View Full Version : My Period

05-10-2006, 09:25 PM
I was wondering if any of you experiance a period as in mood swings, depresion, anger, sadness and happiness all in the same day. It seams that latley these symptoms have been getting worse. looking for some input on this, am I totaly nuts or is this real????????

Laurie Ann
05-10-2006, 09:30 PM
My wife is of the firm belief that men also have a period.

05-10-2006, 09:46 PM
Men can have "periods", yes... But they're often milder or fundamentally different from female periods.

Testosterone spikes cause them in females. In males, testosterone is higher than in females and, really, has little reason to spike unless the sex drive wants it to.

Anyway, I have rather female periods to be honest. It's weird, but then again I seem to exhibit some intersexed characteristics. Once a month. Lately it's been erratic but, according to an intersexed friend of mine, people who are intersexed undergo a secondary puberty and, during female puberty (at least initially, like first year or something like that if memory serves), periods can be very irregular.

It's even weirder when you can feel your moodswings. :\

05-10-2006, 10:17 PM
I go through that pretty much on a daily basis.

Karren H
05-10-2006, 10:31 PM
No!!! Alway happy, well almost always!! But no specific time of the month, year, decade!!! hehehe

Love Karren

05-10-2006, 10:38 PM
I dearly wish I could be always happy, but unfortunately being transsexual overrides this "happiness" thing, apparently. :P

Anyway, it's hard to be happy all the time when you're moodswinging and can barely tell what mood you'll be in next.

05-10-2006, 11:27 PM

I also experience cyclic highs and lows in femininity and drive. It's not synchronized with phases of the moon, or anything like that, but I do see myself shifting constantly between "flaming transgender" and "boring bank manager".

If I had to guess, I'd say the "period" is closer to two months than one. I've thought of keeping track of it, but decided the Heisenberg principle would make the data pretty meaningless.


05-10-2006, 11:41 PM
Yes, I was going to mention that also... Female cycles tend to occur once every 28-30 days or so while male cycles tend to occur once every 60 days or so. My friend did argue that their cycles occur once every 28-30 days, but debunking those arguments was as easy as pointing out that they are intersexed and female-identified. Thusly their body was obviously in agreement with them or something like that.

Tamara Croft
05-11-2006, 03:13 AM
I was wondering if any of you experiance a period as in mood swings, depresion, anger, sadness and happiness all in the same day. It seams that latley these symptoms have been getting worse. looking for some input on this, am I totaly nuts or is this real????????Just what has all the above got to do with having a period? Absolutely bugger all is what. It's called LIFE..... not having a damn monthly because your a CD and dress like women. If this was NORMAL, ALL MEN, would have this.... not just crossdressers... for crying out loud. Do you know how annoying this is to read? do you have ANY REAL CLUE what having a monthly cycle is REALLY LIKE. So PUH-LEASE.... enough with these 'i have a period' bs and get real.

I'm sorry if this is harsh, but I'm sick of sodding hearing this crap. :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn:

05-11-2006, 03:24 AM
OMG... I have gone through a lot strange head trips, but not in my wildest dreams could I ever imagine it as a period. Nope.. not even


Angela Burke
05-11-2006, 03:51 AM
I'm a man.
I don't menstruate.
Therefore I do not have a "period".
Sometimes I get depressed.
Sometimes I get daft ideas.
So does everyone else I have ever met!
Men do not have a monthly cycle!

Joy Carter
05-11-2006, 03:57 AM
I pasted up this topic several times don't know why I didn't this time, you ladies have to get real about this thing !

05-11-2006, 04:00 AM
None of you will never have a period for christ sake, get used to it :mad:

Your all going on about wanting periods, do you want the menopause that comes after them?

lynda jane hamilton
05-11-2006, 04:02 AM
I don't have periods ,don't want periods too messy and anyway I'm too bl****y old!

The GG's can have them and be welcome.

So agreed never heard such nosense!



Marla S
05-11-2006, 04:19 AM
As most everything on this planet is periodically it is likely that men have periodic mood swings and might even have periodic changes of hormone levels or other biochemical processes. Some men might be a bit more sensitive or aware of it, others aren't.
But to compare this to PMS is a bit of wishfull thinking (or nonsens; depending on the point of view).

(I get monthly mood swings if I look at my bank account, but I wouldn't consider this as PMS.)

Gemma Rhodes
05-11-2006, 04:27 AM
Thats the best thing about being a crossdresser....NO PERIODS. :jumping:

Kate Simmons
05-11-2006, 04:46 AM
Our GG friends are right ladies. Ain't no way we're ever gonna know what the the monthly "buddy" is really like. Although those of us who are married SHOULD be able to appreciate it somewhat, especially when we see what our wives go through. Like they said though, one of the "benefits" we don't get. Even so, my wife used to accuse me of having one, particularly when I was acting like a stubborn "man". Take care, Ericka

05-11-2006, 04:58 AM
Something to think about.

BIO RHYTHMS While I don't have an unshakeable belief in them it does, to me, seem a bit possible.

Call it a period of a different way of thinking or feeling, possible, but to call it a PERIOD,.....NO WAY.

Helen MC
05-11-2006, 06:04 AM
Men have a monthly hormonal cycle which affects their mood etc but do not of course menstruate as biological women do.

Certainly I don't envy biological women all the mess etc of having their Monthly Period.

Tamara Croft
05-11-2006, 06:06 AM
May I just remind a few of you in this thread...


05-11-2006, 06:15 AM
I get regular nosebleeds, does that count?

Tina Dixon
05-11-2006, 06:24 AM
I was feeling mean and nasty yeserday, but I seem to be over it today:D

05-11-2006, 06:24 AM
Aunt Flo doesn't visit me, or any other men. To be honest, threads like this annoy the hell out of me. Men don't have periods, get over it. :evil:

Lisa Marie
05-11-2006, 06:29 AM
Me im glad i dont have to worry about periods or pms stuff. But every once in awhile i do get cranky.

Tracy GG
05-11-2006, 06:29 AM
I have only been a member here for a short time but I would like to add my feelings to this discussion.

Experiencing menstruation is something that is uniqlely feminine. While I do not wish to deny your fun in imagining that you are in some way having a monthly cycle I can assure you that if you were to experience a the trials of a period the desire would quickly fade.

If the thought of being a woman is your thing and the ability to menstuate is the definition of this then I think I like the thought of being a guy.


Anita Mae GG
05-11-2006, 06:44 AM
threre is so much more to periods than mood swings..

what you are talking about is life and normal swings for EVERYONE! not just "periods"

Periods are messy, painful, uncomfortable, a pain in the ass and not a welcome thing!

So before you categorize your normal ups and downs in life as periods, ask youself when the last time you had your "period" was and were you were doubled over in pain?????????

Get real guys, these threads are just wishful thinking (as in wishing to be everything a woman is) at best on your part.

Seriously guys.........:frustrated:

Gemma Rhodes
05-11-2006, 07:37 AM
Get real guys, these threads are just wishful thinking at best on your part.

Wishful thinking??? As I said before I'm so happy that all this period stuff is exclusive to GG's. I just like pretending to be a girl but I know at the end of the day I can have the best of both worlds and go back to being a guy when I like.

Hope Bev doesn't read this thread as she will be rolling around the floor laughing and shes got to drive to Boston tomorrow night. :D

Gemma xx

05-11-2006, 08:03 AM
I believe that men have a cycle of their own but it is not as harsh as a woman's. I know that I go through a regular cycle of wanteing/not wanting sex and it appears to to be on a 30+/- day basis. I do not think it is in any way a "man's menstrual" cycle, just a sexual desire cycle with attendant mood swings.

05-11-2006, 08:19 AM
I have an exercise room but lately I have been so busy that I haven't been
able to take advantage of the stationary cycle. I only get to use it once a month. So when I do use it, the cramps from my cycle just kill me. Period!:eek: :D :haha :lol: :rofl: :

05-11-2006, 08:32 AM
I do have mood swings frequently.Dressing is almost constantly on my mind,and to not be able to dress as I want to on a regular basis is going to cause some mood swings.Just yesterday I was on the forum's picture gallery,
and while looking at the pictures was happy,but came away feeling blue because I can't shave and look as good as alot of you girls.And my wife would probably agree with the notion that men have periods too,LOL.:happy:

05-11-2006, 08:51 AM
geeeezzzz....when I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was one of those "CD's using Tampons" threads.... :bonk:
CD's having "periods" ? ummmmmmm....No, not even.... :straightface:

05-11-2006, 11:31 AM
^^ Agreed.

Tina Dixon
05-11-2006, 12:46 PM
Just what has all the above got to do with having a period? Absolutely bugger all is what. It's called LIFE..... not having a damn monthly because your a CD and dress like women. If this was NORMAL, ALL MEN, would have this.... not just crossdressers... for crying out loud. Do you know how annoying this is to read? do you have ANY REAL CLUE what having a monthly cycle is REALLY LIKE. So PUH-LEASE.... enough with these 'i have a period' bs and get real.

I'm sorry if this is harsh, but I'm sick of sodding hearing this crap. :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn:

This rate's right up there with threads were they want to be pregnant Tam:thumbsdn:

05-11-2006, 03:38 PM
Until she had the surgery, my wife had the worse periods ever. I mean to tell you that she really, really suffered each month, and I felt so bad for her, and helpless. I wouldn't want that inflicted on me for all the money in the world, no way, no how. Just be grateful that us genetic males don't have to go through such a thing, you really wouldn't want it.


05-11-2006, 07:27 PM
By no means did I mean that I want to or do menstruate. My question was related to monthly mood swings my gf has noticed that about a week before her period I appear to go through mood swings. I simply wondered if anybody has had the same experience sorry for the wording in the subject line. That is not what I ment.

Kate Simmons
05-11-2006, 08:24 PM
I knew what you were talking about Samantha. It's interesting to see how it was interpreted though. Sure, I get moody. Happens to the best of us, whatever we choose to look like. Take care, Ericka

05-11-2006, 08:46 PM
By no means did I mean that I want to or do menstruate. My question was related to monthly mood swings my gf has noticed that about a week before her period I appear to go through mood swings. I simply wondered if anybody has had the same experience sorry for the wording in the subject line. That is not what I ment.

Yes - I had a guy where I used to work who would give me a biorythm chart each month. I didn't pay much attention to it but he was a great believer. I'm sure there is something to these cycles and I'm sure there are times each month or so when I feel 'in the zone' so to speak and, in these times, I am much more productive and more confident...and happier.

Fiona xx

05-11-2006, 08:47 PM
None of you will never have a period for christ sake, get used to it :mad:

Your all going on about wanting periods, do you want the menopause that comes after them?

Well said, Sandra. And true.

But my moods do vary and from time to time I develop a kind of lump under my nipples that gets itchy and even painful and then goes away after a while. I remember that happening when I first hit puberty - and it's fairly common among boys then - and then going away. But I'm a long way from puberty and now similar things happen on an irregular basis. It's hard to imagine what would be responsible if it is not due to some kind of variation in hormone production, but I'm not saying it's a "period" - just something that happens. It comes to mind right now because this is one of those times and at the same time I'm feeling tres femme, meaning "whatever".... :)

This condition (gynecomastia) is fairly common in pubertal and in aging males. The interesting thing to me now is the correlation with feelings and its somewhat cyclic nature.

(I hope you know I'm not disagreeing with you, just using your post to tee up this comment.)

05-11-2006, 11:03 PM
Geez. The threads are getting deeper and deeper, and not in philosphophy. What is up? Thank you, Tamara, for calling this for what it is. Let's get on with it. I'd much rather see threads about "the panty color of the day," than to see us trying to be women so much we are claiming to have periods because of anger, depression, sadness, etc. Excuse me, while I put on my boots.

Isn't that the wonderful thing about this site that people right accross the spectrum can talk about what they want to talk about. 'panty color of the day' stuff bores me witless so I don't post to those sorts of threads. Some of us in our own way are trying to be women and some of us are women...

Personally I come here to read and write about the deeper and deeper stuff. I might think that Samantha is reading more into her moods than is really there but it's a pretty good subject to write on. I'm sure there are other TGs who feel that way too - and some will connect with what she's said.

Fiona xx

05-12-2006, 02:05 AM
I apologize greatly for this as I feel that... well... I caused all of this uproar.

I'm not a CDer. I'm transsexual. I do not know about Samantha's feelings other than what they have said about them, but I do know how I feel. Please allow me to explain to alleviate some of this uproar and such and, possibly, turn this into more than the flaming against people that it really seems to be.

I think most CDers don't want menstrual cycles or anything. I am in the belief that a vast majority of them are comfortable with being a male and just occasionally (or frequently) enjoy expressing their femininity and such by CDing.

Now, please prepare for a ranting of sorts...

I, however, am not comfortable with being a male. I am in the belief that my form of transsexuality (possibly along with a very small minority of the rest of the TS community) is... inherently different from a simple "I want to be a girl". I do not want to be a girl, as I am a girl already. It would be impossible for me to want to be something that I already am, see? I know some of you may have disputes about this, but I highly doubt that anyone from the GGs to the CDs to the GMs to my fellow TSs, or even the entire TG community for that matter, can validly contest my beliefs and feelings about my state. Nor do I think anyone, short of someone who feels similarly to how I do, can properly understand and comprehend my beliefs and feelings about my state.

Against doubt, though, I do persevere and attempt to help others to understand how I work. To me, transsexuality is just a term. A definition. By this I am linked to others that feel somewhat similarly and who would support me. I would, obviously, love to support them as I feel that no one should go through the pain and anguish that I go through. No one deserves it. Transsexuality is how I explain, in a vastly simplistic manner, my feelings and beliefs in addition to the reality of myself. To be honest, I can barely understand or comprehend my beliefs and feelings, when I can understand them at all. My mind is in sections, it seems, and I gain keys as I reach conclusions and identify critical things about myself and the world.

I have said that I want a regular menstrual cycle... yet this is not entirely true... Yes, I am kind of glad I don't have the cramping, bleeding, bloating, and other assorted things that come with menstruation... But... But there is something... Wrong. I don't... Agh, it is hard to put into words but I must try anyway... The simplest way to put it is that I want a menstrual cycle, but this is not entirely true. If I had a proper menstrual cycle, I would probably wish I did not have it. No, I would definitely wish that. I would dislike it intensely... But... However... Hmm... There is pain in my current physical state. I do have "cycles" of a sort and, if I was born physically female, I am positive I would be menstruating when they occur. I do not like having a penis. I like being a girl. There is pain in my current physical state. I seem to, occasionally, have a cramp or two. The ones I do have like to dance about between doubled-over-moaning-on-my-bed pain and crappy-annoying-throbbing-ache pain. It is odd. I do not think they are psychological, but if they are physical then they are definitely menstrual pains.

I... How to put this... I would prefer... Yes, I would prefer being a "perfect" physical female and having to go through menstruation to being a "perfect" physical male and not having to go through menstruation. As a girl I... Ahh... This will sound weird, but this is the only way I know to express it in words... As a girl I sort of... sort of miss menstruation. I expect it, on a subconscious level. I'd like the possibility to have a child one day, even if I say I would never have kids now.

It is not so much that I want to menstruate that I know I should menstruate and that I don't menstruate. If you missed your period, wouldn't you be rather freaked out for a bit? And then, if it never came back, wouldn't you wonder if, maybe, something was seriously wrong with you? In my case... It is weird... It is not as if I'd enjoy menstruating. No one would enjoy menstruating. Every GG complains about it, though. All of them. Even though they complain, they'd still jump for a pregnancy test or a doctor if they missed their period. You don't like it, but you know it happens to every girl and you accept it as something that just happens and something you cannot do anything about, really.

In my case, I seem to subconsciously expect it to happen. I know when I'm on my odd form of "period" to some degree. Sometimes they are erratic, but then again I have not really been even having them for anywhere close to a year, yet. I just can't help but be uneasy and downright unhappy when a thing that happens to other girls does not happen to me as well, as I am a girl.

Now, I already feel the rebuttals forming in your minds. "You're physically male, though!" Correct. I am... As far as I know, I also only exhibit minor intersexed characteristics. However, I do not even see myself as male and, really, I never did.

At one point I attempted to conform to what society thought I should do, largely by asking lots of odd questions and going by what I saw others, who seemed to be classified like me, doing. The concept of "male" and "female" was there in my mind, but I just did not see it applying to me. I was a child, after all. After a short while attempting to conform, I roughly and rapidly popped out of the groove. I couldn't conform. I found that I could not change myself no matter how hard I tried. Of course, this was because I was bearing my core being to people at the time. After that, I just built up walls and painted those walls to suit the image that I wanted others to see. This image was, oddly, devoid of "male" or "female", also. I didn't really want to be a part of what seemed to be a rather large dispute, so I didn't take a side. It didn't occur to me that people thought that I was on the "male" side because of my genitalia, even though puberty was getting underway by then.

Eventually I built walls so high and strong that I found I could not get back to myself. I had, effectively, just realized that I never really fully understood who I was and that I never even considered that the answers might lay within myself. Arduous tasks of breaking a passage to myself through my own barriers insued. Eventually I made it and found that, well... I was a girl. Although I did not openly acknowledge it at the time, it lurked in my subconscious. Throughout seventh and eighth grades I cried myself to sleep at night wondering why I wasn't born a girl. To protect myself, I built up some more walls.

Freshman year in high school was when these walls started being torn down. People were more accepting and understanding, and I had met some people online and offline who I could casually and seriously talk to about things. Sophomore year was when I met, basically, the best guy I had ever met in the entire world. He and I talked online for hours on end, piecing together the giant puzzle of my feelings and who I was. He offered his opinion and opposition to my opinions and, eventually, helped me help myself discover myself. I discovered, February of my sophomore year, what being a girl meant to me and what it meant for me.

Since then it has been, basically, a battle of acceptance and what I can currently do to alleviate my situation. The point here is, though, that I am female despite my physical status as male. Frequently I move in such a way that a breast would disrupt and I suddenly give a start as I wonder why I didn't just hit my boob. Frequently I don't even realize or remember that I have a penis. I am, usually, completely oblivious to my physically male form and yet completely aware of myself as a female.

I apologize again for any misunderstanding I have caused. I also apologize if my ranting about myself took this thread offtopic. I just felt a need to clarify. Oh, and if you want me to... I dunno... Just create a new topic for this rant so actual discussion (instead of berating and such) can occur, then let me know and I'll do that. :P

05-12-2006, 02:07 AM
Only when i eat a lot of beets do I pee red.
Thanks for enquiring though.

Helen MC
05-12-2006, 04:12 AM
Although I do believe that a male has a monthly hormonal cycle and that this has physical effects, he simply cannot have a Menstrual Period, even a fully converted M to F TS who has had surgery cannot do this.

Personally I would not wish to. Both my sister and my ex-wife had heavy periods. Apart from the PMT and all its attendent miseries they suffered fluid retention, constipation, aches and pains, headache, tiredness, to say nothing of the messiness etc . I certainly did not envy them that part of being a woman! I sympathised with them both when it was that time of the month but know I could never truly know what they had to endure.

Maria D
05-12-2006, 12:56 PM
My fiancee has endometriosis, and in her current state is on morphine for the pain, and prostap to try and stop her having periods. It's an extreme end of the stick, but that's how much periods can hurt some people.

That said, I totally understand Onikoneko's post. I don't want periods, it's just that my brain seems to think I'm a woman and expects the attendent biology. My feelings that I should have them are no more than any other woman expecting them. Indeed, should they have not happened at puberty a trip to the GP would be expected to find out why. Women are expected to have them, and you won't tell my brain that I'm not a woman.
That said, I'm not CD and can't speak for them and their feelings.

In terms of mood cycles, I can't say I've ever noticed any in the men I know, and they don't have a biological reason to cause them, so you can put me down as a doubter.

Take care :)

Julie York
05-12-2006, 01:33 PM
I believe if you read Samantha's ACTUAL post, her only mistake was using the term 'period' when she titled the initial post..which was a valid and sensible question about mood swings. Also, a period is a proper term in physics meaning 'cycle', so even then it was correctly used and only YOUR paranoia led you to jump up and down in rage.

Your reply on the other hand....is illogical when related to the actual question as she NEVER stated she wanted periods like women do. And further more it was extremely rude. It was in fact YOUR answer that then set everyone else off, as they assumed that Samantha had said something that she hadn't.

Do you know how annoying this is to read? do you have ANY REAL CLUE what having a monthly cycle is REALLY LIKE. So PUH-LEASE.... enough with these 'i have a period' bs and get real.

I'm sorry if this is harsh, but I'm sick of sodding hearing this crap. :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn: :thumbsdn:

I'm sorry if this is harsh.....

05-12-2006, 08:14 PM
Physical males do have a sort of "cycle", although it doesn't usually include things like moodswings and the like. Some males do have moodswings during the time the "cycle" is occuring, but mostly the wriggling about of hormonal levels does not perceptably affect them.

It usually depends on how emotional the male in question normally is, in addition to their femininity and masculenity. More feminine males tend to be more in touch with their emotions and bodies, and seem more likely to feel some sort of moodswing or something, although a small one. More masculine males tend to be less in touch with their emotions (something about emotions being for girls, is all I can ever understand from the ba-... Wonderful... individuals...) and tend to see their bodies more like machines. While they take care of it in some ways, they are not really too terribly in touch with it.

Male "cycles" are not, in any way, close to the degree that female periods are. Mostly they just become slightly more irritable (or irritating) than they usually are, and slightly more violent or physical. They don't get to experience the pure joy of going from laughing to crying in under three seconds, then wondering why they are crying, and then getting angry at somebody because they've decided to greet you.

I'm not a morning person when I'm moodswinging. Goodie for me that my body seems to have chosen female-ness and periods (albeit without the blood. I cramp occasionally, though. No idea what the hell is cramping, by the way. Doctor has no idea, either) over male-ness and... ... ... Must... not... make... derrogatory comment... about... males...

And yes, I do realize it all could be psychological... But I must really be something else if I could psychologically inflict pain that, to me, clearly feels as if I have a rather squishy, painful organ trying to forcefully eject itself from my body. Especially the kind of pain that has you near to tears, doubled over on your bed, fearing to move because you might enrage it again.

Speak of the devil, a cramp is here. It's a sneaky one, too. Anyone have a scalpel and a few laundry clips? I think I want to see what's going on in there.

Tina Dixon
05-12-2006, 09:41 PM
................................Lots of periods:D

ashlee chiffon
05-12-2006, 10:52 PM
don't husbands get "sympathy pains" during their SO's pregnancy? Perhaps there are "sympathy periods"?

just trying to be neutral here...

05-12-2006, 11:00 PM
way over my head thank goodness:eek: