View Full Version : how to explain 2 a teenager

06-17-2006, 09:22 PM
eek: totaly confused on how to explain 2 a 14yr that i wear undies and dresses.

06-17-2006, 09:28 PM
well lets see, if you can give me a bit more info I might be able to help some. like is the kid a boy or girl, a relative, or a friends kid?


06-17-2006, 10:23 PM
When I told my grandkids, grandaughter first, she was 12 then. I just asked if she had ever heard of boys dressing up as girls. And we took it from there. Was a very good experience, and SHE took the very first pics ever of me dressed!! We even went to wallyworld and bought mathching skirt and blouse outfits!!
To relieve any fears, I went endrab. At least shopping.

He younger brother reacted well also, Turned out he had a friend in school who was a M2F cd!! And he did wear his dresses to school!! Now this suprised me!! But I never met the boy or his family.

THe best thing to is ask him questions. However you should ask yourself ONE big question first.

Is it truly important for Him to know?

lostmyhubby GG
06-17-2006, 10:27 PM
my kids have been pretty cool about it...my daughter is a very old mature 12 and my son 13, they have a Dad who is gay and has a partner so from a early age they have been open to new things that arent so normal in our area. So when their step dad came out i came to terms first then after we told my daughter now she thinks its awesome...and my Son...well nothing really phases him....I have been nothing but open, and honest about society and different people etc....and that no one is better than anyone....were all here to live happy lives while we can.

06-18-2006, 12:30 AM
eek: totaly confused on how to explain 2 a 14yr that i wear undies and dresses.

Well, if my Dad, or anyone else in my family, tried to explain something like that to me when I was 14, I wouldn't have had any problem understanding, because I did it myself long before that!:D

We even went to wallyworld and bought mathching skirt and blouse outfits!!

That place exists?! I thought it was just a fictitious name for the amusement park in the first Chevy Chase "Vacation" movie, which was really Six Flags Magic Mountain!

06-18-2006, 01:58 AM
That place exists?! I thought it was just a fictitious name for the amusement park in the first Chevy Chase "Vacation" movie, which was really Six Flags Magic Mountain!

walmart ... im just gonna throw that in there in case your being scarcastic , sorry i couldnt tell

06-18-2006, 03:58 AM
We told our 13 year old daughter that her dad 'dresses en femme'.At first she she said she hated him( that is nothing new...she does that all the time already),and promptly asked to see his clothes and makeup!
She doesn't wish to see him dressed,(which we understand completely)but she often asks to 'borrow' his makeup.
She sometimes sleeps out at friends and grandparents houses and this is when her dad can become 'Trish'.She knows he will be dressed in that time and always says have a great night.
I think she has handled it well, infact better than i did at first.
Another thing is when i do the laundry, they have similar styles of thongs and im always putting them in the wrong drawers.She often shouts 'dad', i've got your knickers again!:happy:

06-18-2006, 05:35 AM
eek: totaly confused on how to explain 2 a 14yr that i wear undies and dresses.

Is this a 14 year old that matters or just a teenager who read you somewhere and came up and asked a few questions? If its the former, being single I'm not going to venture opinion. If its the latter though...I'd say come up with something smart, like, "are you jealous?" or "do you want to exchange clothes" or "is there something wrong with my make-up?"


Angie G
06-18-2006, 11:47 AM
:hugs: I don't know My wife knows I dress and I don't see a need forothers to know.
Angie G