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View Full Version : How we became who we are

05-31-2006, 05:11 PM
I had the chance to get fully dressed today:D. I began my make-up routine, and I wanted to do somehting new, so I did my make-up like I did when I first truly realized that I had a femme side. When I finished and looked into the mirror realized that I was not staring at Andi.
I realized that I did my make up like I did when I first started completely dressing. I was a bit brasher with my makeup,clothes selection and confidence 15 years ago. Maybe because I was divorced and living alone in NYC at the time.
Anyway, I began to wonder how I went from Robyn, this fun,wild person who had no fear in going out for a walk,taking the subway or running out for groceries to Andi, someone who is no where near as bold or confident. I think I need to bring Robyn back into the picture just a bit.
Anyway this led me to my question about:
How many other's have the experienced the same "transition"/"transformation?

Kate Simmons
05-31-2006, 06:44 PM
I personally feel it's 99% mindset Hon and 1% appearance. Ericka

05-31-2006, 06:56 PM
The very first time I did it all, makeup and wig and dress, when I looked in the mirror I was awestruck. I felt this overwhelming feeling, this feeling that THIS is right. It was not sexual, it was so warm. I think that's when the hook was made, and it's been a slippery slope ever since. It can be a curse and it can be a liberation. Up and down.

05-31-2006, 11:16 PM
After I graduated from the 8th grade (They did that in the 60's) we moved and I no longer had a neighbor that would help me get dressed up, and by that time I was bigger then my mother and I got into sports and kind of got away from dressing. After I went into the military I was stationed in California and they needed some guys at one of the balet troups for partners some of the dancers.
They also needed someone to play the part of the very tall lady in the nutcracker. I'm having a brain cramp and can't remember the caracters name.
But anyway I had on white tights and a bra with very large breast forms and what was actually just a mini dress. I would then step into this huge skirt that came up to below my bustline. Then kids would hide under it and come out on stage. During dress rehersal the director didn't care for the way I was putting on my makeup so she had one of the makeup ladies do it for me.
I can remember setting there in my tights and minidress having my makeup applied thinking that this was pretty cool.
When she finished my makeup and put my wig on me and I looked in the mirror everything came back to me and I was hooked again.