View Full Version : Out and about in Utah

06-14-2006, 11:02 PM
I'm here alone, I've shaved - legs and underarm, I've got a wig, I've got makeup, I've got the urge ... all I'm missing is the confidence to actually walk outta the hotel room, through the lobby and out into the real world!

Go on, someone tell me it's "dangerous" out there? Or that all those religious types in Utah would disapprove? Or it's too hot/cold/windy? Or I'll not be able to stop talking and a Northern guy accent is really just not going to pass for a girlie!

Please tell me I should just stay indoors 'cos it'll be WAY, WAY less embarrasing than going outside and watching the first person look at me and think "weirdo guy badly dressed as girl".

How do you switch off the "embarrassed as hell" bit of your brain (without the aid of large quantities of alcohol)?


06-14-2006, 11:06 PM
Ha, no worries-- Utah is filled with freaks and weirdos (of the actual freak and weirdo sort-- meth-addicted, PVC wearing, 3-foot green mohawk with razor blade scars on the wrists types) so no-one will probably bat an eyelid-- just don't go anywhere near Temple square. I think wearing anything other than your Sunday Best on temple square is illegal... haha
Other than that-- there are literally hundreds of TGs/ TVs/ CDs here.
Check out a bar downtown called Heads Up. That's the place for TGs to be.

Lisa Renee
06-14-2006, 11:41 PM

I live in Utah the SLC area and go enfemme as much as I possibly can, and have never had any problems. Even went on Temple square once:D Just have fun.

06-15-2006, 12:04 AM
All dress and very trepidatious about going out. ANy one have some words of encouragement. Thoughts about what I shoud do?

06-15-2006, 12:47 AM
Just put your blinders on and go out the door. I know it's hard, but it does get easier after that first step.


06-15-2006, 05:49 AM
If you don't have someone to help and go with you then it is harder. Try to take it one small step at a time. Go down the hall to the snack machine. Take a taxi ride in a big circle and end back at the hotel. Go out in the winter, covered up mostly by coat and boots but have lovely clothes on underneath.

You've got to find what you are comfortable with. That being said, I'm still a little terrified way deep inside when I realize I'm out in a Mall with hundreds of people around me and I don't have a shred of male clothing on!

Just try a little thing. It will get the momentum started for the things that come after.



Karren H
06-15-2006, 06:32 AM
I'm here alone, I've shaved - legs and underarm, I've got a wig, I've got makeup, I've got the urge ... all I'm missing is the confidence to actually walk outta the hotel room, through the lobby and out into the real world!

Go on, someone tell me it's "dangerous" out there? Or that all those religious types in Utah would disapprove? Or it's too hot/cold/windy? Or I'll not be able to stop talking and a Northern guy accent is really just not going to pass for a girlie!

Please tell me I should just stay indoors 'cos it'll be WAY, WAY less embarrasing than going outside and watching the first person look at me and think "weirdo guy badly dressed as girl".

How do you switch off the "embarrassed as hell" bit of your brain (without the aid of large quantities of alcohol)?


Hey, Utah is one of my favorite places to crossdress.....Even stolled past the Tabernacle enfemme last year!!! Love Salt Lake City but i usually et stuck out in the coalfields near Price. Go for it, girl....Just don't end up as someones 5th wife...hehehe BTW... my first time out enfemme was in Utah 3 years ago.

Love Karren

Adrienne Heels
06-15-2006, 06:40 AM
Heather, you look very passable in your picture. You would be fine at a mall.

06-15-2006, 07:23 AM
Okay, SLC sounds fun ... but I'm down in Provo ... so an hour or so drive to SLC en femme (which sounds nice - actually driven in heels before) ...

Hmmm, okay think I'll go for the advice to take one thing at a time and just go for a walk first! Think it'll have to be the weekend, it's gonna take me long enough to get the makeup right!

Oh, forgot to say, I even bought a little handbag for the occasion as well ... bizarrely enough that was quite a thrill :)

06-15-2006, 02:01 PM
I actually live in the Provo area. It is a conservative area and if you don't pass, then you'll get a lot of weird looks. It's a very non-hostile and non-confrontational place though and I doubt you would get any attention other then strange looks.

06-16-2006, 07:08 AM
I actually live in the Provo area. It is a conservative area and if you don't pass, then you'll get a lot of weird looks. It's a very non-hostile and non-confrontational place though and I doubt you would get any attention other then strange looks.

Wow, a native :D

Well, I definitely think I'll get the weird looks, much as I would love to say I'm totally convincing I'd be just kidding myself.

Hmmm, I think I need to pluck up the courage to post a real picture of myself so you can all tell me how much of a disaster this is likely to be if/when I go outside!

:hugs: Fiona