View Full Version : should you have been born as a girl ?

06-13-2006, 05:10 PM
Hi Nisha here everybody,I wonder how many of you can relate to my life and feelings that I should have been born a Girl !! Right from my earliest memories
( 3 years old aprox ) I always wanted to be a Girl and and used to wear Girls clothes whenever I got the opportunity .When I was young I was always shy and looked girly ,I used to be told that I had long eye lashes like a girl and was always being mistaken for a girl .When I was about 11 years old my breasts started growing and my nipples used to swell and hurt and I never told anyone and was frightened that I was getting cancer because of the pains in my breasts ,I always had a small waist and shapely butt like a girl and feminine soft eyes and features .This made my life so miserable ,I was bullied at school and rejected by everyone .I was very good at football but because of my developing breasts would never take my shirt off out of embarrassment .I know now that I am not the only person in the world like this and that some of us are born with female traits .I enjoy my female side now but the wish to be a girl never changes .Anyone else with a simular story ?

Love Nisha xxx:love:

Karren H
06-13-2006, 07:03 PM

Love Karren

tekla west
06-13-2006, 07:16 PM
Given all possible choices, I would rather have been born rich. I'm happy with who I am. It might have been interesting to be a girl, but being a boy has been fun also. Either way, it would have been better to be rich. Yeah, that and good looking too.

06-13-2006, 07:29 PM
I'm happy with the sex I was born with. It's society's inability to deal with my gender expression that casues a problem.

06-13-2006, 07:33 PM
You sound as if you may be intersexed. It's worth looking into. There are thousands born every year whose parents are told by physcians that they need to do "corrective" surgery on the baby's gential and make them either male or female.
There are also many born intersexed that have no outwardly symptons. Could be lots of variations.

Maybe, maybe not

06-13-2006, 07:45 PM
Nishababe-- I feel your pain. It started at age two for me. I remember that moment (and so many subsequent experiences) like it was yesterday. Growing up I always wanted to know if there was some way to change. When I learned of transition it added an element of hope and inner peace.

06-13-2006, 08:07 PM
I am happy to have been male. I'm also happy to have discovered my feminine side. You can say that I have a male body and a female mind and heart.


:doll: :<3:

06-13-2006, 08:39 PM
Hi Nisha,

Yes. I can't lay claim to feelings much before 5 or 6. I never liked sports, and I never much liked playing with the guys until much later. But my body produces ample quantities of testosterone, and my breasts are only the size they are because I am overweight.

Unfortunately, any "correction" for me is pretty much out of the question, as I am 52, and happily married to the love of my life, and am also definitely from the wrong economic class to be entertaining thoughts of elective surgery of any kind.

Rachel Morley
06-13-2006, 09:46 PM
Many, many times during adolesance I wished I'd been born a girl, but now I'm all grown up and married to an accepting wife I'm so glad I can be both (so to speak). I love being a cder :happy:

Barb Valentine
06-13-2006, 09:51 PM
I am happy with who I am
Just a guy that like to wear a dress

06-13-2006, 10:23 PM
Yeah i wish i was born the other sex. Now that i have come this far and still realize that being female is still much better to be then male.

I am now really hating not being a girl.

But there is much more to it as i have said often times before.

I just want to be the right sex for me as always and female is it for me why i am yet male again is something that is still puzzling me right now.

I would change in a second given the chance.

Oh well.

Jay Suzy!:

06-13-2006, 10:43 PM
Happy to be a male!

Happy to wear girls clothes too!

Nisha, I hope you find your happiness and comfort level with your situation.


06-13-2006, 11:00 PM
Can't say I ever felt that level of disorientation about the sex I was born - certainly I never thought I had developing breasts of a cute bum (if only :D )

I have thought of what it would be like to be female (duh, no kidding) and I can remember dreaming/fantasising about this from early teens I guess.

Would be nice to just get the chance to be a GG to see what it really felt like ... however, it seems to be a kinda permanent change and people would be bound to notice ;-)

I would agree with the other comments about societies acceptance of all this; it would be REALLY, REALLY nice if you could just dress how you want without it being such a big deal :D

06-14-2006, 12:39 AM
Hi Nisha here ,

Thank you so much for all your replies and interest .I notice the many different ways we all feel about the subject I raised and it show the many types of sexuality that exist ,rainbows within rainbows .


:love: :love: Love Nisha xxxx

06-14-2006, 12:42 AM
Yes i should have, however i have to deal with what i have. Hopefully i'll get lucky next time. ;)

06-14-2006, 02:52 AM
I was born a girl, I just had the wrong parts stuck on me.


06-14-2006, 04:48 AM
I truely understand your pains hun. I am a male to female transexual in transition as we speek. I have know since the age of 5 that I was a girl traped in the wrong body and have proven it via docters and other tests. If you would like to chat more feel free to message me hun

kiss kiss

06-14-2006, 05:58 AM
I have had those feelings in the past - especially when I was younger. I used to go to sleep, wishing that in the morning I'd wake up a girl... but that never happened ;)

Since puberty, I've come to accept my body, but there are certainly times when I resent it. It's never so clean cut... I do often think that "I should have been born a girl," but many other times when I'm quite happy.

I tend to have the belief that, "I'm here like this for a reason, and should try and fulfil that as much as I can."

Kate Simmons
06-14-2006, 06:14 AM
No. If I had been born a girl, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Ericka

Teresa Amina
06-14-2006, 06:45 AM
No. If I had been born a girl, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Ericka

Sure you would, Ericka, just different on the outside!

Toni Shelton
06-14-2006, 06:49 AM
I think I was born a girl, inside.

Teresa Amina
06-14-2006, 07:00 AM
Interesting, Nish, that you have had so many physical traits show up. Most of us seem to be fem brained with more or less ordinary male bodies. That "shoulda been born a girl" thing was strong in my youth but I suppressed it to "pass" as a man. But the inner self doesn't go away and now in middle age my Teresa center has to be accommodated somehow. Too bad in our youth the pressure to conform instead of being ourselves is so strong.

06-14-2006, 07:19 AM
I've often thought about it, but I'm still not really sure. I think I'd have rather been born a girl, but whether I should have been....? Perhaps. There's no denying that I sure like wearing the clothes. I like being a guy, too. But there are times when I feel that yes, I should have been born female. It's still very hard to say.

Kim E
06-14-2006, 07:23 AM
Hi Nisha ~ :happy:

I can relate to everything you described here. Like you, I experienced the same, except I wasn't any good at football or any other sport for that matter.

To answer your question, Its yes.

Take care ~ Kim :happy:

Kate Simmons
06-14-2006, 08:07 AM
HMM, Guessing I'm "passsing" as a man and woman. Teresa had it right. Just depends on what kind of wrapping the "package" currently has. Ericka

06-14-2006, 10:26 AM
Nisha, one thing you should realize is that intersexed people can come in a wide range of degrees, everything from having two sets of all sex organs including internal plumbing all the way to appearing totally as one or the other sex. In some cases congical twins are entirely aborbed within the individual and you have a chimera where externally you appear as one individual, but your actually made up of various parts of your absorbed twin.

These cases are extremely rare, but it accounts for some of the traits your talking about as I went through more or less the same sort of development. What you need to realize is that your body is not something to be ashamed of, it is you and that you can quite easily live a happy productive life. The real question to resolve is which type of life do you want more, that of a man, woman or as middle of the road "neutral" and float back and forth between either sex.

Don't go this alone, get next to sympathetic medical assistance and have some real good professional help early on as if you deal with all of this without assistance I can tell you first hand that things are lot tougher.

Take care and if you want more discussion there are a number of us registered within this site... when I get time this evening after work I'll write you directly


06-14-2006, 02:13 PM
I think that the hole reason of crossdressing is that us boys can be ourselfs. which is sometimes a girl and sometimes a boy. Do you know what i mean.

Siobhan Marie
06-14-2006, 05:07 PM
for me I'm happy just the way I am.

:hugs: Anna x

Angie G
06-14-2006, 05:32 PM
Nisha I'v had the thought 1 or 2 times But when I dress I'M A GIRL AND WHEN I DON'T I'M A BOY. Witch my be better I don't know but it works for me.
Angie G

06-14-2006, 05:51 PM
Yes, I should have been a girl. If I had been a girl I would have been most likely bi-sexual, but I do identify myself as female. I would like to think that I would be just a girl who liked men but I am so attracted to women that I don't think I could be anything but bi-sexual.

I cry when I watch chick-flicks, I get over emotional all the time. People tell me that I wear my feelings on my sleeves. They see me as a man, they don't see the woman. If they saw the woman they would understand me.

06-14-2006, 06:18 PM
Yes --- definitely

Joy Carter
06-14-2006, 07:02 PM
Yeah I always thought that I came in the wrong package not about sex but about being how I felt about myself from earliest memories. There is no doubt in my mind that the sexes are so close that some of us tend to be just a blur between them.

+? +? +? +? +?

06-15-2006, 12:29 AM
Hi Nisha,

I am glad I was born male and can CD. I would not want to lose the ultimate male symbol >>> my PENIS!

06-15-2006, 04:49 AM
I could not enjoy crossdressing so much, if I were a woman :heehee:

Sarah Rabbit
06-15-2006, 06:26 AM
I should have been a girl.. but alas..Mother nature did not agree...I have that inane feeling from my earliest childhood.. that I am a female.

Sarah R. :bunny:

06-15-2006, 06:35 PM
well my subject seems to have struck a cord in a lot of you .It seems as if there are roughly 2 types of people on this site .Some enjoy just dressing as Girls and enjoy the fun and glamour of it all ,then the other type like myself seem to express deep strong inner feelings since early childhood of complete and utter revulsion of being in a body of a boy ,and having the full and complete feelings of a girl .I can relate to a lot of the comments I have heard especially about crying when watching weepy sentimental films .I used to get lots of comments at school ,the girls used to call me a tom girl ,opposite to tom boy !! In my teens I got teased that I had wide child bearing hips ,so not only did I have a girls mind but also a feminine type body and yet we are bullied for being different ,how was it my fault I was born like this !! I just wish that we could all do as we like as long as we dont hurt anyone .
One of my recent girlfriends always made a beeline for my bedroom as soon as she came to my house to go and put my boxer shorts on ,shirts jeans etc and yet one day when I mentioned about me ever wearing any of her clothes she got angry and said it was not right ? Seems a lot of women are very one sided ,she could not understand that she was crossdressing all the time herself ,strange is it not ? It seems funny that war and violence are more acceptable than what we want to do in peace ,we dont hurt anybody and yet many of our sisters are insulted ,beaten up ,assaulted or even murdered
just because they dare to reveal their female side .We are classed as perverts and evil in the eyes of god ,what crap .Love to you all xxxxx
:love: :love: Nisha

06-15-2006, 09:08 PM
I'm happy with the sex I was born with. It's society's inability to deal with my gender expression that casues a problem.:iagree: ... Although there are times when I wonder what it would have been like to be a real girl. But generally i'm happy as I am.

06-15-2006, 09:25 PM
No I enjoy being a male. I enjoy dressing and feeling like a woman. But there no way I would want to go thru some of the things GG have to deal with. huh no way.


06-16-2006, 03:02 PM
Yes I have wished it many times. My wife has even told me several times that I should have been born a girl.

06-16-2006, 03:18 PM
I was.... I just got the wrong body....


Marla S
06-16-2006, 03:41 PM
... When I was young I was always shy and looked girly ,I used to be told that I had long eye lashes like a girl and was always being mistaken for a girl .When I was about 11 years old my breasts started growing and my nipples used to swell and hurt and I never told anyone and was frightened that I was getting cancer because of the pains in my breasts ,I always had a small waist and shapely butt like a girl and feminine soft eyes and features .This made my life so miserable ,I was bullied at school and rejected by everyone .I was very good at football but because of my developing breasts would never take my shirt off out of embarrassment.

Quite a similar story here. I was mistaken as a girl very often (have been one of the smallest kids of my age and got an growth spurt to "regular size" quite late). I remember it was embarrassing, but can't remember what bothered me more: To be mistaken as girl or hearing my mom always saying: "Noooo, it's a boy !!!".
Had the breast problems too, feared to have cancer, went to the doctor though, who said that it is quite normal during puberty. Yes, and I was terrified to develop breasts - thought they will grow because I like to wear girls clothes - already in the closet and knowing society wants to see me as boy I felt very miserable.

Can't remember to have wished to be a girl (had some daydreams of being a persian princess, though), but knew very early that I don't fit in neiter of the both available categories. Either lonely or hanging around in boys gangs, I always felt as outsider and never really comfortable.

I don't relate this to being intersexed. In my life there is not the slightest evidence for it.

06-16-2006, 03:57 PM
I feel that the breast problem is called Gynecomastia .I had hard cancer like lumps there and terrible pain that went on till about my mid twenties .I suppose because I already knew about my sex identity problem that I was really scared about developing big breasts like a girl .I was a very shy small bullied and frightened boy .I was always frightened I would be taken away and so never had any contact with doctors at school and left as soon as I could .I was very intelligent in top classes but fled from school with no certificates taking no exams but I have survived .Now I am a strong person and view it as my karma to go through all these struggles in life .I am now the one that people from all over the come to for comfort and guidance .Because I have been to hell and back it has made me a better and stronger person .

Love Nisha xx:love:

06-16-2006, 04:03 PM
I think also that because of us being very girlish that perhaps the female hormones inside us probably put a big struggle up to take over our body as a Girl but unfortunately for both of us the female was defeated !!

Love Nisha xx:love:

06-16-2006, 04:06 PM
I am not intersexed either ,but perhaps oversexed :heehee: :heehee:
Love Nisha xxx:love:

Marla S
06-16-2006, 04:08 PM
I feel that the breast problem is called Gynecomastia .I had hard cancer like lumps there and terrible pain
Yeah, probably it was Gynecomastia, yes and hard lumps and pain. Just read that it is caused by the hormone prolactine which is responsible for the breast growth (girls) and causes painfull lumps in boys. Had the problem only for one year or two, though.

Later, I got some painfull problems with the knees (a puberty problem too), but don't know if this is realted (breasts on knees uuuuuhhh :eek: )

06-16-2006, 04:34 PM
I am very happy being a man. I just love being femme when I choose.

06-16-2006, 05:18 PM
The name of this thread really caught my eye. It set me to thinking. As some of you know, I' transitioned about ten years ago, and it wasn't all that traumatic.In my case it was almost a relief. Like many of you here, I was always small for my age, with fine bones and an all too too pretty face for a boy.
Except for some rather cruel classmates, and an undercurrent of teasing, I had a pretty normal first twenty years or so. Though I often was mistaken for a girl, regardless how I dressed, I can not really say that I had an overabiding desire to be one. Believe it or not, I had never even worn panties till my mid twenties. As you can see in my profile, I'm married (still) to the woman I married when I was still living as a man.
The thing was, I had this obsession. No, not pretty things. I came to appreciate them much later, My obsession was in extreme sports. In retrospect, I realize I was trying to project some sort of macho image. Obviously, I failed (smile). But I terrified my wife. She had the good sense to realize just what I was doing and trying, quite unsuccessfully I might add, to accomplish.
This isn't really the forum for me to go into the details, but it is enough to say that I feel much more comfortable in my social role now, The pressure to present as a man is off. Those things that made my life as a man so miserable, now turn out to be assets. My body did respond very well to hormones and rounded out quite nicely, thank you.
So, should I have been born a girl rather than a boy.......I don't really know.

Michelle Ellis
06-16-2006, 06:08 PM
I feel that the breast problem is called Gynecomastia .

First of all, very interesting thread, I really enjoyed reading all the responses posted :happy:

Nisha I can totally relate to your story. And yes it's called Gynecomastia. Although I've never been diagnosed medicly as having it, ever since I was a kid I've suffered its symptoms. I could never wear t-shirts as they were always too tight fitting for my overweight chest and I would tug and pull at them all day trying to make them more comfortable. I had many comments made when I was growing up, girls would say "he's got bigger boobs than me." I would just emotionally die when I heard something like that. I've even had my chest grabbed before from behind when I was playing Missle Command in the arcade, I must have been 12-14 :( my school age years were really frustrating.

Now that I'm older I go with it :o hehe, I would never have reduction surgery, bras are just such a blast now :)

And to get back on toppic.

I'm happy to be a male. But I feel deep down that I am female, no doubts of it. When I'm with my male friends I always end up getting mad at a lot of the things they say concerning women (yeah I know I don't have the greatest friends, they are all totally sexist).

I don't watch Chick-flicks but I do get extremely emotional over everything I'm exposed to. I cry at just about every movie that has ANY emotional content. I cry when I listen to certain music. Posting here makes my heart pound in my chest (it's very exciting to me still) . I'm a musician, and artist, I have a healthy creative drive.

And yes, I should have been born female, 100% positive that I AM female, just with all the wrong parts :p

Excuse my verbosity hehe and thanks for listening, this thread did indeed strike a chord with me.

um... shouldn't I be laying on a couch or something here Dr? :tongueout

06-16-2006, 06:53 PM
Wow I have only just joined this great forum about 4 days ago and this was my first ''thread'' .I am so delighted that it has touched many of the dear souls who have read it .A trouble shared is a trouble halved they say in England .I wish I had all the knowledge that I have now when I started out on the journey of life. I have left a post on a much under read thread started 2 days ago called ''have you ever wondered why'' by Sarah 35 .The post I put on it was called ''Being who you are'' its the 5th post on this thread and it may help to explain what in my opinion is some of the reasons for why and how we are all like we are .I welcome your comments to myself if you get the time to read it .
The great thing about this forum that we are all on is that we are a world wide group/collection of you could say ''soulmates'' all learning from each others experience about our different cultures and countries but we all have this common bond .The wish to enjoy without harrassment the opportunity to explore the wonderfull feminine part of our nature ,which is deep in our souls ,we dont know all the answers but we know that it gives us so much happiness and fullfilment to wear female clothes and to appear as females to ourselves and the outside world . Long live the difference !!

Love to you all Nisha the ''Caring'' ''Babe'':love:

fancy nancy
06-16-2006, 09:48 PM
There are some days that I feel like I wish that I was born of the female sex.I remember growing up wanting to check out my mom's clothes ;even got brave to try some of her stuff on . I wish I could wear my female clothing 24/7 but my line of work does not allow me to . :love:

06-17-2006, 05:37 PM
Hi Nisha here everybody,I wonder how many of you can relate to my life and feelings that I should have been born a Girl !! Right from my earliest memories
( 3 years old aprox ) I always wanted to be a Girl and and used to wear Girls clothes whenever I got the opportunity .When I was young I was always shy and looked girly ,I used to be told that I had long eye lashes like a girl and was always being mistaken for a girl .When I was about 11 years old my breasts started growing and my nipples used to swell and hurt and I never told anyone and was frightened that I was getting cancer because of the pains in my breasts ,I always had a small waist and shapely butt like a girl and feminine soft eyes and features .This made my life so miserable ,I was bullied at school and rejected by everyone .I was very good at football but because of my developing breasts would never take my shirt off out of embarrassment .I know now that I am not the only person in the world like this and that some of us are born with female traits .I enjoy my female side now but the wish to be a girl never changes .Anyone else with a simular story ?

Love Nisha xxx:love:
yes know how you feel have always been this way had 4 older sisters who till i was age about 8 would just treat me a one of them so i have always wished i had been a girl wasnever good at sport was always a bit soft and always felt that it showed as i was lots of times chatted up by boys but didnt really take notice of it till about 14 when i had my first encounter withe a boy then i reall new i was a woman in wrong body when he touched my nipples it made me feel great . went through life being miserable had some affairs but not till i really dressed as grace did i get fulfilment have dressed all my life but only my sisters knew my full feelings now my wife does and we are really sisters so i guess i am not to bad about things but yes should have been a woman and i am sorry i am a man love grace

06-17-2006, 07:37 PM
Interesting! The budding breasts thing never happened to me but it did happen to my beast buddy. He got riddiculed something fierce but lookily for him he was very tough and could beat the tar outta most of the assholes!

He was a good buddy and I miss him. The docts said that his little boobs were natural and happens quite frequently.

I didn't care anyway he was my friend and I just accepted it all with a nod and continued hanging out. Besides I was a little jealous. I wanted a set of little boobs.

I never confided in the fact that I like to wear my sister's clothes because he woulda beat the tar outta me. We always fought and me being a skinny runt got whupped everytime.

06-17-2006, 07:55 PM
i would have to say that i wish i was born a girl

06-18-2006, 06:05 AM
Dear newly found friends,
The contribution on this topic now seems to dwindling to a natural end and I would like to thank all those who have contributed their own thoughts and experiences .
It has been a revelation to me on joining this site barely a week ago to hear the contributions from all of you ,some sad ,some upbeat and a lot of reflection on all sides .
We shall never know all the answers but one thing is for sure ,as a frightened young child i thought I was the only one in the world going through this mental and physical torment of being born in a boys body with a girls mind and a body in rebellion against itself with the hormones of each sex in a fight to the finish to make my body in its own sexual image .

In the end they decided to draw and have more or less equal shares !!

I was then forced to live a life mostly of loneliness ,unhappiness ,torment and derision .
Well perhaps everything has a reason as now I am quite happy with who I have become ,I love my female perception ,wisdom and empathy and also my body has settled down to a mostly happy caring and witty man (if somewhat highly strung and a flirt!!)
The female looks have receded with the ongoing years to be replaced by a boyish looking man ,younger than his true years
( a youthfulGemini :heehee: )
But I have a youthfull young woman inside me enjoying the chance to let her views be known ,well thats how it seems !!
Anyway we all have our own pathways to walk and stories to be told ,so let the debate and issues go on safe in the knowledge that we are now ......................... ''Not alone'''

Regards Nisha the ''Babe''xx:love:

06-23-2006, 09:40 PM
oh yes nisha...like y9ou i was three when i lnew i was a girl. i have dressed and acted like a girl all my life. i so desperately need to be female. i know that in my very heart and soul i am female. i have always dreamed of being a girlfriend bride wife and mother...you are not alone dear girl, and i am sure there are many just like you and i. i was born a girl with a terrible birth defect (male organs), that is. some day we will be the women we were always meant to be. kisses and huggz ericalynne http://profiles.yahoo.com/missericalynne

Dee 1062
06-23-2006, 10:11 PM
I was born a girl, in a mans body...it really sucks....

06-24-2006, 05:41 AM
i would have to say that i wish i was born a girl
Cheers Jenny!

Lady Katherine
06-24-2006, 08:17 AM
Nisha .... by now, probably everything has been said about your question. Yes, I can't resist commenting.

I am 76 years old, but all my life have been embarrassed by a body that was more female than male ... slender, narrow shoulders, soft arms, wide hips, womanly legs. And, breasts, too.

I got a little chubby at age 10 ... as many kids do, and my breasts just blossomed, growing much bigger than my weight gain would seem to warrant. Kids teased and grabbed them, and I may have had bigger breasts than any girl in 6th Grade. I retreated to an upstairs room that summer, spending time reading and sneaking into mom's stuff and wondering why I couldn't be a girl.

Of course, I was hopeless in gym class, and wondered: why wasn't I a girl. But this was during World War II, and a boy had to be a boy, so I worked hard at toughening myself, and I did to a satisfactory extent. Yet, I kept my breasts and my feminine softness. Now a father of 5 with a close family and with a respected work life, I am thankful I remained outwardly male.

But Darling Nisha, I feel so often that I AM a woman. These feelings have been with me all my life; thanks to the Internet, I have finally begun to truly enjoy the fact that I may indeed be a woman, at least inwardly. Love and best wishes.