View Full Version : Lucky? Accident

Helen MC
07-09-2006, 09:39 AM
This is primarily for M to F CDs.

Assuming you had an accident or illness which meant that your penis and testicles had to be amputated but that otherwise you were fit and cured What would you want to do post operatively?

1 Accept plastic surgery to provide an artificial penis and cosmetic testicles and take male hormone tablets or implants?

2 Accept this new beginning and ask the surgeons to create an artificial vagina instead, perhaps have silicone breast implants, take female hormones and live your life as a woman?

07-09-2006, 09:50 AM
Thats a tough question. And one that would have to be discussed with my wife. I am happy to be male most of the time, but could not say how I would feel if I could no longer function sexually. I also have children to consider. If it happened tomorrow, I would probably have to stay male for their sakes, but if it happened after they were grown, I would give serious consideration to going female. Hopefully I will never be faced with something like that.


Kristen Kelly
07-09-2006, 09:50 AM
That would be a sign from God!

Siobhan Marie
07-09-2006, 09:52 AM
I'd go with option 2 and take the new beginning and live full time as Anna.

:hugs: Anna x

07-09-2006, 10:00 AM
it would be number 2, as much as i like my hardware, to settle for palstic down there , i rather be totally female

07-09-2006, 10:00 AM
Difficult question to ponder. If "IT" happened I don't think the answer would be "hard" any more, so,.....I guess I'd have to give serious consideration to making a full transition. The only problem I can see, is having to explain to others why I'm doing what I'm doing.

Shelly Preston
07-09-2006, 10:02 AM
What about option three

Create a vagina and stay as a male ( hormones and implants later maybe )

This would remove the need for anything artificial

Most likely option two

07-09-2006, 10:09 AM
That is a tough one....often thought about it though beleive it or not....I guess it would be a discussion between my son and I, I am a single dad, and he doesn't know about my cding.....if it were ok with him, I would take door #2

Joy Carter
07-09-2006, 10:24 AM
This kinda hits home I was on antidepressants for many years little did I know but they have significantly reduced my testosterone levels. The effects have been slow beard growth, less hair loss, decreased temper and less body oder. As far as having to change sure I'd go with the vagina there might be a chance that I could
have some sexual function albeit different. Breasts there are always forms if I was dressed. Otherwise I'd call it "streamlining" things a bit. LOL

connie rotten
07-09-2006, 10:38 AM
I would click the heels of my rube slippers together and and say "there is no place like home there is no place like home" while trying like hell to wake up. :eek:

07-09-2006, 10:46 AM
Think I would take option two. Pretty sure.

April Marie

Kate Simmons
07-09-2006, 11:12 AM
I wouldn't do it purposely but if it was the result of an accident, I would take option 2. Mostly because I could be Ericka 24/7 but would still be Richard mentally anyway (with or without my 'buddy"). Ericka has enough testosterone for the both of us and she will never change. Would I "miss" being Richard in appearance? Nah, as I always have the option of being "Eric" and will no doubt always be a CD one way or the other just because of the kind of person I am. Richard

07-09-2006, 11:20 AM
For me the decision would be very easy, and i would take option 2 in a minuet.

I would love to be able to transition fully and that would be a way of accomplishing what I desire, but I really do not want to go through an accident for it to happen


Stephenie S
07-09-2006, 12:03 PM
This an interesting fantasy.

But it is a fantasy nontheless. No surgeon would do SRS under these conditions. You would still have to live as your target gender fot a year before this became a possibility.

Also, it's not the physical apendage that make the man (or woman). Remember John Babbit? (I think that was his name)(his apendage was removed by his wife) Do you think he became a woman during the time his male apendage was removed? I think not. You can live very well as a man without the traditional equipment. Many F2M people do it all the time.

But to answer the question in the spirit it was asked, I would go the second route in a NY minute. No doubt in my mind at all.


Lady Jayne
07-09-2006, 01:33 PM
Wow now there's a question that could open up a whole can of worms, truth be told I used to wish for that very thing all the time. I guess I just thought it would make it easier for my family to accept the "new" me. Thinking about it how you answer this question tells you a lot about yourself and your motives for cd'ing doesn't it.

07-09-2006, 01:39 PM
This would be the chance at a new beginning after what would be a horrible tramatic expierience. For that to happen to a CDer could only be a sign from above. We're lucky to have the mind openned to option 2.


Karren H
07-09-2006, 02:12 PM
Good question!!! I dare say that an accident that would take out the male sexual organs would do some additional dammage...... So depending on the extent of the dammage, I'd probably go for number 2. Hopefully there is some minor facial damage so I can get my face feminized a bit more, too!! Kind of too-fer!!! hehehe

Love Karren

07-09-2006, 02:33 PM
This is primarily for M to F CDs.

Assuming you had an accident or illness which meant that your penis and testicles had to be amputated but that otherwise you were fit and cured What would you want to do post operatively?

1 Accept plastic surgery to provide an artificial penis and cosmetic testicles and take male hormone tablets or implants?

2 Accept this new beginning and ask the surgeons to create an artificial vagina instead, perhaps have silicone breast implants, take female hormones and live your life as a woman?
Neither... I could then pass as male or female - or just go androgynous... This sounds very strange of me (to some people), but I actually wouldn't care if my male genitalia had to be removed.

Maria D
07-09-2006, 02:38 PM
While SRS is in my future at some point, I'd hate to have my penis amputated: it has a use that is usually preserved in SRS that would be lost if removed.
Though TS, I'd probably commit suicide.

07-09-2006, 05:09 PM

Start a new foursome playing from the ladies tees....

Helen MC
07-09-2006, 05:14 PM
Interesting responses and I too would go for Option 2 , vagina, silicone breasts, female hormones etc should such an event occur.

Teresa Amina
07-09-2006, 06:31 PM
Assuming this is strictly an either/or choice then #2. But I think an Androgynous option is intriguing, at least for a while on the way to option 2.

Marla S
07-09-2006, 06:49 PM
Similar to Maria D, I wouldn't be happy of neither option. If there isn't anything anymore there isn't anything left to form a vagina and there isn't anything left to feel.
So, for me that would probably the worst case.
Better I go for option #3: a jockstrap. :straightface:

Kristen Kelly
07-09-2006, 11:03 PM
Good question!!! I dare say that an accident that would take out the male sexual organs would do some additional dammage...... So depending on the extent of the dammage, I'd probably go for number 2. Hopefully there is some minor facial damage so I can get my face feminized a bit more, too!! Kind of too-fer!!! hehehe

Love Karren

The Bionic Woman.... dont wish for something you cant deal with, the reason transition takes time is so you can adjust to your new self. To be thrown into being a woman would be a lot to deal with.

07-09-2006, 11:04 PM
No qestion here. Monty, I'll take door number 2!

07-09-2006, 11:27 PM
door #2, as quick as i could beg. You would be taking mones anyway might as well be fem mones.
And I have fatasized about this very thing.
Huggs, Shelly

07-09-2006, 11:49 PM
Once I did what was medically necessary for my physical health: option 1 1/2 or option 3: I would be able to honestly say that I don't have _____ because of the "accident". Because of Michelle I wouldn't replace them. On the other hand, hormones or a vagina could hurt my family and my job

I dont want to be Michelle full time, and an accident wouldn't change that.


Brenda Locke
07-11-2006, 08:57 PM
For myself I would have to say option #2.

LoL Brenda:heehee:

07-11-2006, 10:53 PM
Most likely would pick #2. In all reallity it has served its intended purpose, two beautiful kids. And Dr. Snippy has done his handy work (vasectomy). So for the most part having the bulge removed from my skirt would be welcomed.

Barb Valentine
07-11-2006, 11:09 PM
I'm afraid I would take option four
I would not have them replaced and just continue living as a man
and that way if someone says I have no balls I can show them that they are right:heehee:

Casey Morgan
07-12-2006, 10:15 AM
I'd go for option #2, but without the hormones and everything else. I know what it's like to have a penis. I'd like to know what it's like to have a vagina, even if it's artificially constructed.

Oh, to have been born a member of Homo Sapiens Potatohead.

07-12-2006, 10:43 AM
How about option #4. No penis implamt or vagina implamt. Then I would not have to worry about tucking and I would have no bulge to worry about. LOL I sit down as it is to pee, so it would not be a problem with me.

07-12-2006, 10:45 AM
Well, of course I'd be interested in going for number 2. However, if my penis had been damaged it could mean that they couldn't form a clitoris, or indeed be able to construct a vaginal wall anyway. The other thing is, I'm not actually attracted to men, so it wouldn't get much use unless in a lesbian-style relationship. Actually that sounds quite interesting... :-)

07-12-2006, 04:01 PM
as long as i had something to pee through i wouldn't mind, although i'd miss intercourse (not that i get much of that anyway!!).
i suppose there's some medical reason somewhere for having to take some kind of hormones though .........

07-12-2006, 04:29 PM
Though not an official option, I'll take #4 also.

07-13-2006, 04:19 PM
Hopefully will not happen for none of us, because as you said, it's an illness.
anyway, if it dose, I'll go for #2 because when I don't have any mens sexuality,
Physically, and androgenic ,.. well, why don't try other gender feeling ? :heehee:

07-13-2006, 05:38 PM
#2 hormones and all . thats something i've contemplated many times and that sort of situation would make it something that had to be dealt with . though i can see lots of mental problems trying to adjust at the drop of a hat (or private parts) lol

07-13-2006, 10:56 PM
I would most definately go for the vagina, not sure about the implants and hormones, at least at the beginning.

07-13-2006, 11:26 PM
Who here has read a detailed description of what really goes on in SRS, the possible complications that can arise from the procedure, and the pain of dilating?

It scares me :(

07-13-2006, 11:40 PM
i would choose # 2 im sure my wife would understand and agree

Teresa Amina
07-14-2006, 09:54 AM
Who here has read a detailed description of what really goes on in SRS, the possible complications that can arise from the procedure, and the pain of dilating?

It scares me :(

That's what makes the Androgynous option the best choice! Don't think I could handle that Dilating thing for the rest of my life. And have you seen the poor breast development in the over age 30 cases? :eek: Ewww! Where are those genetic engineers when you need them?

07-14-2006, 10:04 AM
Where's the scalpel I can’t wait lol
Give me No 2 at least then I would have a full time excuse to be dressed femme.

07-14-2006, 10:12 AM
Considering the only two options I would definetley go for #2. I would miss my penis but the thought of living 24/7 as a woman is something that I would love to do. - Lynn

Maria D
07-15-2006, 12:38 PM
Who here has read a detailed description of what really goes on in SRS, the possible complications that can arise from the procedure, and the pain of dilating?

It scares me :(

It should do, it's quite a procedure, though of course there are many different ways of doing it, rather than 'one srs' procedure.
It scares me too and it's not to be taken lightly, it's just the only means to that end, currently. Sometimes a girls gotta do...

Ranee Daze
07-15-2006, 01:40 PM
From now on I'll wear a cup when I'm, playing road hockey with the boys or cutting firewood!

Though I am not interested in transsexualism, I understand through a TS friend here in Ottawa that in the TS surgery the penis is actually turned rather inside out to form a vagina rather than discarded. How does this affect your scenario?

07-15-2006, 04:20 PM
No question at all it would have to be option one I might like dressing in womans clothes but i've no desire to be a woman

07-15-2006, 06:03 PM
It would be option 2 for me minus the breast implants. Since hormones are part of the treatment, they would create real breasts in just a few years. I would like that much better. :doll: