View Full Version : Emailed pics....

06-17-2006, 04:03 PM
Last weekend I emailed a coulple of pictures of myself and my wife, Lil One to one of my daughters, at her request. I have not seen her since she was 10, she is now 25, married and has beautiful 6 mo. old little girl!!
Anyway, as I was clicking onn pics to add to the email I inadvertantly clicked on one of me dressed. I did not realize I had done this and I sent the email..

I got back a response that she "recieved the pics, saved the ones of you and Sue. But I have a question. Who is this Connie person sitting on the bed? Thats NOT you in a dress is it?" Thats all she said.

I replied, "Yes thats me. it was halloween and I dressed up as a girl"

Now I did NOT lie at all, IT actually was a pic taken halloween '04.

I am wondering whats next, should I just let it drop, or maybe ask her what she would think if I dressed that way at other times too? I have talked to Lil One, She say's I am onmy own with this one. She not gonna get in the middle of it. Especially since she has never met my daughter......

Some advice if I can get it please............
Thanks Connie

06-17-2006, 04:24 PM
Whoops! Well, I would personally wait till you know her a bit more before completely coming clean, but that is totally your decision. I'd be inclined to gauge her thoughts on crossdressing in general first. Either way - great damage control by saying it was for Halloween, and congrats that she didn't immediately think it was you dressed! You could also have done a mrs doubtfire and pretended it was another relative. Whatever happens, good luck, and please keep us updated!

Siobhan Marie
06-17-2006, 04:24 PM
you obviously hadn't intended to send your daughter one of you dressed, since she hasn't said anymore about it, I'd let sleeping dogs lie if I were you. Hope this helps you.

:hugs: Anna x

06-17-2006, 04:26 PM
Connie -- I would let this one ride. Your daughter may, at some point, question why the pic had the name Connie on it. That may open up some discussion.

06-17-2006, 04:29 PM
I wouldn't mention it, but I'd fess up if she really starts with questions. You want to be honest.

Julie Avery
06-17-2006, 04:32 PM
What DonnaT said :)

06-17-2006, 05:19 PM
To all of you good friends. I think I will take your advice and just let it drop.
Best thing to do anyway. I guess I knew the aswer but sometimes a person just needs a little verification

Thanks again. Connie

06-17-2006, 05:40 PM
I wouldn't mention it, but I'd fess up if she really starts with questions. You want to be honest.
Exactly what I think as well.....good luck

Barb Valentine
06-17-2006, 09:22 PM
I wouldn't mention it, but I'd fess up if she really starts with questions. You want to be honest.
Couldn't agree more

trannie T
06-20-2006, 07:52 PM
But did you enjoy halloween? I went to a couple of clubs in Reno and had a great time!