View Full Version : Need Advice

07-07-2006, 09:38 AM
Good Morning Girls, Today is off to a wonderful start for me. Was up early & meet a GG for breakfast(i dressed of course). We had a wonderful chat. Stopped at my salon & said hi to the girls there & than took a walk in the park & sat on a bench & watched the river flow by.
I than left & thought i would try to see if anyone was at our local GLBT place, sure enough. The 1st time i caught someone there. We had a nice talk & by the time us girls were done she said to me," we have had many calls for a support group here for people as yourself. Would you think about being a contact person seeing you seem so comfortable with yourself." WOW this blew me out of the water. What do you girls think? I know there are many like us in every town that need people to chat with but i've only accepted the true me for 8 /9 months, can i do any good?
I just want to make others happy as you girls here have helpped me but on a local scale. Is it to risky? She said i could stay behind the scenes somewhat. Please give me your thoughts.
:love: ,Janelle

07-07-2006, 09:45 AM
I would at least investigate it. Talk to the GLBT person more about it. Then once you have all the facts, make your decision.

07-07-2006, 09:48 AM
Thanks JoAnn, she is going to take to a board meeting this monday to see how they feel about it. I guess i'm leaning towards it cause of all the trouble we all have. Just my thoughts & not sure if good or bad.
Thanks dear.
:hugs: Janelle

07-07-2006, 09:50 AM
Janelle, go for it hon. As you seem so comfy already with our lifestyle, you would probably be a great help to other newbies. I would advise staying 'behind the scenes' as the person suggested, for a little while at least. Have you any experience helping in a volunteer type orginization before? There is a lot to learn, really, on how to help people, what resources are available, etc. But we all know, that help is always welcomed, and maybe you can have a positive influence on someone that is unsure about themselves.0.02


07-07-2006, 09:56 AM
...you haven't mentioned the size of the community you're dealing with.

I will say this: prepare yourself for a lot of work - and sometimes rejection., Make sure you have pledged help in advance. And finally, ask yourself why the girl who suggested this isn't willing to do it herself!!!

Good luck

Lipstick kisses


07-07-2006, 10:35 AM
My town is @ 51000 people with several smaller town very nesr by, total for area maybe 75-80000.
I asked her why she didn't want part of it & it is she is a lesbian & not sure of all our needs or wants. Also she cannot tell someone how it feels or what one goes thru. I see point very well. It would be like asking a new person here to truely define who & what they are, impossible.
As far as help that is something we would have to chat about but it sounded it would be more of a one on one thing unless i wanted to use the building for meetings if the board approves.
I hope this answers ?'s i have raised in your minds.
As far as training, i have none but my life experence. I have done things for others, churchs, city things, so i have helpped others in the area.
I guess a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Thanks for your input but could use more. Thanks
:love: Janelle

Win Der Mere
07-07-2006, 11:10 AM
Janelle, Sounds genuine, although do remember that discretion is the better part of valour, and avoid giving out personal details in the early stages, and, only then, when more than 100 % sure.
Charity work is great, can be very rewarding, and is especially great when ( as in your case) is close to "home". It can become very demanding, and you need to be able to "step back", as you are doing here, and discussing with like-minded people.
Meeting the "board " could be interesting, or risky : play it with caution, I hope you get a lot from it, in a positive sense.
In the UK we have the Charity Commission, and most genuine bodies are registered with them. Well worth checking out. Mind you, they're a pain when your body is genuine and registered ! Maybes you have a similar orgn, which verifies the credibility factor ?
