View Full Version : Nail Repair

Karren H
06-16-2006, 06:45 PM
I'm a big user of stickon nails and have a bunch painted up and ready to go, but I all of a sudden my nails are longish and I really wanted to paint them up Monday night. Only had to make it through the weekend!! But Friday evening, 6:30 pm, I split my thumb nail while working on the power washer!!!! So i pulled out a tube of super glue and ran a bead down both sides and it worked. Solid as my real nails!! So guess I'll have to add a tube of super glue to my makeup kit!!!

What kind of neat tricks do you have?

Love Karren

06-16-2006, 06:47 PM
Super glue alone will usually give way in a day or so..... if you want a stronger repair, try using clear polish, then a small piece of tissue paper, then another layer of tissue paper. Or, super glue and tissue paper for a really strong bond, but it will be a little noticible....

06-16-2006, 07:27 PM
Had the same problem a couple of day ago.
I bought a Naileen (sp?) acrylic filler kit at CVS --$5.95.
It consist of a liquid acrylic and powder. Followed directions on package and coated my entire thumb nail. Filed smooth and covered with a coat of mat clear polish.
Have done a bunch of manual task since and it is holding up well. Seems to be much stronger than my bare nail. One caution --use in well ventilated area. The liquid portion has a very strong odor and I think would make you loopy in a closed area.

06-16-2006, 07:35 PM
I have my nails done acrylic at a salon, with fill ins every 2 or 3 weeks. They are indestructable! I cover with clear, they look really, really good, and no problem with chipping etc. I keep the nails polished 24/7.

06-16-2006, 08:01 PM
hi just stop in to any nail salon and have them do a overlay ofer the damaged nail this will only take a few mins and it will hold up real good.
good luck

06-17-2006, 02:03 PM
Yeah I have had this happen to me as well. I always remembered women reaching into their purses for the "crazy glue". I tried it but wound up with stuck fingers <g> so I went to a nail salon, The nail tech took one look knew what to do. she put what I think was a silk wrap on the nail to cover the natural one until it could grow out.She also did a manicure.The great thing about this was I had to go back every other week to have the wrap changed. Now I go on a regular basis for manicures. Rarely do i polish the fingers ,but have taken to keeping the toes polished most of the time

GG Vanya
06-17-2006, 02:54 PM
when overlays were in their infancy, a very wealthy friend of mine who is always the first to do/get whatever is currently en vogue, had very elaborate nails "installed" prior to a huge party on their house boat.

After a few drinks, she lit a cigarette, only to discover to her absolute horror and embarassment, she had also LIT her thumbnail! A quick dunk in her drink saved the day. :D

Just a caution ladies, they ARE flammable!

06-17-2006, 03:58 PM
About half the time I wear my own nails, the other half glue on. If you check the glue from any of these nails it's super glue. I almost always have a small tube in my purse for emergency repairs.

06-19-2006, 08:45 AM
Karen..... This the main reason I got acrylic nails last fall. I was always either breaking or spliting a nail. So I got all ten nails done in acrylic. Now they all all strong and none are artificial since even being longer than my fingures, they are natural nails, just with arcrylic on the top.

Just remember to put two coats of clear polish on first then two coats of color, and last two coats of clear. I made the mistake of not using clear first and when I took off the polish, it had stained the arcylic.

My nail tech, Tina, noticed this and was the one that told me the correct way to put on nail polish. Funy thing is she acted like every man wears nail polish and was not surpised that I had stained my nails. LOL

Karren H
06-21-2006, 10:01 PM
Well, I made it through the weekend and it did rebreak a few times. and I made it through day one of the mine visits.... So I did the tissure and clear polish to repair the crack and it worked well. Painted my toe and finger nails up pretty for monday night. When i finished up Tuessday morning I took off the polish and clipped my nails back to normal male mode length. Long finger nails are fun, but when you have to do anything, they are a pain in the #@$#! hehehe I still perfer stick-ons for my Just-In-Time life style!!

Thanks for all the help!!!

Love Karren

tekla west
06-21-2006, 11:19 PM
I would ever so much love to be able to lean over and with all the grace of Audrey Hepburn and all the cool of James Bond and say: "My dear, your hand seems to be on fire. Is that the new fashion?"

Let's see. They are plastic, flamable glue, covered with flamable paint. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Dee 1062
06-21-2006, 11:22 PM
You may want to try duck tape, it's great for all kinds of repairs...comes in grey and green and even chrome :)

06-28-2006, 09:57 PM
I mentioned earlier in this string that I have my nails done with acrylic. Last Sunday I was doing a repair and whacked my left index finger with a hammer! The nail cracked horizontally at the finger tip level @ 1/16" or so, and the acrylic was cracked all over the nail. Needless to say it hurt like h..l, and a small black area under the nail developed. I saw my manicurist on Monday, and in a jiffy she repaired the nail with acrylic. It is as good as new, but is still hurting a little. I keep my nails polished with clear, but they can be kept without polish. I cannot recommend acrylic strongly enough for those that have problems with chipping and cracking nails. This has solved a problem I had for many years!

06-29-2006, 07:22 AM
Good idea Jillian, but may I also suggest that gels are much thinner and more natural looking, and still protect the nails. There are also fiberglass (what I have now) and silk overlays too :)

Karren H
06-29-2006, 02:50 PM
Jill the bionic woman!! So even with clear nail polish doesy your wife say something about your nails? And what were you doing with a hammer anyway? Can't you get your wife to do that kind of work? Mine's home staining the dining and living room floors!! Of coarse I spent all day yesterday sanding them down....

Love Karren

06-29-2006, 03:18 PM
I have to watch a habit I have of nibling on my nails when I get stumped on a computer program problem. One day I bit a little too hard and heard a "Crack" sound. I looked at the nail and the acyrlic had cracked right down the middle of the nail. When I saw my nail tech that weekend, she looked at that one nail and asked what happen. I told her and she gave me that, "Shame on you" look. She had to grind off all the acrylic and redo that one. Boy, I tell you, you mess with her work and she lets you have it. LOL.

She has caught me with my nails stained red and red around the cuticles and has never question why. Then too I get my toes polished in a Bright Red. LOL

Marla S
06-29-2006, 03:41 PM
What kind of neat tricks do you have?

I pull a paper bag over my head, in order not to be read :tongueout

(Sorry, couldn't resist)

06-29-2006, 07:16 PM
To Karren: Wifey does not have a problem with my clear polished fingernails now that I have removed the hot pink from my toenails and keep them in clear now too! She does comment a little, however, when I let my nails get a little too long for her taste. But just mild comments. I was using the hammer to teach my grandson how to use the tool. I'll bet he never asks me for another lesson! At least the blood spot under the nail is a very small one, and does not appear to indicate that I will lose the nail. It is an axiom - never look away when swinging a hammer and you have the other hand in harms way!!!!!