View Full Version : Another step in the right direction.

Gemma Rhodes
06-17-2006, 10:27 AM
Hi All,

Tonight I am going for a meal at my sisters with her and her husband and it will be the first time they have met Gemma in person. A bit nervous but excited too. They are providing the food and I am taking the wine. Got 3 bottles to take so it should be a good night.

My sister has also told my niece today. Shes 21 and has taken the news really well. Going out with them for a meal tomorrow too so will have a quiet word with her then and show her my pics as I don't want to introduce Gemma to her yet until I know she is totally comfortable with this.

Gemma xx

Joy Carter
06-17-2006, 10:38 AM
Just be casual Gemma let her bring the subject up and don't bring the pics just yet wait till you can have a couple of conversations with her first so you know where she is on this. I'm so glad for you gurl and a little jealous I must admit.:hugs:

Gemma Rhodes
06-17-2006, 10:43 AM
Just be casual Gemma let her bring the subject up and don't bring the pics just yet wait till you can have a couple of conversations with her first so you know where she is on this. I'm so glad for you gurl and a little jealous I must admit.:hugs:

Thanks Joy, but Julie (my sister) has said that my niece wants to see my pics so I will show her them tomorrow.

Gemma xx

06-17-2006, 10:57 AM
Your one gutsy woman. I don't think I could ever tell my sisters about me.

06-17-2006, 10:58 AM
Hi Gemma,
You go for it girl, most of us would give our right arms to be in the position you are in now. So good luck and have a wonderful time, at 21 your niece is mature enough to know what she wants to see and what she doesn't.

Rachel Morley
06-17-2006, 11:10 AM
Wow, this is fantastic. Coming out to yourself and going out in public en femme is one thing, but openly coming out to your immediate family is something I'm too chicken to do at the moment.

Keep us updated on how it goes, I'll be really interested to hear what happened.

06-17-2006, 11:12 AM
Best of luck Gemma! Have a blast! With 3 bottles of wine, I'm sure the mood would be light :D


P.S: I am so so so jealous!!! No fair!!!

Gemma Rhodes
06-17-2006, 11:22 AM
Thanks girls,

I just wish I had told them about me years ago instead of going into denial. I was really worried about telling them but so far everyone has been brilliant and very supportive. My sister and my brothers ex-partner have even bought me clothes are both want to take me shopping (as they say I have better fashion sense than them)

If any of you girls can pluck up the courage to come out to your family then I hope you get as much satisfaction and enjoyment that I am experincing now.

Take care

Gemma xx

Nikki Dee
06-17-2006, 01:39 PM
I'm sure you will have a simply great evening Gemma...good for you girl.!!
Love Nikki. xxxxxxxxx

06-17-2006, 04:37 PM
Gemma -- You are one lucky girl to have the family you have. It's always nice to hear the good things that happen when you open up to different family members. Take care.

Gemma Rhodes
06-18-2006, 03:27 AM
Well girls, I had an absolutely fab night. I went round about 6.30pm and left at 1.30am and in that time we polished off a 3 course meal and SIX bottles of wine between the three of us.

Not once did I feel unfomfortable and neither did they. It was just a perfect night. Took some pics but left my camera there so will post them this afternoon as I am going out for a meal with them today too, though this time I will be in drab.

Take care

Gemma xx