View Full Version : Being open

04-28-2006, 03:21 PM
Are you perfectly open to your family and friends about your partners CDing?

04-28-2006, 03:39 PM
Yes to those that we have contact with. So much so that this week at work I enquired about a job for Nigella, holding nothing back about her crossdressing.

Sage GG
04-28-2006, 04:47 PM
no, only people who live in this house know about it. That me & the kitty cats and they don't talk much:straightface:

04-28-2006, 05:51 PM
No. I asked about this within days of having the talk and it was a definative,"NO!" on my husband's part. Because of this I have not spoken to any one in RL about this except for my husband. Oh and on the phone to get approved for the GG forum with his Okay.

Anita Mae GG
04-28-2006, 07:25 PM
NO NO NO He doesn't want anyone to know, just me :happy:

Penny Dreadful GG
04-28-2006, 08:14 PM
I am totally open to my family and friends about my preferences. Of course, this automatically 'outs' my partner, but everyone in my life is very accepting and open-minded. Even my senior citizen mother is fine with it. She said, "Well, we always raised you to be open-minded. We just never expected you to be this open-minded!" But she is participating in our planned weddings (both a traditional and CD one) and is really more interested in how my partner treats me than what he wears.

She is actually on a one-woman mission to educate some of her friends who neither understand nor accept CDs, so there is still hope for the older generation. I think that's great.

I guess telling people really depends upon how much secrecy you can handle. For myself, that would be none. I can't lie (even on the phone) to save my life, so I much prefer honesty and openness. That does not, however, mean that everyone is privy/entitled to the most intimate and private details, not by any means. One has to know after all where to draw the line.


Kerry Owens
04-28-2006, 08:20 PM
hmmm I think his family knows....but mine doesn't. I don't even know how to tell the daughters, and I suspect it won't matter. Both of the girls are almost so far away I doubt I'll ever be visiting. If it weren't for email and IM we'd have very little contact.

04-28-2006, 08:30 PM
My daughters know and are accepting. Everyone else it is up to Sherlyn who does and does not know.

kittypw GG
04-28-2006, 11:43 PM
My son knows and he wishes he did not. A close friend also knows. My husand's mother. I told her when my husband went through his gender identity crisis because she kept pressing me for an answer about what was wrong. It was pretty evident that we were going to get a divorce so the pressure got to me and I spilled my guts. She was ok with the news but she told her daughter, my husband's sister. My husband's daughter has to know because she has seen her dad with shaved legs , she knows he has both ears pierced and she has seen female underwear in his sweat pants which he carelessly leaves out for everyone to see. Nobody talks about it. It is our elephant in the living room. Kitty

Elsie GG
04-30-2006, 07:42 PM
It is up to Dian to confirm if she would like others to know of her. I asked her if I could tell a close friend and advisor - and she said yes, because she knows and trusts this friend. She ahs participated in outings with a CD organization. In our local community and with our network of friends, only the cats and I share and embrace Dian.

FYI - I tested the waters with her parents (using general conversation about our open and affirming church, and the movie Brokeback Mountain). It is very clear that her parents would not be accepting, which causes her a lot of sadness.