View Full Version : How does one handle harrassment from kids?

06-14-2006, 06:54 PM
Hello Ladies, Question how does one handle outright harrassment from kids while browsing for bras? I was in Kmart looking at Bestform bras and I heard a child say loook ma look ma and I could only guess I was the one he was talking about. I generally don't like looking for women's clothes let alone lingerie if there are any children around. Is there any other people in here who feel this way too. I wish I could shop for fem clothes no matter who might be nearby. Thank you for your time, DanielleAnne

Sherri Taylor
06-14-2006, 07:10 PM
I used to feel that way. But now I don't care who is looking. If anyone ever wanted to ask, I'm shopping for my wife. It's her birthday. With all the holidays (Valentines, Mothers day, Christmas, Sweetest day, Birthday, etc) there is always a reason. It's easy for me, because my soon to be wife and I are just about the same size. Except for the breasts, she's got me beat there! :winking:

06-14-2006, 07:11 PM
This is the reason that I am so obsessed "as someone else put it" about passing.
Children can be so honestly hurtful. They don't mean it, but they bring you out in such a way that you have no choice but to stand your ground or run and hide. It hurts.

The last time I went shopping en-femme, I was smiled at by children, they thought me a woman and I never fellt so comfortable shopping after a little boy looked up at me and gave me a big smile.

I don't know why this is, but if you can pass in front of a child, you can pass in front of anyone.

Kate Simmons
06-14-2006, 07:16 PM
Just look at 'em and say: "Neat double sling shot, huh?" And wink your eye. That should shut 'em up!.. Ericka

06-14-2006, 10:17 PM
Suffice to say that they tend to tell the world, loudly. Teenage girls can be the worst, now they WILL read you, how you deal with it is the key, if you freak out you become their next meal. though the situation is worse if theres boys about, and you become the nice target for all that angst and resentment. I personally steer clear of them if possible, I know thats not very constructive or positive.

However, one day, while at a friends house, having taken time to decide what to wear, hair, makeup, all natural and tidy, I left her house and walked within inches of a group of 13 - 15 year old girls. I think I must have had a
shield of utter determination around me, because with my hips moving gently as I walked, and head up, I walked straight past them and not a murmer,
Ha score 1 to azure, that felt brilliant.

Marlena Dahlstrom
06-14-2006, 11:11 PM
I'm with Erika, humor is great way of deflecting attention and taking control of the situation. Or why we've got a lot to learn from drag queens, who don't take nuthin' from nobody.

A lot depends on the age of the child. With little kids, they're not trying to make fun of you, they just find you interesting -- and yes they'll say so loudly.

With teenage girls a little humor that throws them off-balance helps. I haven't used it yet, but the next time I get stared and giggled at by a herd of teenage girls, I'm going to walk directly up to them, smile sweetly and say: "I know you're too shy to ask for my autograph, but don't worry, I'm happy to give you one." That ought to throw 'em for a loop....

Karren H
06-15-2006, 06:39 AM
I shy away from places where kids hang out, aka the mall on Friday and Saturday nights.

Love Karren

06-15-2006, 07:01 AM
Push them over and ruuuuun!

06-15-2006, 07:25 AM
kate, so cow tipping does provide a usefull skill. and I thought all of my practice was going to waste.:p :p :p

Julia Cross
06-15-2006, 07:37 AM
They're kids. If you are uncomfortable with them being there when you are looking, then leave and return 5 minutes or so later. It's not like they live there. Personally, I have yet to experience having any kids around when I was shopping for such things. Or just ignore them. they are only trying to get a reaction - don't humour them.


06-15-2006, 07:54 AM
Hello Ladies, Question how does one handle outright harrassment from kids while browsing for bras?
well ive never worn a bras or shopped for one (my mommie wont let me) but i do help my mommie/wife when she is shopping....
she usually gives me a ton of stuff to hang onto when she's trying on stuff in the fitting rooms..... (yes she does prefer to keep me dressed as a girl)
in like <2 minutes ill get some curious/nosey kids asking me zillions of questions...
kids are atleast honest, so i try to answer back as honestly as i can....
you should see me in the toy section! <giggles>
as far as rude kids go--- (and most arnt too terribly rude) i just try to ingnore them... luckily they have very short attention spans and dont hang around very long.

06-15-2006, 09:33 AM
I wouldnt put too much into it they are just kids after all. Ignore them and continue doing what you were doing they have very short attention spans and will continue on if the cant get a reaction

Tina Dixon
06-15-2006, 09:38 AM
Kids, another reason why I never wanted any.

Marla S
06-15-2006, 11:35 AM
Kids are a special kind of people but there is nothing easier then to buy lingerie. It is a commen present bought by men for their wifes, meanwhile (textile industrie sees a men as a non neglectable customer group (shoes, dresses, skirts, are more difficult)).

So, as for the kid you could have said: It's for my wife. Doesn't get your mom presents ? :D

Julie York
06-15-2006, 01:07 PM
I think sometimes a little gentle humour helps in those situations...something like...

"Oye you little ******* I'm shopping for my disabled wife! Now **** off!"


maid phylis
06-15-2006, 01:23 PM
dear girls .last night coming home from cdi in new york i was riding in the subway when a noisy bunch of black girls came in.i was sitting by the window minding my own business when all of a sudden one of them came toward where i was sitting and then ran back to her girlfriends and started to giggle .well i knew what they were laughing at and i just laughed right back at them.nothing is so stupid as that type of harrassment and like i always say the more of us that go out will stop this garbage .the transgendered community will rule some day. love phylisanne:love:

midwest GG
06-15-2006, 04:33 PM
First and foremost, you need to remember what it was like being a kid. You did not specify what age the child was who said this to you, but I am assuming that it was a young child. Thank heavens children are curious, that is the way they learn, sometimes it for the good, and sometimes it is for the worst. If my children say something, or are staring at someone who they think look different, I make it a point to bump into that person and try to have a small conversation with them. There fore my kids know that just because someone doesn't look like them, it doesn't mean that they aren't nice people. Maybe try that someday, if a small child stares or makes a comment, just say hello, or ask them what they are doing for the day. It could be a great ice breaker for the mom too. I think taht most days my children plot out to make mom look like a big donkey!! Gotta love them!
As far as teenagers...well, I am hoping that they come up with some type of drug to let me sleep through all of my kids teenage years..I am not looking forward to it at all!! Teenagers are ruthless, but remember everyone has a story and you may just be helping one out by being yourself.
And, they are just kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!