View Full Version : Hormones, betrayal, coming out, and other questions.

05-31-2006, 11:06 PM
Does anyone know of some good hormones to take? I want to grow breasts but I don't know what hormones are good and what size to expect or how fast/slow to expect them.

I've also being going to several churches throughout the years and I've always been known as the "the quiet boy who sat at the back of the church" I don't want to feel as though I'm betraying those people.

I don't know how I'd explain it to my parents. My mom, I think, has a "feeling" that I'm gay. Sometimes she would say things like "if you are gay you're going to hell" or things along those lines.

My dad would probably kill me. He has been to the army/navy and he snaps in a instant. I don't know how to come out to my parents. Please help me.

I also work in a store so everyone would be seeing my progress if I took those hormone pills. I don't know if thats a good thing or not.

This is a strange question but do guys really want people like me? I don't think I want to get rid of my male parts...just yet. Even if I did I still don't have the money to do so. So I'd have breast and male parts, so do guys really want other guys like that?

I'm not looking for anyone really, I just feel like I'll be free if I dress the way I want to dress. If someone comes along, fine, if not then it doesn't matter because I'm not looking anyway.

06-01-2006, 03:19 AM
First.. PLEASE do not just go out and take hormones... This is a dangerous path to take without a doctors help. I have spoken to girls that take hormones from internet sources and when that source goes out of business, she was in horrible shape. Her emotions and body were way out of whack.

You need to find someone who you can talk to. There should be some kind of group near you or medical advice you can get before doing anything like take hormones. Taking hormones just to grow breasts is not something you can start and stop. Your body is not made for that. You have so many issues to deal with first before this step. Your Mom and Dad plus your job. Taking hormones is not cheap either.

If I scared you about taking hormones … GOOD.. These are drugs and taking drugs without a doctor’s prescription is going to be a disaster.. Sure it is not easy to find a doctor that knows about how to do this but is better to look and do research before taking this step!

Good luck …

Joy Carter
06-01-2006, 03:45 AM
It's your life and that is a valuable gift you need to respect that take care of yourself first. As far as being accepted by your family they need a reality check on how you stand in their lives and they need to realize that if they want your love. As much crap I hear about the Vice President, Dick Channey he totally accepted his gay daughter his love for her was more important than her sexual orientation. I have two gay people in my family most reject them but I have always been accepting of them. They live a tough life poverty, a string of bad jobs and a lack of family support. I feel for you little one and I wish you well just keep your head up and realize your someone and encourage your parents to educate them selves on the subject.

06-01-2006, 04:03 AM
My advice is to not take hormones until you know exactly what you want out of life and where you want to go with all of this. Also, only do it under a doctor's supervision, I know quite a few who are doing it on their own and it's really got them messed up.

As far as telling your parents, only you can answer that one. I've found for me that those who love you still do after finding out, those that didn't still don't, but you do run the risk of losing them completely. I guess it comes down to how important it is to you to tell them, but beware that there's no going back.


06-01-2006, 05:26 AM
I agree with the above posts - see a doctor before taking hormones. As well as just growing breasts, they have some serious effects on your body, and unless you're being closely monitered by someone in the know (i.e. a doctor) you can do yourself quite a bit of emotional and/or physical damage. You may also require testosterone blockers which I beleive are not available to buy just like that. (I just started hormones yesterday after seeing the gender identity specialist a good few times... gotta go in for a testosterone blocker injection next week...)

06-01-2006, 07:09 AM
...I've always been known as the "the quiet boy who sat at the back ...

This seems to speak worlds about alienation, distance, inability to communicate who one really is, unsureness of who one really is ....

There's an aspect of t* that feels "like a <> trapped in a <>'s body" - your email communicates strongly a feeling of wrongness, of being trapped, of looking for a way out....but...there are boys just like you who are just boys like you and not t* at all. (I'm thinking of a short story by Theodore Sturgeon - a 40's/50's scifi writer.) You need time, and hormones don't give you time, they start you on a path that deprives you of time to figure out where you are and who you are and they can be dangerous.

You need people to talk to who can understand what you are feeling and what you are talking about - the people here are probably the best - others here have had the same experiences, have gone through the same things, won't threaten you with hell or come unglued like your father...stay here and talk to us - we're always here 24/7.