View Full Version : Leg shaving

04-27-2006, 09:50 AM
As I've recently bought a thinner collection of tights I have decided to shave my legs.
Today I have a slight burning sensation on my thighs.
can any girls recommend any creams as I reckon I'm going to be set for a few days of discomfort.

Katie Watson
04-27-2006, 10:12 AM
This will go away soon. The more you shave the less it gets. I use a salt scrub on my legs after I shave and a couple of days later as this seems to help.

04-27-2006, 10:13 AM
As I've recently bought a thinner collection of tights I have decided to shave my legs.
Today I have a slight burning sensation on my thighs.
can any girls recommend any creams as I reckon I'm going to be set for a few days of discomfort.
I shave my legs every day I use Naturally Smooth from Jergens.


Siobhan Marie
04-27-2006, 12:22 PM
I shave my legs every couple of days. I've found the best thing for my legs is Veet Hair Minimising Moisturiser. I use it twice a day on my legs and it does help.

Hugs Anna x

04-27-2006, 01:53 PM
I must be odd as very rear i need to shave my legs not much hair grows there but i would suggest moisturiser. works on my arms.

Sally Gray
04-27-2006, 02:42 PM
My legs need shaving every three to four days, fortunately I'm not that hairy.

What I have been doing recently is after my morning shower is applying Johnsons Hair Minimising Body Lotion to my legs. The hair growth seems softer and it feels like the hair takes longer to appear.

Make sure you always shave with fresh blade, a well used one will give you a rash or razor burn. It is also useful to exfoliate (not sure of the spelling) on a regular basis. This removes the dead skin and keeps the pores where the hair grows through the skin clear (avoiding in-growing hairs). One would use a slightly abrasive sponge or similar.

Hope this helps.

04-27-2006, 02:45 PM
you may laugh but diaper rash cream helps if you get razor burn othe the little red bummps.

Kate Simmons
04-27-2006, 07:56 PM
What the girls say is true. The more you shave, the less irritation you get. I find that if I shave my legs (and body) every other day is best for me. I should know, I'm the king, er queen or whatever of shaving. The razor and I are good buddies. I don't use a moisturizer except on my face though. I'm really not that delicate, since I am in all honesty a tough guy (no dichotomy there, right?). It really gets irritated though if I miss my schedule for some unknown reason and the hairs get longer and possibly ingrown. You have to be careful. Ericka

fancy nancy
04-27-2006, 09:01 PM
I use a venus shaver on my legs and body once or twice a week . This razor makes my legs real soft and smooth. :o

04-27-2006, 11:15 PM
I have been shaving and waxing my legs for two years. The first time I shaved, I had horrible shaver bumps. I used Peroxide on them, and then got Aveeno shaving cream and Aveeno after shaving lotion. Seemed to help. I don't bother with the shaving cream any longer. after several waxings, my leg hair is a lot less robust. My bath doesn't have a shower, so I have a bath every morning, and shave something besides my face every day. Shaving in the tub seems to soften the hair and solve some problems, but it is still good to swab with a cleanser, peroxide or alcohol afterwards. Nothing nicer than nice smooth legs.

04-28-2006, 12:49 AM
I didn't have too much of a problem when shaving my legs down. I bought a Kiehl's body moisturizer that really works nicely. (My wife swears by the stuff.)

Now, on the other hand when I finally took care of my underarms....YEOW!!!! Boy did I get the bumps, rash, everything. But the girls are right. Repeating the shaving seems to help.

In any case it'll get better in a couple days.


04-28-2006, 10:34 AM
Back when I did shave my legs with a blade razor I used an aftershave lotion with Aloe. However, I have been using Neet for some time to get really smooth and inbetween the Neet useage I use a cordless shaver daily to keep it down. Over time it gets less of a chore. I have less leg hair now then several years ago it seems. For aftershave lotions or creams check out the pharmacy isle displaying Women's Shaving items.