View Full Version : facials ?

05-18-2006, 09:23 PM
has anyone had a facial done? i was told to go into the beautician and get one by the beautician cause it helps her get credits for her beauty college schooling.what exactly is it? i've heard of GGs getting them,but not too sure what they consist of.thanks.


05-18-2006, 09:59 PM
Yes, I've had it done before. Essentially it was a variety of skin treatments, designed to really cleanse the skin and rejuvanate it, as well as a facial massage. Pretty pleasant way to spend an hour.

The skin tech who did mine said that she usually recommends that women get one done about six times a year, because of their makeup, and men should get it done about four times a year. So I guess I'll split the difference and do it five times a year? :)

05-18-2006, 10:02 PM
thanks,i appreciate the info.it sounds good to me what do they cost?

Marlena Dahlstrom
05-18-2006, 11:05 PM
Facials are definitely enjoyable, I try to get one every quarter.

The cost varies depending on where you are and how fancy the salon is. The one I go to runs about $100. If your beautician is doing it for class, you may be able to get a discount.

05-18-2006, 11:17 PM
The salon I go to it runs $75. A lot of places also offer discounts if you pair it with other services, like waxing, massages, etc.

Kristen Kelly
05-19-2006, 05:15 AM
By all means do it, it is so relaxing and the improvements to the skin over the long term is amazing. At home I cleanse, use a toner, and twice a week an apricot scrub, and a cucumber mask, the improvement has tremendous. I had a rutty complexion since my teens and between the cleansing routine and moisturizing, my complextion is clearer and smooth, One other thing I noticed is that my beard is softer and makes for a smoother shave.

05-19-2006, 06:12 AM
My pedicurist has been after me to get a facial. And I think I will some day, but for now I am sticking with my pedicures and once-in-a-while makeovers.

05-19-2006, 06:17 AM
One of the most fun hours you can ever have.

I've had three since Oct and each time I fall asleep after about ten minutes. O M G do I feel good afterwards. I highly recommend a facial for anybody. Now that I've discovered the secret that women have been hiding all these years, I'll be having them done more often.
What with facials, a daily cleaning routine, and the advice I've received here, I've had some positive comments about my looks. Coupling this with my going to the gym each day, every comment has been how I look so much better.

The spa where I go charges about $50, but then, she's a small one person operation. I also get my pedicures and manicures done there.

05-19-2006, 08:50 AM
My first wife went to cosmotology school. I recieved, facials, manicures, pedicures, I highly recommend all three

05-19-2006, 09:27 PM
thank you for all your replies.i hope it's not too much,i'm tight with the money bags right now.hopefully it's a lil cheaper ,being a beauty school.thanks for your replies.


05-19-2006, 11:33 PM
has anyone had a facial done? i was told to go into the beautician and get one by the beautician cause it helps her get credits for her beauty college schooling.what exactly is it? i've heard of GGs getting them,but not too sure what they consist of.thanks.


Yes, I had a facial once, and it was heaven. Such a relaxing thing. You should do it.