View Full Version : Moods????

04-27-2006, 08:00 PM
Hi Ladies, i am wondering what is going on with me lately. My moods keep changing & going all over the place. My wife joked that i must be having PMS,but we know thats not possible, or is it? I do know my mind seems to be working in the female mode most of the time. I know my desires to be more complete is getting stronger. I know i think what it would be like as Janelle at the Dr.'s office, on dates with either a woman or even a man. I'm as straight as a arrow,but as you can see my thoughts seem to be everywhere. Can someone tell whats going on? Am i more than a cder.(my DR.'s think so)? And so you know i am not on anything to help promote being female.
I thank you wonderful woman for all you do for us that are really trying to find our true selves. You are a blessing. Thank you ahead of time. You can pm me if you think that is a better way to handle this, but as for me, we are all ladies here so it does not matter. Thanks again, love you all.

kathy gg
04-27-2006, 08:53 PM
Hmm, Janelle,
I will give your question{s} a stab.

Okay first, you are 49 years old. Go google "male menopause" and I am betting you will be amazed at what you find. Just like women go through this in their late 40's so do guys. This is just something that people are talking about now. It has to do with testosterone levels dropping. Anyway, I dont' know much about it, but I have saw a few things on tv and various magazines.

Honestly, this question sounds like it would be better suited asked to cders who can sort of give thier thoughts on. Ultimatly a therapists cannot "tell" you that you are more than a cder. All they do is help you answer qestuons about yourself, by asking you things. You will have to do some introsepction to figure out what and where you are in this experience.

I dont' think anyone can tell you though if you are more than a cder, because you hold the key to figuring that out.

And I am certain of one thing, us gg's have no business guessing if you are more than a cder. Message boards are great places to bounce ideas off of, make friends, and share life experince with, but you need to ultimatly figure out some of these questions by knowing yourself better. That will take time and inner growth.

Hi Ladies, i am wondering what is going on with me lately. My moods keep changing & going all over the place. My wife joked that i must be having PMS,but we know thats not possible, or is it? I do know my mind seems to be working in the female mode most of the time. I know my desires to be more complete is getting stronger. I know i think what it would be like as Janelle at the Dr.'s office, on dates with either a woman or even a man. I'm as straight as a arrow,but as you can see my thoughts seem to be everywhere. Can someone tell whats going on? Am i more than a cder.(my DR.'s think so)? And so you know i am not on anything to help promote being female.
I thank you wonderful woman for all you do for us that are really trying to find our true selves. You are a blessing. Thank you ahead of time. You can pm me if you think that is a better way to handle this, but as for me, we are all ladies here so it does not matter. Thanks again, love you all.

04-28-2006, 08:56 AM
Thanks Kathy, I have heard that men go thru some of the same changes. For me, i do feel that inside me is more woman than man since i addmitted that i love wearing women's attire. It feels so natural & i am so relaxed that i feel i'm on a cloud. As Janelle i seem to get more done here at home(no one is thankful-but than how often was i as a man). I seem to hitting the things my wife needs & she tells me to back off some. Think i am scaring her,hehe. I have had days when i wish my male side was gone, never to come back. So i guess in a way i believe i am more than a cder.
I have alot of respect for all GG now that i live at least 1 day(all day) as a woman. I understand more what you go thru. Sorry to say i am glad that i will never know the pain of a monthly cycle or getting PG. Again you woman have a tough job. Yet as a woman i also see the finer things you get that men don't & for whatever reason that is what truly makes me feel the way i do.(doors being held open, nice comments, the small things that men never hear or see).
Sorry for going on & on,just feel chatty this morning. A girl alone at home,guess i just needed to vent.
Thanks again Dear, hope you have a wonderful day & weekend.
Hugs & kisses,