View Full Version : Annivesary

06-12-2006, 08:50 PM
Today is my first anniversary as a transgender. I have gone from a gender questioning middle aged man to a complete and liberated transgender transvestite. I am part of a group of people who are hated, villified, and even killed because we express ourselves different from society's norms.

I have met some wonderful, creative, and enlightened folks who have helped me on my journey towards self discovery. I want to help others in the same way.


Barb Valentine
06-12-2006, 08:51 PM
Well happy Annivesary
and good for you

Cherry Lynn
06-12-2006, 08:53 PM
Happy anniversary and many more to come.

06-12-2006, 08:59 PM
Gennee, we've enjoyed growing with you... Happy Anniversary! :balloons:

06-13-2006, 07:55 PM
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. This year will be better. I'm so excited and encouraged by the way things are going.



Sophia Rearen
06-13-2006, 07:58 PM
Gennee, Happy Anniversary. May your future be bright.

Tamara Croft
06-13-2006, 08:04 PM
Today is my first anniversary as a transgender.Gennee what do you mean first year??

06-14-2006, 08:37 PM
Gennee what do you mean first year??

My story is different from many here in this forum. I never dressed in girls clothes as a child or as a teen. I never, ever had the desire to put on women's clothing. I was always a quiet person who kept to himself much of the time. I have kept my feelings about things to myself.

About three years year, I confided with someone that something within me was wanting to bust out. What it was or where I wanted to go with it, I had no clue.

I have always was drawn to strange and unusual stuff. Over the years I read gay magazines, investigated the leather scene, and viewed porno movies. I guess I secretly deisred to be a part of these activities but I felt out of place. They were not right for me.

A year ago, I just got this crazy urge to put on my wife's dress. I acted upon some crazy impulses in the past and this was no different. When I put on a dress, I loved it very much. I did it more and more. I sought some counsel because I was confused about what I was feeling. I found out that I was a crossdresser. It was buried deep inside of me and I guess it was time for 'Gennee' to come.

It is my anniversary of discovering that I am a CD and transgendered. Those words fit like a glove in my soul. Today, I am liberated, happy and complete.


06-15-2006, 09:27 AM
Happy Anniversary, Gennee! Or as a friend of mine called his, "tranniversary". I hope the second year will be even better than the first.

Toni Shelton
06-15-2006, 11:53 AM
Happy anniversary, Happy anniversary, Happy anniversary TO YOU :love:

Emily Ann Brown
06-15-2006, 12:35 PM
Hey sis.....

Congratulations !!! May next year be 10 times better for you.

Emily Ann

Siobhan Marie
06-15-2006, 03:32 PM
Hey hon,

Happy Anniversary, am so happy for you :happy:

huge :hugs: Anna x

Sarah Rabbit
06-15-2006, 03:33 PM
Speaking as one who has always known but never fully accepted..That would have been one hell of a revelation :eek: for you to find out in such a short period of time:thumbsup:

Sarah R. bunny: