View Full Version : Pinch me please

Kate Simmons
06-10-2006, 08:13 AM
Quite unexpectedly last night dancing at the club, a cute guy came up and started dancing with me. I didn't think too much of it but he kept up with me the best he could (most give up after a while). Anyway, we got talking and it seems he likes crossdressers. He even CD's himself sometimes and has a goatee (cool huh?). He told me he liked "older women" and we hit it off pretty well. The point is he actually seemed to enjoy my company. I was a bit overwhealmed at first with all this attention as usually at that club, the guys don't give me the time of day because they want men, not guys who dress as women. I don't usually go "ga ga" over guys but this one was the rare exception as he actually listened to what I had to say and treated me like a lady rather than just wanting to jump in the sack. Sometimes I wonder why I do this but I guess the answer comes when you least expect it. My object is just to be accepted for myself but when something like this comes along, it makes me realize my efforts are wothwhile. It may be just a "flash in the pan" but I was kind of "twitterpated" as Bambi would say and it certainly made my night. Guess bring a CD has it's own rewards sometimes. I'll let you all know if anything else happens. Interested in your comments anyway. Pinch me please and wake me up. LOL Ericka

06-10-2006, 08:18 AM
that is a great feeling isn't it? Congratulations :cheer:

Angie G
06-10-2006, 08:34 AM

Sarah Rabbit
06-10-2006, 08:39 AM
Go Girl. Live for today for tomorrow we may die!!

sarah R. :bunny:

06-10-2006, 08:45 AM
That must be a great feeling to be in that situation of having attracted a male attention while being dressed "en femme".

I think that I would like that.

My experience of being with a CD sister, whom I seduced with my cleavage, gave me a little hint of what being attractive to a man may feel like.

I'm about the same age as you and still love to be loved...

06-10-2006, 09:09 AM
Wishing you much luck in the ending, He sound's soo perfect almost tooooooooo. but only time will tell, so enjoy it hon and be carefull, listen to your heart as well;)

Kate Simmons
06-10-2006, 09:27 AM
I do Ava. My heart is very important to me.Thanks for the advice. Most guys I've met are a******s but this one seems a bit different. We'll see. Ericka

06-10-2006, 10:20 AM

06-10-2006, 11:56 AM
Hey Ericka i'm so happy for you honey. I hope it turns out good for you. I really hope he's not just playing you in a different way that you've never seen before.


older not wiser
06-10-2006, 02:33 PM
Hi Ericka, just read the thread and got green with envy(just kidding) GO FOR THE GOLD, HON GO FOR THE GOLD.

Love; BonnieAnne:GE:

~Kitty GG~
06-10-2006, 02:41 PM
Cool at having such a nice experience.

Hope all works out for you and you either find he's not what you're looking for before hearts get involved.. or even better that he is what you're looking for.

Hugs & Love & Hugs

06-10-2006, 03:22 PM
Hi Ericka,

That's the neatest thing I've heard in a while....I'm soooo happy for you. I do hope that this continues into everything that you want it to be. And by all means please keep us informed with the wonderful thing that's happening to you! The play by play ;-}

Hugs and love for the both of you,


06-10-2006, 04:23 PM
Oh, good for you Ericka! Bet the little haunt on Nebo hill was just jumping...Oh, how I wish I could join in the fun there! Your host with the most in the Poconos! well not Mt Airy....but another fine resort!

06-11-2006, 01:01 AM
Dearest Erika,

You follow your heart, lol. Hope it all turns out OK. When I'm dressed I have the overwhelming desire to find a lover. I wish you the very best!



Kate Simmons
06-11-2006, 08:17 AM
Oh, good for you Ericka! Bet the little haunt on Nebo hill was just jumping...Oh, how I wish I could join in the fun there! Your host with the most in the Poconos! well not Mt Airy....but another fine resort!
It was jumping last night Eva. Of course I had to "jump start" everyone else. Seems when one fool starts dancing out there, the other fools follow suit. It's nice when a lot of folks come out on the floor. Ericka

06-11-2006, 09:31 AM
Wow. Ericka - great for you. It must be a thrill and maybe scary at the same time. (all of great experiences are like that arent they?) You are a smart gal. You will know what to do. Follow your heart. It must be great having this new experience that women have. I have never experienced the friendship/attraction of a man whilst efem. Actually, it would be hard for me at the moment to imagine me in a similar situation but I really think the closer one becomes to being and encompassing the fullness of being "a woman" , mentally that friendship/attraction will come and feel very natural. There might be some who say - "O'h no, how could you? - are you gay?" I'd have to reply that it is my belief as one evolves closer to the fullness of being a whole woman, (as much body as we cders can get and more importantly the mental part of the fem you.) a really higher level - I could see it as being very natural and completing as a woman.
I have a few 1000 miles to go to get close to being at where you are at but slowly I am moving forward, inch by inch, efem experience by efem experience and enjoying the trip.:happy:
Love Stephanie

Kate Simmons
06-11-2006, 09:36 AM
Actually, I've been holding back on you gals. I feel I know most of you pretty well now though and I know gals want "details". Anyway, I went back to the club in regular tomboy mode last night but the guy never showed. The bartender told me he wasn't quite sure of him. It was nice to be the center of his attention while it lasted though. We ladies need an ego boost once in a while. In the meantime, I still have my boyfriend Pete. Pete is okay with me as both Richard and Ericka and CD's a little. We talk about both guy and girl stuff all the time. We have sort of an off again, on again relationship as we both have family issues right now. I really like Pete a lot, he is SO material for sure. Have to be patient though and really neither one of us is going anywhere.How far have Pete and I gone? Now, that woud be telling wouldn't it? Let's just say I didn't buy that wedding gown for nothing a couple of years ago. Anyway, I'll keep you gals posted. It's nice to have friends to share things with, especially girl friends. Love, Ericka