written, driven and read by men (with the fragile egos, penis weirdness, blah, blah, blah). What's your take?

I don't find two women together a turn on either. If confronted with a scene I would use the fast forward button. Neither guy/guy nor girl/girl discust me, I just don't really waste my time because it doesn't turn me on and it really doesn't relate to me. I just don't watch a lot of porn in the first place. I prefer real life. I don't get why the girl/girl action is so appealing to men either. Why doesn't someone make tastful porn that involve a cd and a gg? That would be something that I could get into once in a while. Maybe even learn a trick or two. But I guess there is not much of a market for that genre. Kitty

Ms. Donna
04-29-2006, 05:25 AM
I am sorry I offended you Ms Donna but I am not a transexual and I don't even claim to know what that is about. I am married to a supposed straight man and when I see this kind of porn all I see is two people with male genitalia. And to me that seems pretty straight forward. It is very confusing and makes me uncomfortable and quite frankly it makes me mistrust my husband. Kitty

Hi Kitty,

I can accept all of your above points and I think that there are a couple of issues at work here. In what I see as a decreasing order of importance:

First is that your husband is watching porn at all. While its easier for you to rationalize his watching 'straight' porn, the fact that he is watching it at all seems to bother you. My only observation on this is that in general, 'men' tend to be more visually oriented sexually where 'women' tend to be more emotionally oriented. I a search here as I believe there was a thread regarding this.

Second, the 'actors' have penises. Probably more to the point, the acts in which the performers were engaging more than likely involved penetration on the part of both involved. I suspect, and I could be wrong, that were one of the performers female - equipped with a 'prosthetic' phallus - you might be equally offended.

The phallus is a symbol of masculine power and whoever wields one, has the power. As we live in a society where 'men' have this power, to 'wear' a phallus is to assume a position of masculine power. To be penetrated by one is to be subjugated as such.

Third - you seem to be of the mind-set that phallus = man. This probably relates to the above point, but as someone in contact with the transgender community, you should realize that while yours might be a common POV, there is little 'common' about any of us.

And, yes... It can all be very confusing - even for us. :)

You might find the following of interest to read: About Sex and Gender (http://www.usenet.com/newsgroups/sci.psychology.psychotherapy/msg01390.html). This was the single most important thing I read when trying to sort myself out. It opened my eyes to the possibility that men need not be male and women need not be female. It is not the authoritative treatise on the subject and I personally view some things a bit differently (I question Moir and Jessel's BrainSex theory), but it is a good, easy-to-digest overview.

Please realize that I'm not 'offended' so much as surprised - but I'll make the assumption that anyone posting here is open-minded enough to learn something new. ;)

Love & Stuff,

kittypw GG
04-29-2006, 06:11 AM
Ms Donna,
Thanks for not being angry at me. :D I just wanted to say that you are partially wrong about your second assumption. I have read about half of your reference article on sex and gender. I have already found a couple of interesting points that I would not mind having further disscussion on. I am kind of short on time this am (I have to work today) but I would like to ask you if it would be ok to pm you with a couple of questions at a later time ? Kitty

04-29-2006, 06:38 AM
I like watching porn, but only if blood is involved. I love S&M porn, I would rather see videos than pics, then I can hear the screams of the female slave in pain. Then I can compare her screams to my screams when my boyfriend and his friends play their S&M games on me. I learn from the videos, so I can perform in the most fem way I can. Similar to the girls in the videos.

Karren H
04-29-2006, 08:32 AM
Hmmmm I look at mine a lot!!! Opsiee That came out all wrong!! I take a lot of photos and I do like to look at the compitition....I mean...... Never mind!!! Not really, except for friends photos, to see what they have bought lately or where they have been.

Love Karren

04-29-2006, 08:44 AM
Why doesn't someone make tastful porn that involve a cd and a gg? That would be something that I could get into once in a while. Maybe even learn a trick or two. But I guess there is not much of a market for that genre. Kitty

Most crossdressers can't even tell their friends about their crossdressing, let alone get in front of a camera (for anything other than narcisisstic reasons) and show their face and naked body to millions of people.

Perhaps you can ask those guys on the other websites. But we've all seen what they do. Tasteful doesn't seem to be a part of the repertoire. However, I think "tasteful" is relative.

I like watching porn, but only if blood is involved. I love S&M porn, I would rather see videos than pics, then I can hear the screams of the female slave in pain. Then I can compare her screams to my screams when my boyfriend and his friends play their S&M games on me. I learn from the videos, so I can perform in the most fem way I can. Similar to the girls in the videos.

I need friends like you.

Ms. Donna
04-29-2006, 08:54 AM
Ms Donna,
Thanks for not being angry at me. :D I just wanted to say that you are partially wrong about your second assumption. I have read about half of your reference article on sex and gender. I have already found a couple of interesting points that I would not mind having further disscussion on. I am kind of short on time this am (I have to work today) but I would like to ask you if it would be ok to pm you with a couple of questions at a later time ? Kitty

No problem. Feel free to PM or email me as you prefer.

Love & Stuff,

Ms. Donna
04-29-2006, 03:49 PM
You might find the following of interest to read:
Here is an updated link to Laura's most up to date revision (April 2006) : About Sex and Gender (http://www.start.ca/users/ldblake/sexgen.htm)

Love & Stuff,

04-29-2006, 04:11 PM
I do look at the other pictures, as a GM we have got a slightly different look that I am trying to hide/disquise and I always look for tips on how this is done.

04-29-2006, 05:19 PM
I have a question for all of you, including GG's.

My dear Danielle likes to look at pics of other CD's on yahoo all the time (not excessively) but often.It bothers me that he is looking at these "woman" some of which are wearing skimpy nighties and some show off their "male" parts. It really bothers me when she does this. Almost as if it were real woman (no offense ladies). If it were GG's I'd be just as upset if not maybe a little more than I am about this. She says she does it to see what they are wearing and how they look. Some have "stuff" showing.......I don't know....bothers me, can't say exactly why either just does.

My question is this if you are a CD'er......do you do this and why?

For you GG's.......does your SO do this and how do you feel about it?

Thanks everyone.......just trying to stay sane here LOL

I believe those who say they are CD, TV, ect and show their mail organs on the internet are only doing it for sexual reasons, and have no real interest in being feminine. The postings on this forum, I believe, are placed here by individuals who have a real interest in being feminine and advancing the female cause, and want to be looked upon as respectable women.

I used to look at those pics also, but I got tired of looking at mostly male organs and It seems like just about every Tom Harry D*ck, was doing it with another of the same interest. It seems that at least one of them was dressed on womens clothing.

Your dear Danielle needs to spend more time looking at whe woman in front of her. My wife gives me plenty of time to be Serina Lynn but, I am her husband FIRST, and Serina Lynn second. My wife was never really in favor of my dressing as Serina Lynn but she has been very tollerent and is now somewhat acccepting. She will never be totally accepting of my being Serina Lynn.

Tammy Marie, I hope this helps.

04-29-2006, 05:27 PM
I have a question for all of you, including GG's.

My dear Danielle likes to look at pics of other CD's on yahoo all the time (not excessively) but often.It bothers me that he is looking at these "woman" some of which are wearing skimpy nighties and some show off their "male" parts. It really bothers me when she does this. Almost as if it were real woman (no offense ladies). If it were GG's I'd be just as upset if not maybe a little more than I am about this. She says she does it to see what they are wearing and how they look. Some have "stuff" showing.......I don't know....bothers me, can't say exactly why either just does.

My question is this if you are a CD'er......do you do this and why?

For you GG's.......does your SO do this and how do you feel about it?

Thanks everyone.......just trying to stay sane here LOL

I believe those who say they are CD, TV, ect and show their mail organs on the internet are only doing it for sexual reasons, and have no real interest in being feminine. The postings on this forum, I believe, are placed here by individuals who have a real interest in being feminine and advancing the female cause, and want to be looked upon as respectable women.

I used to look at those pics also, but I got tired of looking at mostly male organs and It seems like just about ever Tom Harry D*ck, was doing it with another of the same interest. It seems that at least one of them was dressed on womens clothing.

Your dear Danielle needs to spend more time looking at whe woman in fromt of her. My wife gives me plenty of time to be Serina Lynn but, I am her husband FIRST, and Serina Lynn second. My wife was never really in favor of my dressing as Serina Lynn but she has been very tollerent and is now somewhat acccepting. She will never be totally accepting of my being Serina Lynn.

Tammy Marie, I hope this helps.

04-29-2006, 05:59 PM
Tammy: Assuming that you are the accepting GG you seem to be; I doubt that your SO is seeking these pics purely for gratification. In my experience, searching out pics of other CD's has been a method of locating the following- confirmation that I am not alone; new ideas for ensembles; and the innate curiosity to see the effect of a certain garment(s) on someone else before one tries it for herself. Regarding the exposed genitalia, I proffer that it is simply coincidence; and not the explicit goal of the search.

Lilith Moon
04-29-2006, 06:07 PM
Here is an updated link to Laura's most up to date revision (April 2006) : About Sex and Gender (http://www.start.ca/users/ldblake/sexgen.htm)

Love & Stuff,

Laura has been conspicuous by her absence from the public newsgroups. I'm pleased to see that she is around...her website was updated this month.

Lilith Moon
04-29-2006, 07:17 PM
Regarding the exposed genitalia, I proffer that it is simply coincidence; and not the explicit goal of the search.

Maybe, but many so-called crossdressing sites do seem to have a lot of groin shots with dangly bits hanging out of thongs. I wonder about the impression many wives of crossdressers must get when they decide to educate themselves on crossdressing and do a google on the word. If I didn't know better, I would have formed the opinion that CD-ing consists of sitting in front of a webcam masturbating while dressed in panties.

Ms. Donna
04-29-2006, 07:50 PM
Laura has been conspicuous by her absence from the public newsgroups. I'm pleased to see that she is around...her website was updated this month.

She's done what she should have a long time ago: walk away from the flaming and crap on Usenet and get on with her life. She's slowly posting her articles and what not. Last I emailed her, she seems to doing with less 'drama' in her life.

Love & Stuff,

Anita Mae GG
04-29-2006, 07:53 PM
Tammy: Assuming that you are the accepting GG you seem to be; I doubt that your SO is seeking these pics purely for gratification. In my experience, searching out pics of other CD's has been a method of locating the following- confirmation that I am not alone; new ideas for ensembles; and the innate curiosity to see the effect of a certain garment(s) on someone else before one tries it for herself. Regarding the exposed genitalia, I proffer that it is simply coincidence; and not the explicit goal of the search.

I seem to agree with you...It has been interesting to see how others view this

04-29-2006, 10:48 PM
I like to look at pics of CDerss who do a good job dressing and look "fem" I do NOT like to look at pics of males in dresses or males who show their "thing". I find it facsinating to see how lovely a male can transition into a really sexy and lovely feminine image.

Lilith Moon
04-30-2006, 05:21 AM
She's done what she should have a long time ago: walk away from the flaming and crap on Usenet and get on with her life. She's slowly posting her articles and what not. Last I emailed her, she seems to doing with less 'drama' in her life.

Love & Stuff,

Yes, I swapped a few emails with her last night and she seems to be doing OK.