View Full Version : When the words don't match the actions.....

06-25-2006, 04:45 AM
Hi Girls,

Some time ago I posted about my attempts to get to see an Avon rep in my home which, head office, assured me was not a problem. In spite of many exchanged emails and the assurances of that head office that it would be sorted, it hasn't been. So I've gone elsewhere making sure that Avon know that they have lost a customer.

Just thought it might save someone else the trouble.


Shelly Preston
06-25-2006, 06:22 AM
It would be interesting to hear if you get any reply from Avon, since informing them they have lost a customer.

06-25-2006, 07:49 AM
It would be interesting to hear if you get any reply from Avon, since informing them they have lost a customer.

Actually, one upset customer can result in the lost of 7 customers by word of mouth, where as a good experience can gain only 3 more. This was taught to me when I worked in a retail/drug store. But with the Internet you can more than triple those numbers.
In light of that you can contact them and let them know that you posted your experience in a high profiled forum0.02


Joy Carter
06-25-2006, 08:49 AM
Aw Emma and such a wasted opportunity for them to snag more customers. My SO was a makeup consultant and her supervisor did a party of CD and had such a great time that she just couldn't stop talking about it.:D

Karren H
06-25-2006, 09:22 AM
That's odd these days, a sale is a sale and it's all about the money!!!!! A friend, Jacky, told me about a Tri Ess meeting where they had Mary Kay rep there... giving demos and samples... Guess your Avon Lady isn't in it for the money!! hehehe

Love Karren

06-25-2006, 09:53 AM
Hi Girls,

Some time ago I posted about my attempts to get to see an Avon rep in my home which, head office, assured me was not a problem. In spite of many exchanged emails and the assurances of that head office that it would be sorted, it hasn't been. So I've gone elsewhere making sure that Avon know that they have lost a customer.

Just thought it might save someone else the trouble.


That's strange...

Instead of contacting the head office, just use word-of-mouth to find one and contact them directly. Any Avon Lady worth using will want to part you from your money. :-)

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.

Deidra Cowen
06-25-2006, 10:23 AM
It really surprises me that some trannies don't become Avon reps. Especially in a big city like Atlanta you know they could have a few appointments a week with other CDs needing makup and advice.

Shelly Preston
06-25-2006, 01:22 PM
Actually, one upset customer can result in the lost of 7 customers by word of mouth, where as a good experience can gain only 3 more. This was taught to me when I worked in a retail/drug store. But with the Internet you can more than triple those numbers.
In light of that you can contact them and let them know that you posted your experience in a high profiled forum0.02

Hi Carroll
I did know the figures but was interested to see if you had a reply from Avon

Sarah Rabbit
06-25-2006, 03:26 PM
I would have thought, had a Head Office E-mail address been available, was to show our Disatisfaction en-masse (Heh heh heh:evil: )

Just a Thought:angel:

Sarah R. :bunny:

06-28-2006, 02:19 PM
Well Girls,

Following your replies, I wrote back to them explaining that I had gone elsewhere and that I had posted my experiences on a forum for like-minded people. This was the reply I received.

Thank you for your recent email.

Please accept my apologies for the unsatisfactory level of service received. Clearly, this is not the service we are aiming to provide. We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that there is a commitment on our part to raise the standard of customer service.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Not sure exactly what it means but I don't think I'll be hearing from them in the near future!


GG Vanya
06-28-2006, 02:48 PM
I think my first "further question" would be (in my subsequent reply to them)

What are you going to do to compensate me for the insensitivy of YOUR representative?

That sounds like a stupid form letter to me. I wouldn't settle for it. Prod them a tad more, and ask for the home email address. :D We'll ALL send 'em a letter. I'm a GG, but by golly, I'll tell 'em what "I" think about pig headed reps.

Ding Dong THIS, ya doofuses!

06-28-2006, 03:31 PM
"We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that there is a commitment on our part to raise the standard of customer service. "

Which says to me that they know their customer service is garbage already.

"...a commitment on our part..." means we INTEND to do something sometime but just not sure when.

Not that I use Avon or their reps, (too many questions at home would be asked) but that sort of "form letter, piece of boilerplate" from any company would send me over the edge to another company.

Rachel Newark
06-28-2006, 04:00 PM
Thank you for your recent email.

Please accept my apologies for the unsatisfactory level of service received. Clearly, this is not the service we are aiming to provide. We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that there is a commitment on our part to raise the standard of customer service.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

this sounds like a standard letter, i.e. we don't care, please go away and stop bothering us..

and their nail varnish is rubbish anyway !

Rachel Newark

06-28-2006, 05:53 PM
and their nail varnish is rubbish anyway !

That's right, their nail polish/varnish sucks!, even their basecoats and nail treatments suck! I don't know why, everything else seems to be of okay quality.

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr

06-28-2006, 05:55 PM
It really surprises me that some trannies don't become Avon reps. Especially in a big city like Atlanta you know they could have a few appointments a week with other CDs needing makup and advice.

I've been tempted to do it myself, except I don't really ahve the time available to make any real money at it. It's pretty obvious to me that my makeupista powers are pretty puissant by local standards. And pretty good by Avon Lady standards.

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.

06-29-2006, 01:23 AM
Forget Avon. Go with Mary Kay if you are going to use any of those types of businesses. Here in Austin alone I've known three CD's and one TS that were Mary Kay reps. Hell, one of the CD's even had one of those pink cars for selling so much.

Just from that it strikes me that Mary Kay either just wants the money, or they get it and know that we pretty much double their client base.

Oh, and I work in customer reclamation, if you will, and we have form letters just like that one. But I'll tell you this, I hate those things. I type out individual emails to each and every customer our sales people piss off. Granted we are not some huge conglomerate either, just a small business trying to make some money.

a/sarcasm on "Oh it's so much fun repairing damaged communications between people." a/sarcasm off

Just my 0.02 ,
Ericka Jean

06-29-2006, 12:04 PM
Gee, we've had reps and supervisors from Avon at meetings doing demos, etc. and they were glad for the opportunity. They even had a drawing for a door prize (my wife won it) and signed up a few members as reps!

The supervisor told us that the company instructs them that alternate lifestyles are not to be a negative issue.


Siobhan Marie
06-29-2006, 05:28 PM
I, like Emma contacted Avon on a couple of occasions to try and get a rep to visit me and heard absolutely nothing, I've given up on them and have signed up at Escentual, http://www.escentual.com and am going to buy from them instead. Avon have lost my custom and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. :(

:hugs: Anna x

06-29-2006, 06:47 PM
Try Merle Norman. I got acquainted with one of their sales ladies down in Knoxville Tn (under false pretenses though). I told her I was having laser surgery on my face and my doctor suggested some foundation to hide the redness:eek: I don’t think she believed me though, but she was very helpful in picking the right shade for my complication. I went back the next day and fessed up to her. Boy was I scared:o She was actually very kind and understanding and informed me she had done several CDs in the past. Boy was I in heaven or should I say Girl. We became good friends, and I always visited her shop when I was in town.
I eventually had her do a makeover on me after I changed into my femm attire at her shop. After, I drove around in rush hour traffic in downtown Knoxville for about an hour just enjoying the drive as Lanie. I was on cloud nine:happy: We eventually asked if she would come to one of our TS/CD meetings we had every month to which she replied “Well I would be delighted!” Anyway just give them a call first and see if they are TG friendly.

P.S. I don’t use their foundation anymore, but I got great advice from them on color tones for my skin type and a lot of great ideas.

Hugs and Kisses