View Full Version : Dark Gloomy Cloud Looming

urban gypsy
06-20-2006, 12:12 PM
Hi All
I am writing this as I needed somewhere to pour my heart out.
There is very dark cloud looming over Emelda's world, a time of lonliness, dispair, sadness and depression is heading my way.
The reason for this is that my very dear friend Sonia and her partner are emigrating to Canada in just over week.
Now I know that the world is a smaller place due to technology, but its not the same as having a friend just round the corner.
Ann Marie has been very supportive and comforting. I also Know that Ann Marie accepts my dressing but this is only to a certain level , as even though she does not mind me dressing, she will only allow me to dress when she wants it or if she is out or if I'm going out. What is still more than a lot of you are allowed. But there are times when she just wants her husband and will not accept Emelda,[ this can be a couple months at a time].
Now Sonia on the other hand was all willing to go out have fun, sit have long chats, go for walks, meals. But more than this she was a shoulder to cry on, someone that knew exactly how I felt inside, and always knew the right things to say to make me feel better. We were like sisters. We would laugh together, cry together, shop together, get into trouble together and think of some bloody good excuses why we were so late in when the girls have been waiting up for us.
Just thinking about not having her round constantly brings a tear to the eye,[ and yes we have had a good howl].
I'm that down in the dumps that I have started to smoke again.
If it wasn't for the fact that I have Ann Marie who I love dearly I would lock myself away from the world. But Ann Marie is my wife, lover and soul mate who I could not live without, But Sonia is my sister and my friend who it will be very hard to be without in this cruel world.
I have to go now as I'm starting to cry yet again and need another cigarette.

06-20-2006, 12:52 PM
Its really hard when a friend moves away, but just think not so many years ago that ment a long time without contact nowadays with free video conferance OK its not exactly the same but a darn good second so you will never lose touch

06-20-2006, 02:29 PM
cheer up hun. their could be an ocational road trip to Canada. I hope you feel better soon. woops!!! Air trip.