View Full Version : Harley Girls

Petrina CD
05-02-2006, 12:56 PM
Welcome to my first post on the mtf page;

Any one who has read at least two of my replys knows that I am a major motorhead when it comes to motorcycles.

What I want to point out is something I have seen in the Biker world regarding gays and women. At many of the rallys we go to you will never see a gay male as it would not be the wisest place to go in terms of safety. Then why do we readily accept gay females. There is a group called "Women on Wheels". These Gals dress very masculine, crew cut hair, male style leathers ,etc., and are welcome at all of our events.They are well known to be a Lesbian group.

A sports bar in our area has bike night once a week that about twenty of us ride to . Last week a guy at our table started to say that he thought he saw an adam's apple on a girl at the next table. Well I didn't want to out myself by being an expert on TGism but to me it was clear that she was a GG.My wife had just met her in the bathroom, (or "loo" for you Limeys),and said she was as real as can be. So why do we accept gay women but not gay men? The folks at our table were all over this gal who they thought was a man. They were talking about her hand size and the way she walked as if they were all experts on the subject. I wanted to say somthing like " Hey, you wouldn't know a TV if he or she was sitting next to you" because after all there was a CD at their table, Me.

I have also read a few threads about how would you like it if you came home and found your wife had cut her hair short and stlyed it like a man, well two of my freinds wives have done just that. Including wearing male style clothes. No one seems to care.

I just wanted to point this out and see if I get any comments.

My wife and I just came back from the Laughlin River Run ,( over 150,000 bikes, and all alchohol laws unenforced ,with cops eveywhere),and my butt is a little sore after 880 miles of riding. I saw some of the most kinky , nasty looking girls(GG's) I have ever seen. Wow!!!!!!

Thank you

Petrina cd

Ashleigh Beth
05-02-2006, 02:23 PM
Great question, Petrina. I ride a Harley too, but have no idea what the answer to your question is... although I'm certainly in agreement with your view. I lived in Sydney for awhile, and while there, enjoyed the Mardi Gras parade a couple of times. Mardi Gras there is more a huge celebration of alternative lifestyles. I always enjoyed watching the lead unit in the parade.... the local chapter of Dykes on Bikes! You defintely don't want to get on the wrong side of any of those GGs, although I'm sure they're all very nice young ladies.

05-02-2006, 04:29 PM
Just for the record there is a girl from CT that has had SRS and had her adams' apple "shaved" also. But she has anything but feminine hands. Jaie

and, by the way, it's not me. And I have three Harleys! J

Julie Avery
05-02-2006, 04:32 PM
No Harleys for me, though CherGG is quite fond of them. I'm merely here to stake a bet that Tina will be heard from, and it's always nice to hear from her :)

05-02-2006, 06:14 PM
While I don't currently have one. I have been known to frequent Sturgis from time to time. I am wanting another bike, I miss my 87 Sportster:cry: :cry:


Wendy me
05-02-2006, 06:48 PM
i have a harley softail and eather your the show or your watching it....all depends on what side looking glass your on...

Ann lee
05-02-2006, 08:55 PM
hi ladies, i've got a 03 shadow, and i've gone to a lot of the get togethers around here and yes its not safe for a gay guy at these events, i don't know why so many discrimenate so much, thats one of the worlds wonders,

Tina Dixon
05-02-2006, 08:59 PM
Hey I got one of those, and pictures also, check them out:D


Kate Simmons
05-02-2006, 09:25 PM
Hey gals, I've always admired Biker Babes. My dream is to ride on the back of one all decked out in leather. Oh well, mebbe one of these days! Ericka

Faye Emmette
05-03-2006, 12:49 AM
Seldom in my life have I driven a car. I sometimes think when gals mention 'giving up', I think it's motorcycles.
I had a Harley in '75 but got back onto the Triumph and eventually BMW's.
Still have the Triumph ( 1961 model) and a Matchless( '63) and a few BM's ( and a Jawa). :tongueout NOW, if anyone I know is reading this, I am outed.
If I put a pic of my Harley in, that would seal it as it was one of them 'choppers'.
And Kimmie, in some of the more seedy societies I know, a Sporty isn't a real big bike and they call them "Skirtsters".. Now what's so bad about that hey?:happy:

Petrina CD
05-04-2006, 02:11 PM
Skirtsters???? Never heard that one before but I do feel like I am crossdressing when I drive my wifes Sporty.( 883,Hugger,2003)

Faye; You have a nice collection of bikes. I have only the one ,but it's new!!(2004 Heritage Softail)( well I bought it new)

It's nice to hear there are more than few of us two wheel enthusiasts here. Before we turn this into motorcycle web-site and get kicked out I guess I should say that I am wearing a little black dress and thigh boots as I write.

Petrina cd

Joy Carter
05-04-2006, 02:28 PM
I had to let my 2000 Road King go because the wife saw a fatal and she went all emotional about my riding. So the comment on your question is quite simple gay women are plumbed as strait women so there is a chance they will be able to have strait hetero sex, gay guys are just that gay and men know they will be gay too if they partake in the act with them not so with a lesbian. Lesbians are a conquest I'd say many a man would like to attempt much ego here if you think you can change one. So SEX is the reason not just the fact you are attracted to the same sex. Is that clear as mud to ya ?

0.02 Rev It Up!

05-04-2006, 07:09 PM
I am a Harley rider with a 05 electra glide classic, I also own a couple of customs which I build under the name of Bearnaked Customs. My son and I drag race a couple of drag bikes to include a 6 second turbo alcohol funny bike. I also went to the river run and wonder when the day will come when I throw my leg over one of those bikes all dolled up and get away with it.

05-04-2006, 07:33 PM
Been around the bike world for 20 plus years, riding HD's myself for 16. The problem with gay men is that for the most part motorcycling is a macho thing. Back when my Dad started riding, things where a bit different than they are now, (As far as the "look at me everbody" theme of today), but I am pretty sure that even then gay men were not accepted into the lifestyle, probably more so. Its all about being a manly man, riding your steel horse, partying and having wild crazy sex. At least is the mindset that the term "biker" implies around my neck of the woods. And sex with two lesbian GGs is about as hetero as it gets for many men. No wonder they are accepted.

Not trying to put anybody down here, But one of the p docs I went to see about all this stuff also rides Harley's and he brought up an interesting thought. Besides CD's, who else gets all dressed up in thier garb to go hang out and experience the "lifestyle"? Answer: Bikers. Its just another way to be thats all. Problem is that most people think that whatever they do is just fine and even cool. But what this group does is gay or weird or perverted.

The thing that spoke to me about being a "biker" back when my Dad started riding was that it was a form of rebellion. A form of standing out against the norm. Being different. Not caring what other (normal) people thought of you and your "lifestyle". Droping all the societal pretenses. That is where the whole waving to another biker thing comes from. It was a "group" thing. Today I wave at other people on a bike and they look at you like "what the hell are you waving for"? Especially the HD guys when I happen to be riding my wife's bike, which isn't a Harley. (OK now I am on a rant!)

Funny how that very lifetsyle of being different and standing out in a crowd became the a "norm", even something to aspire to. Something cool.

Maybe, just maybe, the whole CD thing.... Aww never mind.

Petrina CD
05-05-2006, 12:20 PM
Hi Tammy cd;

Drag bikes ,awsome. Last year I went to the all harley drags in Las Vegas. It was the first time I had ever seen motorcycles drag race.Wow!!!!! I had also never seen so many old school " biker" gangs there. Hells Angles, Hessions, Vago's, Bandito's pretty much filled the seating area and a couple of other small groups ( including our group,H.O.G.)were tucked in the corner. I don't use the word biker to describe us , I like to call us "motorcycle enthusiasts".

I'm going to go dress up now,maybe I can still get into my french maid outfit .

Live To Ride
Ride To Live

Petrina cd

P.S. Nice to know that I wasn't the only CDer on two wheels at the river.