View Full Version : How do i Tell??

06-12-2006, 05:52 AM
Ok, the big question,

I have a very understanding GG. She is more than great!.. So how do i tell her that i want to be a woman, well start the process of becoming the person i wish to really be.. and sugestions....


joanne xx:love:

Kate Simmons
06-12-2006, 06:42 AM
Is she understanding to the point of eventually loving you as another woman? Ericka

Nikki Dee
06-12-2006, 08:09 AM
Certainly is a big question...and requires big thought on your part...are you prepared for what could be big consequences.?...Wish you luck.!
Nikki. x

Julia Cross
06-12-2006, 08:56 AM
Well if you plan on transitioning then in my opinion, you simply have no choice but to tell her sooner than later about your true aspirations and prepare yourself for her possible shock and wanting to move on without you. The reality is most members of the opposite sex want a partner of the opposite sex. As she is your GF and not wife, I will make the assumption the two of you have been dating for a while but not a long while as in a marriage, and as such she may not wish to remain in the relationship.

In any case, this is a disclosure of extreme sensitivity. It is something you need to know for sure you understand and have are willing and ready to proceed forward with. She needs to know as well, and the sooner the better. Besides, the sooner you tell her the sooner you will feel relieved.

My suggestion would be to pick a time and place where the two of you are alone, and make sure she isn't troubled by other things at the time when you choose to tell her as you will want her mind to be as clear and understanding as possible.


julie w
06-12-2006, 11:12 AM
I told my gf soon after we meet that I crossdress she thinks its fetish thing
If I told her I want to be a women she would be gone like a shot
Try going on holiday on your own as a women and see how you feel after
a few days ,its a good test to see how you pass and whether you a cd or tg
I think many of us would like to be a women but we have to many things
working against us the main one how we look

Julia Cross
06-12-2006, 11:29 AM

You haven't told us what steps you have taken to determine you truly are someone with a gender identity disorder, and for the most part that isn't our business. However, based on your question, we must assume you have been to counsilling and have been diagnosed with GID. If this is the case, you need to tell her, soon, and what happens will happen. Crossdressing is a far cry from wanting to change one's gender. It takes a strong, open minded woman to accept crossdressing which still leaves er with her man, although in a dress sometimes. Changing one's gender completely different and it is totally understandable that most could not handle this in their intimate lives.

So if you have indeed been diagnosed with GID then come clean asap. If you are unsure and have not seen a a specialist, then first do that and determine if indeed you are struggling with your gender or simply confused by all the emotions that come into play when one first really discovers crossdressing and keeps it hidden.
